21st November 2010 – Feast of Christ the King

Christ the King
Courage is what carries us through difficult times. It is the strength that gives us direction in times of confusion. Courage comes from deep within us. It is concerned with all the little and big challenges of life. We admire the courage we see in people of all ages, in the face of adversity. We see it in children who may have lost a close relative; we see it in young people when they do not follow their peers aimlessly. Young couples bring up their families, many today facing unemployment. Old people reveal their courage as they battle with ageing or ill health.  We are encouraged to acknowledge, that when faced with the ultimate choices, we too are gifted with courage. We have Jesus as our model, who remained faithful to His trust in the Father, in spite of the shouts of His accusers and the abandonment by His friends.    As His followers we are called to give witness to His truth. “Whoever loves and seeks the real truth belongs to the Kingdom” (Jn 18 : 37).
Today’s feast invites us again to renew our personal loyalty and commitment to Jesus who is our Way, our Truth and our Life.

Marriage Support
The Diocesan Collection in support of the Cork Marriage Counselling Centre Paul St. takes place this weekend.  Last year the counsellors worked with 1271 couples preparing for marriage and with 1,047 clients for counselling. We encourage parishioners to help and support the marriage preparation and marriage counselling centre in the diocese by giving to this special collection.  

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
The 12 noon Mass this Sunday 21st Nov. – the feast of Christ the King will be offered for all Road Traffic Victims. Members of the emergency services – Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service the Gardaí and medical and caring professions and family members of road traffic victims will be joining us for this Mass of Remembrance.

Alzheimer Society: Saturday Club, from 2pm until 4pm on Saturday 20th Nov. at Bessboro Day Care Centre.  
Ministers of the Eucharist: can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

Ministers of the Word: can collect their Missal with readings for the coming year in the Sacristy.

Christ Kings Girl’s Primary School: OPEN DAY- Thurs November 25th 11.30- 1pm

Ursuline Secondary School, Blackrock is staging a production of The Sound of Music on 23rd, 24th and 25th Nov. An evening of music and song. Tickets available from school office. Tel: 021 4358012

Congratulations to Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane on winning the prestigious All Ireland School Choir Competition. Well done to Anne Dunphy and the Choir.

Little Turners Community Playgroup
, 25 Capwell Rd., Turners Cross. Tel. 4915934.  Now registering for Sept. 2011.

Walk With Me:  As we begin our Advent journey next weekend an excellent little book: “Walk with Me” is available after Mass at the back of the Church (Cost €1.30). A journey of prayer for Advent & Christmastide 2010

Handle’s Messiah: There will be a performance of Handle’s musical masterpiece The Messiah here in Christ the King Church on Sat. 4th Dec. at at 8pm.

Amanda Neri sings Romance on Fri Nov 26th @ 8pm at Cork School of Music – Tickets from Pro Musica €15 / €12.50 conc.

Deaths: Our Prayers & Sympathies go to the families of Jack O’Mahony, Tramore Lawn  and Donal Coveney, Lehanamore who died recently.   May they be at peace with God.

Turner’s Cross Day-Care Centre Capwell Road  (Behind the Church)
We are holding a Coffee morning and sale of work o  Fri. 26th Nov. from 10.30 – 1pm. Tea/Coffee and scones €3.  Many items €3 or less. Raffle for monster hamper. Arrive early for Christmas bargains.

Rebuild My Church Sat 27th & Sun 28th Nov @ C.I.T. beginning @ 10.30 each day with Mass, Prayer, Testimonials & Healing Ministry. Details on Church Noticeboard.

Legion of Mary  A Mass to commemorate the death of Frank Duff founder of the Legion of Mary will be celebrated in St. Augustine’s Church, Washington St. on Sat. 27th Nov. at 4pm

Pray as you go: is a Jesuit initiative, providing daily prayers and reflections to download to your MP3. Each podcast centres around the days readings, helping you take time out to pray.  More details: http://www.pray-as-you-go.org/

Masses:The 6pm Vigil Mass on this Sat. 20th Nov. is being offered for all the living and deceased members of Nemo Rangers Hurling & Football Club and on Dec 4th at 6pm for the living & deceased members of Turner’s Cross Credit Union.

Ner Altar Servers Training of new Altar Servers will continue this coming week.

Turner’s Cross Parish Assembly.

Nominations for the 2nd Parish Assembly will take place over the coming weeks and we ask you to think and pray about this and identify those whom you feel will benefit our community.

Young Adults Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2011.

Young Adults (18-35) Pilgrimage as part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes ~11th – 16th June 2011. Further details: Sr. Karen Kent in the Pastoral Development Office at 021-4537601 or email karen.kent@corkandross.org