14th November 2010 – 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Our Parish has been selected to host the Mass to mark this special day. The 12 noon Mass next Sunday 21st Nov. will be offered for all Road Traffic Victims. Members of the emergency services – Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Service the Gardaí and medical and caring professions and family members of road traffic victims will be joining us for this Mass of Remembrance.

Feast of Christ the King
To mark the feast there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament from 3pm until before the Vigil Mass at 6pm next Sat. 20th Nov. To ensure that there will be people in the Church during this time, there is a list at the back of the Church where you can indicate the time you would like to spend before the Blessed Sacrament.   The Lord said  “Can you watch one hour with me”

‘Do this in Memory’
Meeting of the Coordinating Parents Group will take place in Fr. Kerry’s house on this Mon. evening 15th Nov. @ 7.30pm.  

Marriage Support
The Diocesan Collection in support of the Cork Marriage Counselling Centre Paul St. takes place next weekend Nov. 20th and 21st.  Last year the counsellors worked with 1271 couples preparing for marriage and with 1047 clients for counselling. We encourage parishioners to help and support the marriage preparation and marriage counselling centre in the diocese by giving to this special collection.  

Nemo Rangers:

The 6pm Vigil Mass on next  Sat. 20th Nov. is being offered for all the living and deceased members of Nemo Rangers Hurling & Football Club

Blessing of Graves and Prayers in St. Catherine’s Cemeterie Kilcully this Sunday 14th Nov. at 3pm

Alzheimer Society: Saturday Club, from 2pm until 4pm on Saturday 20th Nov. at Bessboro Day Care Centre.  

New Altar Servers:

Training of new Altar Servers will commence this coming week.
Evergreen A.F.C. U11 School Boys League, Recruitment of new members under way  (all born in 1999) Training Wednesday nights at Christ King Girls School, South Douglas Rd 7pm to 8pm Contact Brian Maher 087-6722851 or Dave McCarthy 087-9919510

Turner’s Cross Parish Assembly.
Shortly, our current and first parish assembly will have completed the first three year term. Over the next number of weekends we will be talking about the new parish assembly which will be formed in the beginning of 2011, and, we are inviting our parishioners and worshipping community to think about the future of our parish for the next three years and also into the future. You will be given an opportunity to nominate people from our parish and worshipping community those whom you feel would work well in the new parish assembly, you can also even nominate yourself. At this stage you may be asking the question:
What is a Parish Assembly? – it is a gathering of a cross-section of people throughout the parish community and those of our weekly worshipping community who together will create a renewed experience of belonging and participation in the life of Christ King Parish. As a group we together work on a shared vision for the parish, addressing the identified needs of our community and set up appropriate working groups. The assembly is about using life skills and experience of parishioners for the benefit of all, resulting in a vibrant faith community here in Turner’s Cross. The Parish Assembly is not about finance, fund-raising, buildings and maintenance, as these issues are already dealt with by the current Parish Finance Committee, nor will it take over the roles of people already involved in the parish. Over the coming few weeks we ask you to think and pray about this and identify those whom you feel will benefit our community.

Young Adults Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2011.
A group of young adults from various parishes throughout the diocese have come together in recent months to plan a Young Adults (18-35) Pilgrimage as part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes between the 11th and 16th June 2011.
They extend an open invitation to anyone aged between 18 and 35 who wishes to "come and see and be a helping hand." The experience will include walking in the footsteps of Bernadette and sharing her story, exploring the message of Lourdes together, spending time in a spirit of faith with other like-minded young adults, participating in the prayer and liturgies of the wider diocesan pilgrimage as well as being of service to the sick pilgrims from the diocese and ministering to them.
It's a great opportunity not only to share the experience of Lourdes but also to meet other young adults from Cork and Ross and to share and learn from one another. All are welcome. If you are interested, or simply would like to know more, please contact Sr. Karen Kent in the Pastoral Development Office at 021-4537601 or email karen.kent@corkandross.org or by contacting Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie.

Ministers of the Eucharist: can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

Cork Theology Forum: Stem Cell Research and Theology: Opening up the Conversation Speakers: Dr. Agneta Sutton  (is Senior Lecturer in Moral Theology at the University of Chichester) Dr. Pádraig Corkery  (a priest of the diocese of Cork and Ross. He is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Lecturer in Moral Theology in the Pontifical University in Maynooth)  Sat. 20th Nov. 9.30am to 1.15pm
Sacred Heart Hall, Western Road

Husbands and Wives:Before the Christmas rush starts in earnest, why not give your spouse a special gift of a marriage enrichment weekend away with you in the Lake Hotel Killarney from 26th (8pm) to 28th (4pm) November 2010. Presented by Marriage Encounter, this is a break with a difference that will help rekindle and enrich the love and joys that you share together. It is for both the recently married and for those married for many years.  For details and booking visit: www.marriageencounter.ie
or phone 064 6644319, 086 8334382 087 6670418