All Saints Day: Mon. 1st Nov. Holyday of Obligation Masses: Mon. 10am, 12noon and 6pm. (please note there will be no vigil Mass on Sun. 31st Oct.)
Our Saints
All around us there are men and women whose stories guide us on our journey. These are people in whom the two great commandments, love of God and love of neighbour, have been joined to an extraordinary degree. We draw encouragement and inspiration from these men and women who have gone before us. Each one has made the path that bit easier for the rest of us. And when we experience weariness and a sense of failure and futility, it's as if they are saying to us, 'We are with you. Don't give up.' They are reminders to us of what life is about. They inspire us, encourage us and give us hope. And of course, they also intercede for us.
The Month of Our Dead
The month of November is the time we think of our dead. We purposefully make time for our dead in thought, prayer and visitation to their place of rest. It is what we do, at this time of year. When this month comes round, we see the signs of death, as nature lies in repose on the landscape all around us. It is a bleak time for nature and a bleak time for those who lost loved ones recently and those who bear old wounds of loss.
Yet, we bear it because November is about those whom we loved in life and love all the more in death. Life itself keeps us busy. We do manage to get on with our lives after someone we love has died. Dont feel guilty for moving on and even for living a day or two when we dont think of our loved ones. We stay close to them no matter what course our lives take.
All Holy Souls Day 2nd Nov. Masses 10am, 10.20am & 6pm
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on this Tues. 2nd -10th Nov. During the Novena daily Masses at 10am & 6pm Envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Make out the list of your dead and return them to box at Altar Rails. Names will be placed at the Altar during the novena.
Remembrance Weekend 6th & 7th Nov.
At all our Masses next weekend we as a Community will have an opportunity to come together to remember all our loves ones, especially those who have died since November last year and to support one another in our loss. Family members are invited to light a light in memory of their loved ones and place it on the altar rail before Mass. Lights will be available at the back of the Church at the Masses. All Masses next weekend will be offered for our Dead. Prayers and Blessing of Graves in St. Josephs at 2.30pm 7th Nov. Bring a container for Holy Water
Indulgence for the Holy Souls
You can gain an indulgence for the Holy Souls from 1st to 8th November by visiting a cemetery, (The Priests Graves in Church grounds is a cemetery) pray for the dead and say the Our Father, Hail Mary and a prayer for the Popes intentions.
Story Telling Event: Stories of Ghosts and Goblins in Community Centre Curragh Rd. on Wed 3rd Nov. at 7.30pm. All welcome refreshments served.
Do this in Memory We welcome the children preparing for First Holy Communion and their parents to our Mass this Sunday. This coming year Boys & Girls will receive their First Holy Communion together on Sat. 14th May 2011
County Final: Our congratulations to Nemo – Eddie Kirwan, captain Brian Morgan and the squad on a great win last Sunday – you did us proud.
Blessing of Graves and Prayers in Cemeteries:
Sat. 6th Nov.
St. Olivers 2pm with Mass
Sun 7th Nov.
St.Josephs Turners Cross 2.30pm
St. Finbarrs Glasheen Rd. 2.30pm
St. Michaels Blackrock 3pm
Douglas 3pm
Rathcooney 3pm
Curraghkippane 3pm with Mass
St. James, Chetwynd 3pm
Sunday 14th Nov.
St. Catherines Kilcully 3pm
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane 3rd 30th Nov. Art exhibition featuring acrylic paintings on canvas done by The Wednesday Art Group from The Togher Family Centre. Admission is free & all are welcome.
First Friday: Fr. Kerry & Fr. Charlie will visit the sick and the housebound this coming Thursday & Friday at the usual times
If you know of any Parishioner who is housebound and who would like to receive the Sacraments, please contact one of the Priests or the Sacristan.
Joyful Celebrations Greet New Bishop in Native Parish
Diocese of Cork & Ross Lourdes Pilgrimage 2011
An invitation to 18 35 year olds to Come and see and be a helping hand
Information on Parish Assembly notice board at back of Church.
Parish Child Safeguarding Representatives: The role of the parish child safeguarding representatives is to ensure that all information about child protection procedures is available, thus ensuring that each parish is committed to best practice in respect of children and young people. People who may be interested in becoming parish representatives are invited to give their names to one of the priests of the parish by 11th Nov. 087 2610276. An updated training course will take place shortly for both existing and new representatives.
Deaths: Our Prayers & Sympathy go to The families of Leana Martin, Ballinlough. Kitty Lane, OConnell Cres. & Josephine Forde, South Douglas Rd. who died recently. May they be at peace with God.
Cork South Parish Historical Society Monthly Meeting on Wed. 3rd Nov. at 7:45 p.m. in St Johns College Sawmill Street, Guest Speaker Alicia St Leger will speak on Skiddys Almshouses A 400 year-old Legacy. All Welcome Non-members 2
All Night Vigil of Reparation & Adoration South Presentation Chapel, Douglas Street, on the First Friday- 4th November. Rosary starts at 10 p.m. First Friday Mass at 10.30 p.m. First Sat. Mass at 6 am. "Could you not watch one hour with me"
Our Lady Of Fatima Rosary
Prayer Group, are holding their Annual Rosary Procession around the Lough this Sun. 31st Oct. Assembling Lough Church at 2.30pm. Finishing with Benediction,and Enrolement of Brown Scapular, in Lough Church.