Priesthood Sunday:
This Sunday is called Priesthood Sunday. It is an opportunity to highlight and promote particularly, the vocation to the priesthood. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. Priesthood Sunday also offers an opportunity for priests and their parishioners to build a stronger working relationship for the future. Together, we can dialogue to take an honest look at the challenges ahead, and how we can collaborate to meet those challenges as a united force. This day is an important one as we together pray for vocations to the priesthood and also religious life.
Annual Collection for the Education of our Seminarians
will take place at all Masses this weekend 25th/26th Sept. There are five men in training for the priesthood for our Diocese. We thank the Lord for this blessing and we thank the men concerned for their generosity in responding to Gods call. Let us pray for vocations every day.
All Night Vigil of Reparation & Adoration: South Presentation Chapel, Douglas Street, on the First Friday of the month – 1st October. Rosary starts at 10p.m. First Friday Mass at 10.30p.m. First Saturday Mass at 6a.m."Could you not watch one hour with me"
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane Tuesday 28th Sep. At 11.00a.m. Book Club meeting. New members welcome. At 3.00p.m. Gramophone Recital with John OLeary. All welcome.
Marymount Hospice write to sincerely thank those who hosted and supported the very successful Coffee Morning held recently in our Parish Centre and wish to acknowledge receipt of 1,400 ."We would like to assure you that all donations are used for the development of our services, the building of our new hospice and to improve the care and comfort of the patients and their families for whom we have the privilege of caring. Your support is very much appreciated. Be assured of our prayers for your kindness."
Do this in Memory We welcome the Children to be enrolled this morning for their First Holly Communion and their Parents.
Blessing of Animals:
On Saturday next 2nd Oct. Animals will be blessed in the Church Garden at 2.30pm
The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi is on Mon. 4th Oct,
Parish Assembly: will meet on Tues. 28th Sept. at 8pm in the Parish Center, to plan for the Parish Mission and the welcome home for Bishop Kieran.
Baptismal Preparation Team:
Meeting will be held on Tuesday morning after the 10am Mass for all members of the team.
Gougane Barra, the sacred place associated with St. Finbarr, hosts the annual pilgrimage on this Sunday, Sept 26th, with Mass at 2.30 pm at which Bishop John Buckley is the principal concelebrant. The homilist is Canon Micheal O Dalaigh, PP Curraheen.
First Friday: Fr. Kerry & Fr. Charlie will visit the sick and the housebound this coming Thursday & Friday at the usual times
Flower Festival Our Parish through the Ages Most Holy Heart of Mary Church, Goggins Hill 8th Fri. Oct. Opening at 7.30pm followed by Refreshments in Goggins Hill School Sat 9th Viewing 10am 6p Sun 10th – Viewing 11.00am <> Closing Liturgy 5.00pm. Adm. 10 (including refreshments)
The Popes visit to Britain
The Irish Catholic with 14 pages of coverage and analysis on Pope Benedicts visit to Britain is on sale at back of Church with Catholic Times & The Universe.
Gramophone Recital: on Tues. 28th Sept. at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. Presenter Jo Casey.
We express our sympathies to the family of Vincent OConnor late of Doyle Rd.
There are few who could argue against Cork winning the All Ireland last Sunday. They have been waiting for twenty years and have been so close on many occasions. But Sunday was a day to put all that behind, to seize the opportunity and to finally deliver on the biggest prize of them all. Down were quick, sharp, fast and hungry but could not match the great spirit of the Cork team. The story of the Cork team resonates with all our lives. How often we have tasted defeat. We have worked hard, done our best, gave it our all, only to experience setbacks, disappointments and moments we'd like to forget. Maybe we have felt God has seriously let us down, even abandoned us. Our belief is that God journeys with us through every moment but particularly during difficult moments. We are given strength and hope to keep going even when all seems lost. The Cork Football team kept their inner belief and resolve that their day would come. It finally came on Sunday and our heartiest congratulations go to a great team.
Day for Life 3rd October: