June 13th 2010 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Assembly. in the autumn of this year we will be renewing our parish assembly as the current group will have completed their first three year term in the spring of 2011.  This will give you an opportunity of being part of creating a vibrant sustainable faith community here in turner’s cross by becoming a member of our second Parish assembly. We will be telling you more about this in the autumn.

Eucharistic Procession: Congratulations to the fine crowd from Turners Cross who were part of the Procession last Sunday.

Parish Assembly will meet on Mon. 14th June in the Parish Centre at 8pm

Youth 2000 Summer Festival Clonmacnoise, Co. Offally, Thursday 12th – Sunday 15th August 2010  For young people age 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet new friends. Donations only. Free buses available from around the country. For more information contact 0863025442 or 01 6753690 or check our website:  <A HREF="http://www.youth2000.ie/">http://www.youth2000.ie</A>/

Want to meet 60,000 young people who live the Catholic FAITH? Well why not join us on our trip to Youth Festival Medjugorje 31st July 2010 to 7th of August 2010. Day flights ex – Cork Airport.. It is a time for young people between the ages of 18 to 35 to meet and share there Faith with other young people. Flights, bus transfers, youth fest. program, meals and board all include..group of 30 and 15 places left. For information please contact: Dave Tel: 085 7167904 Tim Tel:  087 9922 322

KNOCK YOUTH FESTIVAL Knock Summer Festival for youth 18 – 35 years. Further details from www.knock-shrine.ie/youthfestival or Fr Ted Sheehan on 021-4866306.

Exams:  We continue to remember those doing exams – our prayers and good wishes go with you. The following prayer will, we hope, help to calm any nerves: O Holy Spirit, give us your gifts of wisdom, understanding and knowledge.  Enlighten my mind and inspire me to work hard that I may be successful in my examinations.  Guide and direct me in all my undertakings and help me especially to discover my true vocation in life.  Allay my fears and teach me always to live in your light, your love and your truth.  I make this prayer through Christ, Our Lord.  Amen Our Students are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for exams.

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane – Housebound Service Tory Top Library offers a housebound service to people in the community who cannot access the library. Items for borrowing include books, DVDs, video tapes and audio-books on CD or on cassette. This service is free of charge. The van, manned by library staff, calls to individual homes on a regular basis. Customers may select items from the shelves in the van or can have items delivered to them in their houses. The van is wheelchair accessible. If you wish to avail of this service please contact John O'Leary on 4924934.

Eternal Word Television Network Do you have satellite TV? EWTN is a Catholic channel. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, bringing Mass, Prayers, lectures, films, children's programmes to the world. Find it on Sky channel 589. Chorus channel 815

Deaths SR. MAURA (De Lourdes), WARD (Presentation Convent, Ballyphehane, & Turner’s Cross. We extend our prayers and sympathies to her family and her Presentation Community. May she rest in eternal peace.

Bulletin:  There will be no Parish Bulletin until the end of August.  We wish you all a happy, enjoyable and safe Summer. Every good wish and blessing,  From – The Bulletin Team.

St. Anthony: Because of the feast falling on a Sunday we will celebrate the feast on this Mon. 14th June.  Lilies will be blessed at the 10am Mass

Please bring a copy of this weekend’s Parish Newsletter to the Sick and Housebound. Thank You.