June 6th 2010 – Feast of Corpus Christi

Eucharistic Procession
The 84th Annual Corpus Christi Procession will take place on this Sunday, 6th June.
The sermon will be give by Fr. Noel O’Sullivan PP  Glanmire.
Our Parish Group will assemble outside the Church here in Turner's Cross, ready to move off at 3.00 pm. We encourage families to be part of this great public demonstration of our Faith – Christ present in the Eucharist.

Holy Communion
The month of May saw children of the local schools receive their First Communion. This year there were two ceremonies. Christ King Girls NS and Scoil Chriost Ri  A huge debt of gratitude is due to all who prepared the children: parents, teachers and priests and those involved in the “Do this in Memory” programme.   First Communion is a major milestone in the life of the child but also for the family. Receiving Jesus for the very first time is an event none of us ever forgets. We pray that all these children will continue to grow in the faith, supported by the Christian witness and practice of the parents.

Thanksgiving – for Lay Involvement in our Parish
As holidays are in the air it is time to say thanks to all groups and individuals who are helping to make Turners Cross a vibrant parish. It is impossible to thank everybody individually but we hope these words and the 10.30am Mass this Sunday – to be offered for your intentions will provide us the opportunity to say thanks.
All of us – Laity, Parish Assembly and priests alike – need to remember that we are involved in the parish because we believe in Jesus Christ and we want to build up his kingdom in our area. We are all particularly concerned about the new generation and the importance of doing all we can to help them come to know Jesus personally and to appreciate what it means to be part of the Christian community, which is the Church.  We the Priests sincerely thank you for your continuing  support.

Novena to the Sacred Heart
Continues until Friday 11th June – The Feast of the Sacred Heart -. Leaflets with the Novena Prayers for each day are available at the back of the Church (yellow sheet).  The novena prayers are said at the 10am Mass each day.
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass on Friday until 11am.

Knock Pilgrimage: St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society,  Christ the King Branch Sat 26th June. Bus departs from Girls N.S. Evergreen Rd at 6.40am sharp.   Details on notice board at back of Church or Contact:  Irene Phone  4963326.

St Joseph’s Young Priests Society: will meet on this Tues. 8th June at 7.30pm in Parish Centre.

Ministers of the Eucharist: can collect their rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass.

Eucharistic Congress Collection:

Pope Benedict has selected Ireland to host the next Eucharistic Congress in the year 2012. To help to defray the cost of preparing for and organising  the Congress there will be a Second Collection throughout  the Country at all Masses this weekend.

Interested in exploring your Faith ?
 Interisted in looking at new ideas about ministry together ?  If so why not join us for the new diocesan Pathways: Exploring Faith and Ministry programme starting in Cork City this September. Full details see Pathways poster on notice board or contact Fr. Sean O’Sullivan at 021-7336053 or email are@corkand ross.org

What is the Mass?
This is the answer given by the document on the Liturgy from the Second Vatican Council:‘At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Saviour instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages until he should come again, and so to entrust to his beloved Spouse, the Church, a memorial of his death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet in which Christ is consumed, the soul is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.’ Vatican Council II Sacrosanctum Concilium § 47

Youth 2000 Summer Festival Clonmacnoise, Co. Offally, Thursday 12th – Sunday 15th August 2010   For young people age 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet new friends. Donations only. Free busses available from around the country. For more information contact 0863025442 or 01 6753690 or check our website:  http://www.youth2000.ie/

Deacon:  Our congratulations to Anthony Buckley,  Kilmichael Parish who was ordained a Deacon for the Diocese of Cork & Ross last weekend.

Ordination of Bishop Elect Kieran O’Reilly will take place in Ennis Cathedral on Sunday 29th August at 3pm. Please pray for Fr. Kieran as he prepares for Ordination and for service in Killaloe.

Table Quiz
South Parish/Turners Cross Summer Scheme will hold a table quiz on Friday 11th June at 9pm in the Evergreen Bar. €40 per table of 4.

Mass for exam students; The 10am Mass on Wed. 9th June. will be offered for those doing exams – our prayers and good wishes go with them.

Lord, I come before you in need. Exams are approaching and I am
worried.  Give me courage to face the coming weeks.
Concentrate my mind on my studies. Help me to use my time well.
May I work hard, but also rest and relax a little.
During each exam, may what I have studied appear on the paper,
May I read each question carefully,
identify what is asked and answer well.
When the results come, may I be satisfied that I did my best.
May whatever path I choose in life bring me  happiness
and  give me opportunities to better the world.     Amen.

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane – Housebound Service
Tory Top Library offers a housebound service to people in the community who cannot access the library. Items for borrowing include books, DVDs, video tapes and audio-books on CD or on cassette. This service is free of charge. The van, manned by library staff, calls to individual homes on a regular basis. Customers may select items from the shelves in the van or can have items delivered to them in their houses. The van is wheelchair accessible. If you wish to avail of this service please contact John O'Leary on 4924934.

Ennis Padre Pio Pilgrimage
to San Giovanni, visiting also Rome and Loreto, Audience with Pope Benedict. Leaving Cork Airport, Sept 5th -15th. Contact Marie Coll 086 8804603

Eternal Word Television Network
Do you have satellite TV?
EWTN is a Catholic channel. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, bringing Mass, Prayers, lectures, films, children's programmes to the world.
Find it on Sky channel 589. Chorus channel 815