May 30th 2010 – Trinity Sunday

Our Creator and Sustainer
Our Saviour and Redeemer
Our Sanctifier and Comforter

The Holy Trinity
It is difficult to explain the Holy Trinity. Probably the simplest explanation and most helpful is that of the image of water. It can take on three forms: ice, water as liquid and steam. All three are quite different and yet all are essentially  the same. It is much the same with the Holy Trinity. God is revealed through three distinct persons, yet all are one. Understanding the Trinity fully is beyond us because no one can fully understand God. This though should not stop us experiencing God in our lives. Paul in the second reading today reminds us that we experience God in the ups and downs of life. Paul wishes God’s many blessings on us and especially God’s peace. The core of the reading is to remind us how God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is central in each of our lives. At the start and end of every Mass or prayer service we use the sign of the cross. We take it for granted and do it automatically. But every time we make the sign of the cross we are recognising and being open to God’s many blessings in our lives. While we may not fully understand what the Trinity is all about we welcome and are open to God’s blessings in our lives.

"Do this in Memory"  Family Mass
We will have our final “Do this in Memory” Mass on Sunday next 6th June The Feast of Corpus Christi when all the First Communicants will walk in a short Eucharistic Procession  in the Church Grounds after the 10.30 Mass  There will be a meeting of the Parents Representatives of the First Holy Communion Classes in Fr. Kerry’s house on this Tuesday 1st June at 7.30pm.  Please note day of meeting.

First Friday next June 4th  Fr. Kerry will attend those in his care on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Knock Pilgrimage: St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society,  Christ the King Branch Sat 26th June. Bus departs from Girls N.S. Evergreen Rd at 6.40am sharp.   Details on notice board at back of Church or Contact:  Irene Phone  4963326.

Eucharistic Procession :The Annual Corpus Christi Procession will take place on next Sunday, 6th June, The sermon will be give by Fr. Noel O’Sullivan.  Our Parish Group will meet outside the Church at 3pm and walk to Daunt Square.  

Deacon:  Our prayers and good wishes to Anthony Buckley who will be ordained a Deacon for the Diocese of Cork & Ross this weekend.

Ordination of Bishop Elect Kieran O’Reilly
On Sunday 29th August at 3pm in Ennis Cathedral, Fr. Kieran O’Reilly SMA from Turner’s Cross, Cork, will be ordained a Bishop for service in the Diocese of Killaloe.
Please pray for him as he prepares for Ordination and for service in Killaloe.

Eucharistic Congress Collection: Pope Benedict has selected Ireland to host the next Eucharistic Congress in the year 2012. To help to defray the cost of preparing for and organising  the Congress there will be a Second Collection throughout  the Country next Sunday 6th June.

Ministers of the Eucharist can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass

Turners Cross/South Parish Summer Scheme Registration

A second registration night for this years Summer Scheme will take place on Monday 31st May at 8pm in the South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill St. (Behind Fiat Garage)

We remember in our prayers Paul O’Connell, Mercier Pk. who died recently and extend our sympathy to his family

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane.

Tuesday 1st June at 11.00a.m. – Author visit -by local author Mary O’Sullivan. Admission is free & all are welcome.

Prayer for Examination Students  
    Lord, as I prepare to study  send your Holy Spirit to guide me.  Keep me calm. Help me do the best I can on the day of my exam. Give me peace, understanding and wisdom. Be with me today and always.  Amen.
Those doing exams or awaiting results are included in our prayers and shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Cards are available in the Sacristy

Sacred Heart: The Novena to the Sacred Heart begins this Thursday 3rd June and continues until the feast of the Sacred Heart  Friday 11th June. Prayers at the 10am each day.  Novena leaflets available at back of Church.

All Night Vigil of Reparation & Adoration
South Presentation Chapel, Douglas Street, on the First Friday 4th June
Rosary starts at 10pm.  Mass at 10.30 pm.  First Saturday Mass at 6 am.
"Could you not watch one hour with me"

Special Needs Parents Association: is a recently established national parent-run organisation that provides support and information for families who have children with disabilities and special needs. We would welcome any parent/guardian, who wishes to sign up as a member through our website – – or alternately, there is an open meeting in Cork for parents/guardians arranged for 8.00 pm in Isaac’s Hotel, MacCurtain St (opposite the Metropole Hotel), on Thurs. 10 June .  For further information, contact Eoin Kelly at

A Thought
‘Private prayer
is habit forming, make it part of your life and you will not want to live without it anytime soon. But it would be a mistake to think that it exhausts the possibilities of living the spiritual life. Besides praying by yourself there is much, much more.
’  Barbara Cawthorne Crafton

It is good to take a moment for our own quiet prayer. It is quality time out that no one can take away from us, a moment when we can simply be ourselves. It allows us to be honest and express what ever is going on for us. But it is also good to pray as part of a community. Praying with others gives us the sense of a journey together and that we are not in isolation. Praying together allows us to support and encourage each other. Most of the major religions in the world actively encourage community participation. It is all about finding the balance between what is private and what we do together. Personal prayer gives so many comfort and a sense of purpose. But it can never be done exclusively on our own.      
James McSweeney