April 25th 2010 – 4th Sunday of Easter

Good Shepherd  – Vocation Sunday.
A recent letter writer to the editor of the Irish Independent stated:
“As a non Catholic am I alone in finding myself increasingly uncomfortable with the now endemic demonisation of clergy in the Catholic Church. As a non believer, I am fortunate enough to know Catholic Priests and Nuns, as human beings with a deep conviction, giving their lives over to the pursuit of these beliefs”.
Today, Vocations Sunday or Good Shepherd Sunday, we are asked to keep in our prayers the Priests and Religious, who work to help bring about the kingdom of God, in our parish and the community in which we live. Priests and religious are central to our Parish communities. The need has never been greater.
The age profile of so many of our Priests and Religious is a stark reminder of the need for new vibrant young adults, to discern the calling to religious life.
The Chinese word for crisis is the same as is used for opportunity. Priests and Religious are an integral part of any Faith Community. But, with the reduction in numbers of Priests and Religious, lay people are finding their rightful role in church life. We remember all the young men studying for Priesthood, who will serve in our Diocese of Cork & Ross. We pray for Anthony Buckley who will be ordained Deacon in June and that the whispering of the Good Shepherd to the idealism and generosity of young people, will find receptive hearts.

Lord, make us generous people –
Heavenly Father, we praise you and we thank you for all that you have done for us.
We thank you especially for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to visit and save us.
We ask you to bless our families and all those who are dear to us, especially those who are suffering in any way.
Give courage to those in our parish whom you invite to become priests and religious, and grant them the generosity of mind and heart to follow your call.
May they bring good news to our world today.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Visit of the Relics of St Jean Vianney
John Vianney born in 1786 was ordained in 1815 and appointed Curé of Ars in the Dombes region of France three years later. During his priestly life, he dedicated himself to spreading God’s love for men and women through the Eucharist, his preaching and particularly through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. His constant thought was to bring people towards God. He did this by spending many hours in the Confessional where his overflowing love for God touched the hearts of those who came to him for absolution.  He died in 1859
The relics of this saintly priest arrive at 5pm in St. Francis Church, Liberty St, on this Sunday 25th April as part of the celebration of the Year of the Priest. Solemn Mass will be concelebrated by Bishop Buckley and the Bishop of Ars at 6pm., followed by Evening Prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an All-Night Vigil.  After Mass at 6am on Monday morning the relics of St John Vianney leave Cork for Dublin.  All are invited and most welcome to join in these celebrations in St. Francis Church.

We congratulate the young people of our local schools who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Patrick Coveney last Thursday. We were blessed with a lovely fine day and the participation by so many in the ceremony made it truly a memorable occasion, a sacred moment. The Archbishop thanked and acknowledge the great work of parents, teachers and parish in preparing the young people for this special day in their lives. The singing was great, we thank Lillian Lernahan for keeping us all in tune. The Archbishop was delighted to be back in the parish where his uncle Fr. Dan Coveney had served for many years.

Trócaire Boxes:  can be returned at the Masses or to the Sacristy during the week

A large crowd of parishioners from across the Diocese of Cork and Ross and from parishes outside the diocese attended an evening on vocations promotion organised by the diocese. The gathering represented members of the parish pastoral councils, parish assemblies and groups of St. Joseph's Young Priests Society from across the diocese.

Talk on the History of Christ the King Church,  will be given by Aidan O’Shea in the Church at 7.30pm on Tue.  27th April..All are welcome

Gramophone Recital: on Tues. 27th April at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. Presenter Colette Buckley

Ministers of the Word: can collect their new rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after mass

Deaths: We remember in our prayers William (Billy) Creedon of Greenhills Estate and Kevin Keeshan of Mt Pleasant Rd who died recently. We extend our sympathy and prayers to their families.