April 18th 2010 – 3rd Sunday of Easter

Today’s Gospel
The disciples are fishing but, expert though they are, they have caught nothing. When Jesus intervenes, their catch is so abundant that they are left struggling to bring it all in.  Jesus invites them to eat – as He breaks bread – a reminder of 5 loaves and 2 fishes and how what seemed so pitiful an offering fed 5000.
Then, Jesus turns to Peter and asks three times whether he loves Him. Some people have suggested that this was by way of redeeming Peter’s three denials. It also has the effect of forcing Peter to realise how much he loves Jesus and wants to follow Him – even to the same kind of death.
So the fishermen become fishers of people – and shepherds to the people of God.
They could not do it alone – but with Jesus – following Jesus, they are learning that great things are possible from small beginnings.
What does it mean for me?
When have you felt that God has done something great with the little you thought you had to offer?
How would you respond if Jesus asked you – “Do you love Me?” Are you ready to live with the consequences?

Archbishop Patrick Coveney is a native of Tracton,  he taught in Farranferris College and was appointed to the Secretariat of State in the Vatican  in 1966.  He was ordained Archbishop in 1985 and has served as the Pope’s representative in many parts of the world – Zimbabwe, Ethiopia,  Djibouti, Eritrea, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga and Greece. Since he  retired in 2009,  he helps Bishop Buckley to administer Confirmation in many of our Parishes.    Archbishop Coveney is no stranger to Turner’s Cross – his uncle Fr.  Dan Coveney served in this Parish as curate and parish priest and is buried in the Church grounds.  We extend a very warm welcome to the Archbishop who will be with us on Thursday to confirm the young people from Scoil Chriost Ri and Christ King Girls NS.

Parish Confirmations
Across Ireland, Confirmation ceremonies are taking place. It is an occasion of great joy and celebration for all the young people being confirmed. The human spirit is an essential part of each person. It is the mirror of our soul. Like any living thing, it needs nourishment and care. The Holy Spirit, in Confirmation, connects with our soul in a truly special way. This is impossible to describe fully or put it into words. It is known as a sacred moment and that’s why every Confirmation ceremony is indeed a sacred occasion. As we pray for all who are to be  confirmed on Thursday by Archbishop Coveney, we  ask the Holy Spirit to guide each of us as well and to continue nourishing our human spirit.
We wish all those to be confirmed, their families and teachers a lovely day on Thursday.

There will be no 10am Mass on Thursday 22nd April because of Confirmations at 10.30am.  There will be Mass at 9am.

Trócaire Boxes:
can be returned at the Masses  or to the Sacristy during the week

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane
– Tuesday 27th April 2010  At 11.00a.m. Book Club meeting. New members welcome.   At 3.00p.m. Gramophone Recital. Admission free & all are welcome.

Year for Priests:  The relics of St. John Vianney, Cure d’Ars, who is the patron saint of priests, will be in Ireland from 25th to 28th April. They will be in Cork in St. Francis Church, Liberty Street on next Sunday 25th April. Mass will be celebrated at 6pm followed by a Holy Hour. There will be a vigil throughout the night.   All are welcome.

Organ Donation

At present over 600 people in Ireland are  anxiously awaiting an organ transplant  that could completely transform their life.  Inform yourself about what organ donation entails and what the Church is saying on the subject so you can make  your own decision and discuss it with your loved ones.  Brochures are available at the back of the Church.   Organ donation cards are available in the Sacristy of from Fr. Kerry

Sympathy & Prayers

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Polish Community in Turner’s Cross and beyond, as you mourn the tragic death of your  President Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria, and so many important leaders of your country in the plane crash of last weekend.  Our thoughts and prayers are also with the local Polish family of Edward Pajaczek who died in a tragic accident during the week.