An Invitation to Gods Love
God loves each one of us. This is the heart of the teaching of Jesus Christ. The readings today reflect on that mystery. In the Gospel, the whole story is about the son who wasted all the love that was given to him and yet was still loved on his return. Whether it is a son or a daughter, the teaching is the same: God loves us and even a rejection of God is not enough to stop Gods love for us. Yet, at the heart of the Gospel is the realization by the son that he really had done something stupid and so he returns to his own home, where lifeeven at its poorest would be better than where he is at the moment. Again, it makes no difference if we speak of son or daughter today, since the story is obviously about the human condition.
As we consider all three of the readings together; we can see that God invites us to a new life in this time of Lent. We are invited to repent (which is a religious sounding word for saying we should recognize the stupid things that we do in our lives, that cause us to be away from our inner spiritual home!) and to turn away from sin. We are invited to consider that we are truly a new creation. We are invited to live from the strength of Jesus Christ within us. And finally, if we do all this, we might even recognise that we have come to a new land and live in a new way and can give thanks to the Lord.
Mothers Day
We wish all Mothers a happy day the 12 noon Mass today will be offered for our Mothers living or deceased. If you would like your mother to be remembered special cards are available at the Parish Office after Mass.
No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you – life Lots of cards and gifts will be given to many mothers today. But no gift or card can ever sum up the uniqueness of a mother. Nothing can ever sum up the impact of our mothers in our lives.
Today Mothers day is a day to celebrate and a day to thank God for our mothers. It is also a day to remember mothers who are deceased, their memory will never be forgotten.
Mothers Day Blessing.
Loving God, We ask You to bless these women on this
Mothers Day. Fill them with warmth that through them their
families may be warmed by it. Fill them with gentleness and
compassion that through them we may also experience that
gentleness and compassion. Fill them with strength so that
when we are feeling low we may be encouraged by them. Help
us, the sons and daughters of these Mothers, so that we may
always love, honour and respect them.
And may the blessing of almighty God Father, Son and Holy
Spirit be upon these Mothers and all of us for ever and ever.
St Patricks Day
Masses: Tues. 16th March Vigil Mass at 6pm, Wed. St Patricks Day: 9am 10.30am and 12 noon (please note: no evening Mass at 6pm St Patricks Day).
Feast of St. Joseph: Thursday 19th March.
Weekday Masses during Lent 10am & 6pm
Spring Dues
Our thanks to the Area Collectors who have collected the envelopes for the Spring Dues.
Death: We remember in our prayers Jerry McAllen late of Doyle Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy and prayers to his Family
Missions: We welcome Sr. Angela Hurley (a native of the Parish) of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary will speak at the Masses this weekend
Cork & Ross Diocesan Vocation Information Day March 27th –
Ennismore Retreat Centre (11am to 5pm Lunch Included) An opportunity for young men to find more about being a priest today. Futher details on Church Noticeboard or by contact Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie
Easter Triduum Cards will be available from the Office and Sacristy next weekend
The Year of the Priest
Pope Benedict XVI has proclaimed St. John Vianney the Universal Patron of Priests on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the death of the Curé dArs . This Year is meant to benefit our priests, but it is also meant to benefit us, the laity. Our priests give their lives for ustheir lives are literally spent in service to us. Therefore, a Year dedicated for them is also for us – the Whole Church is a Priestly People. This coming week Fr. Tom Lane CM a native of Kilmichael Parish will celebrate Mass, preach the Homily and lead us in Prayers – St Augustines Church (March 15th) Holy Trinity Church (March 16th) St Francis Church (March 18th) St Marys Popes Quay (March 19th) at 7.30pm each evening.
Alzheimer Society: meeting of the Sat. Club, from 2pm-4pm on Sat. 20th March at Bessboro Day Care Centre. With Music provided by Joan Burke and Friends.
Light refreshments provided. Free Admission. All Welcome information contact 4972504
Tory Top Library , Ballyphehane– Lifelong Learning Festival.Tue. 23rd March at3.00p.m. Flower arranging demonstration by Kay Nolan. Admission is free & all are welcome.