February 28th 2010 – 2nd Sunday of Lent

The Transfiguration
‘Jesus took with him Peter, James, and his brother John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone. There in their presence he was transfigured: his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light.’  This piece from Luke's gospel is often called 'the transfiguration'.  Right throughout the Gospel stories Jesus himself transfigured people, the broken, the wounded and those lost by the wayside.  He touched in on the deepest parts of people and transfigured them by the power of God's love. How can this story apply to us?  If we understand the story as all about some form of change then we are presented with opportunities each day for us to changed and be touched by the power of God's love. God's love can penetrate the deepest of darkness. No story is hopeless or lost especially ours.  The invitation this Lent is to be open to the power of God's love in our lives.

Weekday Masses during Lent
10am & 6pm

Holy Hour:
On the Wednesdays of Lent there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 11am.

First Friday
Next Friday is First Friday – Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie will visit the sick and housebound of the parish on their usual times next Thursday and Friday.  

"God's Mission",
A documentary detailing the lives of Bishops Shanahan, Galvin and Sr. Mary Martin, will be screened on RTE 1 on Tues. March 2nd and Tues. March 9th at 10.15pm .

"Do This in Memory."
The Parent Representatives of the three First Holy Communion Classes will meet in Fr Charlie's House on this Mon. 1st March at 7.15pm.  The next Do this in Memory Mass will be on the next Sun. March 7th  at 10.30am

Ministers of the Word:
Preparation Course for new and existing ministers begins on Tuesday 9th March @ 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. Our thanks to those who have volunteered to serve in this ministry.  

Spring Dues:
We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues in the Sacristy after Masses next weekend 6/7th March

Cork South Parish Historical Society
Monthly Meeting on  Wed. 3rd March at 7:45 p.m. in St John’s College Sawmill Street,. Guest Speaker Gabriel Doherty will speak on Irish Prison Policy 1877-1928    All Welcome Non-members €2.

The Bishops“ Commissions:
This second collection to be taken up next weekend 6/7 March, helps fund the work of the Irish Bishops Conference and its agencies and commissions.  These include Emigrants, Justice & Peace, Communications, CURA, etc.

Catholic Papers:
Some free copies of The Irish Catholic are available this weekend.  

The Over 60's Competition
in Turners Cross is on the 11th of March in the Christ King Girls Primary School Hall, entrants welcome.

Journeying with Luke:
10am-4pm  Sat 13th March in St. Michael’s Parish Centre, Blackrock (behind Church) No previous experience of studying the bible necessary. For more information contact Fr. Sean O’Sullivan 021-7336053. or email are@corkandross.org.  Cost €10 including lunch.  Book before Wed. 3rd March. Let Fr. Kerry know as he hopes to travel, would you like to join him.  See notice board.

Mothers Day:
Mothers Day is on the 14th March. The 12noon Mass on that day will be offered for our Mothers living or deceased,  Special cards are available in the Sacristy.

Public Lecture:
"Depression an Emotion calling for Motion"  in CUH lecture Theatre, Cork on Tuesday 9th March 2010@ 8.30pm  Speaker;  Tony Humphries Consultant Clinical Psychologist  Admission Free. All Welcome

Fundraising Event
"Walk around the Lough in Aid of Breast Cancer" on Mothers Day, Sunday 14th March at 4pm.  Registration takes place on the grounds of the Lough Church from 3.30pm and there will also be Free Parking available here on the day.  Entry is by sponsorship card OR a donation of €20.00 – For sponsorship cards or for more information you can contact Teresa on: 086-0579249

Year of the Priest:
Holy Hour every Sunday at 7pm in Holy Trinity Church.  Come and pray for priests.

Mass Cards and Cards for the Friday Shared Mass
are available in the Sacristy after Mass. The Shared Mass every Friday at 10 am is offered for the sick, for those who have died and for your special intentions.