Today we began our journey through Advent. Its not a word that you will find in many shopping catalogues. Few will get excited about Advent and yet it a season full of meaning and symbolism. The word Advent is derived from the Latin Adventus, a name which means coming or arrival. The prayers of Advent touch in on each person walking in some darkness and yet awaiting and anticipating a great light. It is a time for us to hear those other quiet whispers in our lives of a God gently calling us from darkness into light. Advent is a reminder of how we need this light more than ever in our own lives.
Blessing of the Advent Wreath
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the universe.
You sent your Son to be the Light of the world
and to spread his light of love to all.
Bless us and accept + this wreath of light made from our hands.
May their ever increasing brightness be a sign to us
of the approaching nearness of your Son,
that we might prepare in joy for his humble birth in a manger
and be ready to receive him at his coming again in glory;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
First Sunday of Advent
Prayer: (Purple Candle)
Stir up your power, O Lord, and come,
that by your protection we may be rescued
from the dangers that beset us through our sins;
and be a Redeemer to deliver us;
You who live and reign with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, world without end. Amen.
Walk With Me: As we begin our Advent Journey. An excellent little book: Walk with Me is available after Mass this weekend (Cost 1.30) at the back of the Church. A journey of prayer for Advent & Christmastide 2009.
Parenting Course: Will begin on Tuesday 12th Jan. at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. Parents who have been part of the three previous courses in the parish have found them very helpful and informative. Three places available, give your name to The Sacristy on members of the Parish Assembly or phone Parish Mobile: 087-2610276
Advent Prayers of the Faithful.
Our thanks to all the teenagers who have volunteered to read the prayers of the faithful during the Advent Season – well done.
Murphy Report
The readings of this First Sunday of Advent certainly reflect our situation. The Murphy Report published on Thursday has left us bewildered and shaken. Our first thoughts are with those who have suffered as a result of a betrayal of trust by some clergy. Their families too have been affected deeply. We must constantly remind ourselves that what we are suffering in these days bears no comparison to the hurt, the lasting damage and the distress of the victims and their families. It is regrettable that, in the past, the Church's systems and the States have failed to address this problem adequately.
Our first task as a Christian community is to be a context in which survivors can feel free and encouraged to end their silence and where they can find support in their journey towards serenity and closure. In recent years, new guidelines have been developed here in our Diocese and in our Parish. In Christ the King Parish a Child Protection Policy is in place and a person trained to see the policy is observed towards the safeguarding of children. We are endeavoring to ensure that, in responding to any complaints of this nature, we follow those guidelines completely. Our Child Protection Policy is on the notice board at back of Church and on our Parish Website: We must be a community where the safety of children is our paramount concern. The awful accounts that can be found in the Report must urge us to be always vigilant, always seeking to strengthen the safeguarding of children in our parish.
These are difficult times for all of us, we pray for all who have suffered abuse and we are deeply sorry that trust has been breached in this way. As we learn from the mistakes of the past may we now move forward with hope ensuring that this will never happen again. Advent is a time of hope and new beginnings. We are meant to be bearers of that hope to one another and especially to people whose trust was betrayed.
Next Sundays Readings
Please note the Readings for Sunday, December 6th :
1st Reading: Bar.5:1-9 2nd Reading: Phil. 1:3-6, 8-11 Gospel Lk 3:4,6
Consider reading in preparation for Sunday next.
Christmas gifts with a difference.
Last year there was a great response to the Gift with a difference. Are searching for a Christmas gift idea? You can purchase one of the gifts listed below and get the card to sent or give to a friend instead of a gift. They are available at the back of the Church each weekend during Advent. Christmas Gift Range :School Lunch (for a year) 10, The Gift of Chickens 15, Gift of a Vegetable Garden 25. The Gift of Life-Saving Food 35. Gift of a Goat45. Gift of Education 70. This Christmas change someone's world for the better with a Trócaire Gift. Taking a moment to think of others is what Christmas is all about and this is your chance to change someone's world with a gift they truly need.
Credit Union: The 6pm Mass this Sat. 28th Nov. is being offered for the living and deceased members of Turners Cross Credit Union.
Important December Dates:
Tues. 15th Dec. Parish Carol Service,
Sat.19th & Sun.20th Dec. Penitential Rites.
Thurs. 24th Dec. Masses 6pm & 10pm. 25th Dec. 9am. 10.30am & 12 noon
Prepare a way for the Lord – Carol Concert.
The Parish Choir, Choirs from Scoil Chríost Rí & Christ King Girls NS and pupils from the Secondary and Primary Schools of the Parish will be part of a Carol Concert in Christ the King Church on Tues. 15th Dec. at 7.30pm. The Call of John The Baptist to prepare, The Annunciation, The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, The Birth of Jesus, and the coming of the Kings will be dramatised.
Parish Christmas & Triduum Cards
The Parish Christmas Card and Christmas Triduum Mass Card available in the Parish Office after Mass today and during the week after the 10am Mass. The Triduum of Masses will be offered on 23, 24, 25 Dec.
Are You struggling with the pain of loss and grief? You are invited to a public meeting on loss and grief in the Turners Cross Parish Centre on Mon. 7th Dec. at 8pm. At this meeting, a bereaved person will speak of the experience of loss and show how beneficial a support group can be in a time of bereavement. We look forward to seeing you at this meeting. The Turners Cross Parish Bereavement Group.
Faith in a Time of Recession talk by Sr. Jennifer McClear. A talk to give hope and inspiration during times of recession/economic down turn and despair. Thurs. 10th Dec. in the Lough Church at 8pm All welcome
Give yourself a gift of Peace this Advent
The month of December can often be a busy and trying time for people as we prepare for Christmas. On the Wednesdays of Advent there will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 11am, including our Mass we will have an hour with the Lord. Why not join us for an hour each week. Silence and prayer are the key to peace. Why not give yourself this gift?
Choice of Playgroup and Pre Schools:
Little Turners Community Playgroup: 25 Capwell Road. Tel 4915934. Vacancies for children aged 2 yrs 10 months. Participating in the Free Pre-School Year.
Christ King Girls Primary School: Free Pre School: opening on 7th Jan. 2010. Children that are 3 years and 7 months from Jan. 2010 Open to boys and girls. To register contact 087-6871238 / School 4963695
Scoil Chríost Rí Boys Primary School: Pre-School is expanding and developing their facility to cater for boys and girls from 2 years and six months onwards. To register contact Johanne Murphy on 087-9255466
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane.
Tues. 1st Dec. at 11.00a.m. Book Club meeting. New members always welcome.
Tues. 8th Dec. at 3.00p.m. Gramophone Recital with Marie Murphy. All welcome.