October 25th 2009 – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seeing your life through the lens of the Gospels – Bartimaeus
1 In this story Jesus cures the blind man, Bartimaeus. Recovery of sight in the Bible is often a metaphor for coming to faith. Perhaps during your life you have had moments of insight, of deeper understanding, of appreciating who Jesus is for you. What was it that helped you to see more clearly?
2 Who was the ‘Jesus person’ who helped you to see more clearly? Perhaps, as a parent, a teacher or a friend, you have also been a ‘Jesus person’ for another and helped her or him to a clearer understanding of the meaning of life, love and faith.
3 To get to Jesus, Bartimaeus threw aside his cloak so that he would not be impeded. What have you had to discard in order to be able to see more clearly (e.g., an assumption, a prejudice, a rigid opinion)?
4 ‘Your faith has saved you’ Jesus said to Bartimaeus. Recall situations in which you have been grateful for the faith that is yours because in some way it saved you.

Journeying with Luke
An introduction to Luke’s gospel over 4 Tuesday nights, from 8pm to 9.30pm each night, in St. Michael’s Parish Centre, Blackrock [directly behind Parish Church} on 27th Oct. Cost [for entire programme]:€10.  Information from
Fr. Sean O’Sullivan, 021-7336053 or  <A href="mailto:are@corkandross.org">are@corkandross.org</A>  All are welcome.

Thanks to all who visited St. Aloysius School on Open Night on 7th October.  Please return application forms to the school by Monday 9th November 2009. Enquiries to School Office at 021-4316017 or by email at
<A href="mailto:stals.ias@eircom.net">stals.ias@eircom.net</A>.

Last weekend: Mission Sunday Collection €3,310   Offertory Collection came to €2,361.  Many thanks for your generosity.

Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life.
If you feel you have a calling to priesthood or religious life ~ please feel free to contact Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie.

Ceilliúradh 50 Bliain
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann with Cumann na bPíobairí Uilleann

Oíche Cheoil

Presented by Craobh Thraolaigh Mhic Shuibhne CCÉ. Fear a’Tí Seán O’Sé. Nemo Rangers H&F Club, Trabeg. Sat 7th Nov. 8pm €10.

We extend our prayers and sympathy to the families of Walter Giltinan  – Derrynane Rd who died recently. Lord grant him eternal peace and joy and to his family and friends strength and hope.

Winter Time
Clocks go back one hours tonight (Saturday).

Novena for the Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on Mon. 2nd Nov. Envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Make  out the list of of your dead and return them to box at Altar Rails.
Remembrance Weekend will be on 7th/8th Nov.  All Masses will be offered for our dead that weekend.

Blessing of Graves and Prayers in Cemeteries
Sunday 1st November:
Rathcooney 3pm
St James – Chetwynd 3pm
Curraghkippane with Mass 3pm
Sunday  8th November:  
St. Joseph’s, Tory Top Rd. 2.30pm
St Finbarr’s – Glasheen Rd  2.30pm
Douglas 3pm
St Michael’s – Blackrock 3pm
St Catherine’s – Kilcully 3pm
Saturday 14th November:
St. Oliver's 2pm with Mass
Sunday 22nd November.
St. John’s – Ballinrea 3pm
Sunday 29th November
St Mary’s – Carrigaline 3pm.


Prayers for Our Dead

Saints of God, come to their aid.  Come to meet them, angels of the Lord. 
Receive their souls and present them to God the Most High.
May Christ, who called them, take them to himself;
 may angels lead them to Abraham's side.
Give them eternal rest, O Lord and may your light shine on them for ever.
May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful Departed
 through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Confirmation Enrolment
We congratulate and continue to pray for children of our primary schools who enrolled for the Sacrament of Confirmation during the past week.

Situated at Scoil Chríost Rí Boys Primary school, Turners Cross, are now taking applications for both boys and girls for a Free Pre-School place under the free pre-school year in Early Childhood Care and Education.  Contact Johanne  Murphy 087-9255466.

Cura – Would  you be interested in becoming a volunteer?
CURA the organisation which caters for people with crisis pregnancy is in the process of recruiting new volunteers for their service in 34, Paul Street, Cork. Tel. No. 021 4277544 or email <A href="mailto:cork@cura.ie">cork@cura.ie</A>. Information meetings will be held in 34 Paul Street on Mon. 2nd. November  Morning – 10.30 am. Evening – 7.30 p.m. No experience necessary as full training will be given.

Table Quiz
Evergreen United Soccer Club are holding a Table Quiz in The Mountain Bar on Fri. 30th Oct. at 9pm  €40 for teams of four. Lots of prizes.  All welcome

Turners Cross Gramophone Recital will be held in the Parish Centre on Tues. 27th Oct. at 7.30pm  Presenter: Jim Aherne

Parish Precautions re Swine Flu.
Recommendations have been made from the Diocesan Office in conjunction with the HSE that the following practical steps should be taken at local level to respond to the pandemic and at the same time avoid panic or alarm.
– Those who are ill should stay away from Mass. They should stay at home for seven days from the onset of illness to avoid spreading infection to others.
– Temporary suspension of the practice of shaking hands at the sign of peace.
– Discourage reception of Holy Communion on the tongue.
– Suspend communion from the chalice with the exception of concelebrants.
– Some precautions too need to be taken by those who make pastoral visits to the housebound.

Autumn Dues:
Our thanks to the Area Collectors for collecting the Parish Dues.

Ministries of the Word & Eucharist.
Reminder: We are inviting you to consider becoming a minister of either the Word or the Eucharist in our parish joining the existing teams.  You may wish to volunteer (leave your name in at the sacristy/ the priest’s houses or to any member of The Parish Assembly) or you may wish to nominate another member of our community.  Forms are included in the packs being delivered to every home in the parish this weekend.  New ministers will be offered preparation sessions at a date to be announced.