October 18th 2009 – Mission Sunday

Mission Sunday 2009.
Today we are called upon to play our role in assisting the missionary activity of the Church.  We are given the opportunity to share in the experience of our brothers and sisters who carry on the missionary task today as they “REACH OUT”, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances.
Our spiritual and material offerings are crucial for the continued work of missionaries throughout the world, allowing them to share God’s love and compassion. The total raised in today's second collection will be sent to support various mission projects.
Please give what you can afford, every gift no matter how small- makes a difference.
Last year The Mission Collection from our Dioceses of Cork & Ross came to €160,848.  

“Do this in Memory”
On this Mission Sunday we welcome the First Holy Communion children and their families
Jesus comes to show us the Way from darkness into Light. We pray for children living and suffering in darkness and hunger this MISSION SUNDAY:
“Where there is fear may we bring JOY."
“Where there is poverty may we bring HOPE "
“Where there is sickness may we bring COMFORT "
“Where there is bullying may we bring LOVE "
“Where there is loneliness may we bring FRIENDSHIP "
“Where there is hunger may we SHARE food "
By doing this we are taking the light of JESUS around the world. We can now call ourselves  Missionary Children.

Invitation to Pray
Every Monday after the 10am Mass in The Parish Centre.

Ministries of the Word & Eucharist.
We are inviting you to consider becoming a minister of either the Word or the Eucharist in our parish joining the existing teams.  You may wish to volunteer (leave your name in at the sacristy/ the priest’s houses or to any member of The Parish Assembly) or you may wish to nominate another member of our community.  Forms are included in the packs being delivered to every home in the parish this weekend.  New ministers will be offered preparation sessions at a date to be announced.

All Completed Forms for new and existing servers are to be returned this weekend. Timetables will be available shortly and training for New Altar Servers will begin after the mid-term break.

Table Quiz for Edmund Rice Action Camps
Students from Coláiste Chríost Rí and Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh, along with other schools, provide Summer Camp and recreational activities for children who may not otherwise get this opportunity.  On Tuesday, 20th October 2009, in Flannery's Pub, Glasheen Road, a Table Quiz will take place to support the work of the Camp.  €10 per person.  All Welcome!

Last weekend Offertory Collection came to €2,269

We extend our sympathy to the family of Kathleen Hurley  – Evergreen Villas, who died recently.  May she be at peace with God.

The Christian Community welcomes Sean Martin Cronin & Ronan Breen Keenan who were baptised last weekend.

Confirmation Enrolment
We pray for children of our primary schools who will enrol for the Sacrament of Confirmation this coming week.

Autumn Dues
Our sincere thanks to the Area Collectors who collected their envelopes and Calendars during the week. There are still some packs to be collected.

Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life.
If you feel you have a calling to priesthood or religious life ~ please feel free to contact Fr Kerry or Fr Charlie.

Novena for the Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on Sun 2nd Nov. Envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Please return them to box at Altar Rails.

Our Lady of Fatima
A procession around the Lough with statue of Our Lady of Fatima on this Sunday 25th Oct. Assemble in Lough Church at 2.30pm. Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm followed by Rosary and Benediction.  (Enrolment in Brown Scapular after Benediction)

Dates to Note
2nd-10th Nov.  Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls daily Masses 10am & 6pm.
Prayers &  Blessing of Graves.
Times in Cemeteries will be on the Church Notice Board shortly.
8th Nov. Remembrance Sunday
All Masses on this weekend will be offered for our Dead.

Parenting Course for Parents of Primary School Children
The Parish Assembly plan to organise another Parenting Course. There will be a trained facilitator and the course will last 8 weeks. What is it about ?  Week 1. What is your child looking for. 2. Responsible Parenting. 3. Encouraging.
4 Listening. 5. Communicating. 6. Disciplining Children.
7 Talking things out together. 8. Bringing it all together.
Parents who have been part of the two previous courses in the parish have found them very helpful and informative.  Give your name to The Sacristy or any member of the Parish Assembly or phone Parish Mobile:  087-2610276.  We will be in contact shortly with all parents who have already handed in their names.

Celebrating Cork’s Past.
Unique Heritage Exhibition at Millennium Hall – City Hall on Tuesday October 20th from 11am to 7pm, Admission Free.

"Friends of the Residents of St. Finbarr's Hospital”
We are having a night at the dogs at Curraheen Park on Saturday, 24th October.  Tickets:  €10 (children under 16 free).  Tickets available in the sacristy and must be purchased from here or via St Finbarr's Hospital in order to benefit our effort.  We look forward to seeing you on the night!"

Rediscovering Mercy
An invitation to reconnect faith and mercy ~ a 4 night reflection and conversation in Frankfield/Grange Parish Centre during November further details on Church Notice Board.

A Thought

Mission is always looking outwards, reaching out beyond ourselves, our home, our community, our parish, our diocese, our nation.
We often think of missionaries as just priests and sisters but we also include many people who have taken time out and who have decided to give some months or longer to work with the underprivileged in various parts of the world. 80% of the world’s population lives in poverty, so the challenges are extensive. Mission Sunday is all about celebrating the work of missionaries, remembering them in our prayers and asking God’s blessings on all the good work they do. Mission is not about having all the answers. It is embracing and respecting so many different beliefs and viewpoints about God. Mission Sunday celebrates the uniqueness of every single person no matter what their beliefs. We are asked today to pray for all missionaries and all countries across the world today.

Today Mission Sunday we also celebrate your contribution and like the ripples in the water your contribution is valued, respected and so important. Mission Sunday is recognising that these ripples are happening in every part of the world. Great things are happening and will continue to happen.  

What does a missionary do?
A missionary does all sorts of interesting jobs and tasks.The first is telling others about Jesus, as this is the most important thing God asks.
A missionary reaches out to help the sick survive.Giving them the medicine and care they need to help them stay alive.
A missionary listens to people’s problems and helps in any way they can.Reaching out and helping others is part of the Lord God’s plan.
A missionary is a voice for those who are trapped or oppressed.Speaking up in difficult times takes courage but will be done at God’s request.
A missionary teaches others how to live their life each day.Showing them new career skills and importantly how to pray.
A missionary is someone who gives up all they have for the good of others.We too can be a missionary by giving up a little for our sisters and brothers.
A missionary is a true example of Jesus in our world today.Let us follow in their footsteps, and from our faith may we never stray.