To mark Priesthood Sunday the Laity will speak at all Masses this weekend on The Priesthood.
The Priest
To live in the midst of the world
without wishing its pleasures;
To be a member of each family,
yet belonging to none;
To share all suffering;
to penetrate all secrets;
To heal all wounds;
to go from men to God
and offer Him their prayers;
To return from God to men
to bring pardon and hope;
To have a heart of fire for Charity,
and a heart of bronze for Chastity
To teach and to pardon,
console and bless always.
My God, what a life;
and it is yours,
O priest of Jesus Christ.
St. John Vianney: His life began in 1786 in Lyons, France. His road to the priesthood was not an easy one the required studies presented him with many challenges. When he was finally ordained, he was assigned to a rural parish in the town of Ars of the diocese of Belley. His care for his parishoners was extraordinary – his mortification, prayer and good works became the talk not only the town, but of the entire region. Penitents flocked to him in droves and he spent many long hours in the confessional. He died in 1859 and is well known as the patron saint of diocesan priests.
Annual Collection for the Education of our Seminarians
will take place at all Masses this weekend 26th/27th Sept. There are five men in training for the priesthood for our Diocese one of whom will be ordained to the Priesthood on 8th Dec. This year Maynooth has had its biggest intake for a number of years. We thank the Lord for this blessing and we thank the men concerned for their generosity in responding to Gods call. Let us pray for vocations every day.
Gougane Barra
Sun. 27th Sept. The annual pilgrimage to Gougane Barra and the ancient monastic site associated with St. Finbarr. The concelebrated Mass is at 2.30 pm in the Oratory.
This Sunday we begin the formal part of our preparation for your childs First Confession and Holy Communion with our Do this in Memory Mass. Parents and children will make a commitment and will be enrolled as candidates for these sacraments. I hope that the experience of seeing your children grow in their understanding and interest in their Catholic faith will inspire parents to take their commitment to Jesus and His Church more seriously. I pray that you will continue to lead your children forward in faith by continuing to bring them to Mass and show them the example of a good Catholic family life which puts God first each week. You will see the rewards now and in eternity!
Diamond Wedding
Our congratulations and good wishes to Lilly and Paddy-Joe O'Callaghan of Mercier Park, who celebrate 60 years of marriage this week. Ad multos annos.
Our congratulations and good wishes to Paul Desmond & Mary Collins and Keith Seybert & Jane Mulcahy on the occasion of their marriages recently.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Following Saturday Masses 10am & 6pm or ask one of the priests at any time
First Friday
Next Friday is First Friday. Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie will visit the sick and housebound at their usual times on Thursday and Friday.
Altar Servers
If you are in third class or above and not in our Parish Schools and would like to be an altar server in Christ the King Church, you can collect your application form and the Child Protection Policy Document in the Sacristy. Current Altar Servers are invited to renew their commitment for the year ahead. All completed forms are to be returned by Sun. 4th Oct.
Turners Cross Gramophone Recital: Tues. next 29th Sept. at 7.30pm. Presenter: Josie Casey
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,210 – Thank you for your generosity.
Marymount Hospice write to sincerely thank those who hosted and supported the very successful Coffee Morning held recently in our Parish and wish to acknowledge receipt of 2,006 ."We would like to assure you that all donations are used for the development of our services, the building of our new hospice and to improve the care and comfort of the patients and their families for whom we have the privilege of caring. Your support is very much appreciated. Be assured of our prayers for your kindness."
We remember in our prayers Emma Ryan, Greenhills Court, Sean OBrien (retired teacher Scoil Chríost Rí), Mary Eyer, Liam Byrne, Baby Charlie Leahy OSullivam and Helen Hanrahan, South Douglas Rd. who died recently. May they all be at peace with God.
Parenting Course
The Parish Assembly plan to organise another Parenting Course. There will be a trained facilitator. It will last 8 week. What is it about ? Week 1. What is your child looking for. 2. Responsible Parenting. 3. Encouraging. 4 Listening
5. Communicating. 6. Disciplining children. 7 Talking things out together. 8. Bringing it all together.
Parents who have been part of the two previous courses in the parish have found them very helpful and informative. Give your name to The Sacristy on members of the Parish Assembly or phone Parish Mobile: 087-2610276
"They're not dead. They're gone home. They're just around the corner waiting for us." Pope John XXIII
Nothing can prepare us for loss, be it the loss of a loved one through death, separation, illness e.g. stroke, loss of a limb, loss of a job etc. There are so many feelings, and at the same time, so much to deal with. The Word of God and the Prayer of the Church can be healing in times of grief. How are you coping with your grief? Do you know that help is at hand? Participation in the Parish Bereavement Support Group could be the answer.
Contact the Sacristy or any member of the The Parish Assembly for more details.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane Tuesday 29th Sept. 2009
At 11.00a.m. John McKenna, Irish author visits the library.
At 3.00p.m. Gramophone Recital presented by John OGorman. At 6.30p.m. Cúpla focal eile group.
Admission is free to all of the above and all are welcome.
Blessing of Animals
On Saturday next 3rd Oct. Animals will be blessed in the Church Garden at 3pm
Lisbon Treaty
As we prepare to vote on the Lisbon Treaty on Oct. 2nd. This weeks Irish Catholic has many informative articles re the Treaty. The Catholic Bishops have said one can vote yes without reserve and in good conscience. The choice is ours.