September 6th 2009 – 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor to speak in Turner's Cross

Fr. Jerome will speak in Christ the King Church, Turner’s Cross on Wednesday 9th Sept. at 8pm.
His topic will be “Learning the Scriptures"
Fr. Jerome has spent most of his life studying and teaching the Scriptures in Jerusalem.
and around the world.  All are very welcome.
See also..'Connor

(1)The healing of the deaf-mute in todays Gospel provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the importance of communication in our lives. The healing touch of Jesus brought the man from isolation into community. Who have been the people who touched you when you felt isolated and alone and helped you to come out of painful aloneness?
(2)Deafness is symbolic of being unable to hear what is being said to us. What a difference when our ears are opened! Perhaps you can recall a time when your ears were opened and you heard in a new way that you were loved – by God or by another person.
(3)Words are not the only form of communication. Actions can speak louder than words. Being able to say what is in you is the other side of communication. Perhaps there have been occasions when you have struggled to find words to express what is deepest in you – your faith, your values, your love. Then something changed and you found the words. What was it like to be able to express your deepest self?   Fr.John Byrne

September  Diary
7th Sept. Meeting to Plan Christmas Carol Service in Parish Centre 7pm
9th Sept Talk in Church By Fr. Jerome Murphy-O’Connor OP  8pm
14th Sept. Parish Assembly Meeting  Parish Centre 8pm
15th Sept. Meeting with Parents of Children preparing for First Holy Communion next May in the Church at 7.30pm
16th Sept. Mass with the First Year Students of Colaiste Chriost Ri and their Parents 7.30pm in the Church.
17th Sept. Coffee Morning in Parish Centre in aid of Marymount Hospice after 10am Mass. Your support and  help will  be much appreciated.
22th Sept,: Mass for the beginning of School Year for the Girls & Boys Primary Schools  in the Church at 10.30am.    Parents are welcome to attend.
27th Sept. Enrollment of Children for First Penance & First Holy Communion at 10.30am  Mass.
27th Sept. Priesthood Sunday.

Important Dates 2010
Parish Confirmations:  22nd April
First  Confessions  Girls 7.30pm  9th March
First Confessions Boys 7.30pm 10th March
First Holy Communion Girls  10.30am  8th May
First Holy Communion Boys 10.30am 15th May

Bishop Buckley's office has published the Schedule of Confirmation ceremonies to be held in the Diocese in 2010.   See Diocesan Website –
or our Parish Website

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society:  
monthly meeting in Parish Centre on this Tues. 8th Sept at 7.30pm

Can you spare the time?
Pope Benedict has announced A Year for Priests. In response the Capuchins in Holy Trinity Church invite you to Holy Hour on Sundays at 7pm.  Can you spare the time for silent adoration followed by rosary and benediction. Time to pray for your own needs and the needs of the Church at this time. All welcome.

Parish Choir; We welcome back our Choir.  New members are always welcome. Contact Paula Murphy  Phone 4964519 or any member of the Choir.

Our congratulations and good wishes to David Sammon & Aoife O’Sullivan.  Brian Ward & Ida Moloney.  Alex Casey & Alison Meldrum,   Derek O’Driscoll & Tracy O’Neill,  Michael Kenneally & Lorraine Chambers who married recently.

We remember in our prayers Michael Sheehan, Greenhills Court who died recently. We extend our sympathy and prayers to Geraldine, Marguerite, Padraig and all the relations and friends.

The Alzheimer Society Cork City Branch
Carers Support Meeting Wed. 9th Sept.  3 p.m. to 4.30 pm  Bessboro Day Care Centre, Blackrock. All are welcome.

Let us keep in our prayers the 38 new Seminarians who have just begun their studies for the priesthood in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth.  It is the highest number of vocations to the Seminary since 1999. One of the new class of 2009 is from the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Also in the group is a former soccer winger who won 27 caps for Northern Ireland. Philip Mulryne (31) played for Manchester United during the 1990's and is now about to begin his studies for the priesthood for the Diocese of Down and Connor. We pray for all of them as they begin their journey.

Tory Top Library has been chosen as a venue for a UCC adult short course this autumn. The course is entitled “Understanding your health” the lecturer is Kathy D’Arcy, Department of English, UCC.
This 6 week course will run on Thursdays from 10.30a.m. – 12.30p.m.
Course runs from 24th Sept. – 29th Oct. inclusive. The fee is €80
Closing date for applications is 16th Sept. Contact the library at 4924946.

Eucharistic Youth Conference  
Bishop John Buckley has kindly given permission to hold a special Youth Conference on Eucharistic Adoration for young adults in Cork City on Friday-Sunday, 11th to 13th September, 2009. “The youth are the future of the Church, and they will gather in Cork City to ADORE! Live the faith with 3 days of prayer and fellowship.  Experience the new evangelization through inspirational talks and witnessing, live music, meeting new friends and workshops.  Ultimately, encounter Christ in the Eucharist through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Hours of Adoration. Be fearless apostles of the Eucharist”   Venue: Presentation Brothers College, Mardyke.  FREE Registration, Accommodation & Snacks! (Donations accepted) Contact: Br. Francis / Br.Jerome at 086-3238543, Heidi at 087-9081739 or Adore Office at 021-427094   <A href=""></A>

Gala Concert in Ss. Peter & Paul’s to mark it’s 150 Anniversary of the opening of the Church on Sat. 26th Sept. – Joe Corbett Baritone, Mary Hegarty Soprano, Breffnie Horgan Tenor, Cork Male Voice Choir & Kinsale Choral Group.  Tickets are available in our Sacristy €15.