We have been praying and thinking over the past year about vocations to the priesthood and religious life. When we pray for vocations in this narrow sense, what exactly are we asking of God?. It seems certain that God still calls people to this particular life, to a life lived totally for him and for his people. One wonders if the difficulty is not with the hearing of that constant call. Certainly, in a noisy and fast moving world, it is not easy to hear the voice of God who speaks mostly in stillness and in silence. So we pray that those whom God does call may be able to hear that call. We pray, too that those who do hear it may have every possible support and encouragement in answering it – this is much more necessary than it was in the past, when the climate was more supportive of priesthood and religious life than it is now.
On this Vocation Sunday we pray that whatever our calling in life is that we will respond to the call and live generously for the good of others.
WHY DO PEOPLE BECOME PRIESTS? http://www.turnerscross.com/church/
This weeks issue of The Irish Catholic (available at the back of the Church) has an excellent supplement on Vocations and the series of articles on the life of St. Paul continues in the paper. A great read for 1.30
A special Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations
This weekend "Good Shepherd Sunday" is the traditional day for praying for vocations to priesthood and religious life. In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus says "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep. "The Christian tradition links Jesus' use of the image of shepherd with the vocation of ministry in the church. Hence the term 'pastoral' which is used to refer to participation in the saving work of Christ – in particular the life of priests and religious.
A special Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations will be held in our Church on Saturday 2nd May from 6.45pm to 7.45pm. All are welcome.
Prayer for Vocations
God, you desire the happiness and salvation of all.,
Stir up the grace of a holy vocation
in the hearts of many within our parish.
Grant them the willingness and generosity
to give of themselves,
their time and talents
to the service of Jesus Christ,
our Lord, and to His Church.
Garden of Resurrection
The Garden of Resurrection in our Church is a symbolic representation of the tomb from which the Risen Lord came forth to declare that the life of faith triumphs over death itself. Let us join with family and friends in visiting this place of prayer and hope and especially remember those who have gone before us marked with the sign of hope in the Resurrection.
Offertory Collection last week 2,518 many thanks for your generosity.
Theft from cars at Church and Graveyards
The Crime Prevention Office of An Garda Siochana asks for your attention to the following:
There has been a large increase in the number of thefts from cars while people have been visiting their local churches and visiting their relatives graves. In one week alone there has been three break-ins into cars in car parks of graveyards. This crime takes only minutes and involves the culprit smashing the window of the car and taking the purse or handbag which is left visible. There has also been a case in the last week where a lady placed her handbag under the car seat but was obviously being watched while she did this and when she returned the car had been broken into and her bag was gone. An Garda Siochana ask people not to leave property unattended and visible in their cars. This should either be left at home or carried on the person while visiting churches and graveyards.
Pastoral Services Collection May 9th/10th
Bishop Buckley invites people of the diocese to continue to help fund the programmes promoting lay involvement in the parishes. The special collection for Parish Pastoral Services will be taken up in all churches in the diocese next weekend of May 9th/10th. The annual collection will help meet the costs of developing and supporting lay involvement in parishes. It helps fund the work of the Pastoral Development Office by meeting some of the running costs as well as salaries for personnel.
The services provided to parishes include establishing, training, and supporting parish councils, parish assemblies and their working groups. Ongoing formation and resources are also provided for these groups. The office is also supporting the planning work involved in establishing pastoral areas in the diocese. Bishop Buckley said Last years collection came to 96,903 This is a mark of the generous support by parishioners and clergy for the essential work which is being funded by this collection, This work will continue to be essential in the future plans for the diocese and parishes as we work together to build up the faith community in a changing environment.
We welcome to the Christian Community Amy Alexandra Lane who was baptised recently.
Masses for Exams
All those preparing for or doing exams will be included in our Shared Mass offered each Friday Morning at 10am. Special Exam Mass Cards are now available from the Sacristy
100th Birthday.
We wish our parishioner Mrs Nora OConnor of OConnell Ave, every blessing as she celebrates her 100th birthday today May 2nd.
First Holy Communion
The Boys from Scoil Chríost Rí will receive their First Holy Communion next Saturday 9th May at 10.30am Mass. There will be no Mass at 10am.
We wish the Boys, their Parents, Families and Teachers a lovely day.
Cork & Ross Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2009.
11th-16th June Booking forms available for the pilgrim section from Joe Walsh Tours, 117 Patrick St, Cork. Tel: 021 4277959, Enquiries for Special Invalid Section to: The Pilgrim Director Mons. Kevin OCallaghan, 1 Woodlawn, Model Farm Road. 021-4346818
Summer Bedding Plants/Perennials For Sale
Tues. 5th to Fri. 8th May 9am to 4.45pm Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, Tramore Rd.
Relics of St Therese
They will arrive in St. Francis Church on this Friday May 8th at 1pm and will depart from there on Sat. 9th May at 12.30pm. A Special Mass will be celebrated in St. Francis at 9.30pm on Friday 8th.
Turners Cross Day Care Centre
Health Promotion Morning on Wednesday 6th May 9.30am to 12.30pm. a nurse will be available to check blood pressure, blood glucose etc. All are welcome.
Christ King Girls Primary School
OPEN DAY Thursday May 7th ~11am to 1pm
11am -11.40 School Concert
11.40-12 noon: Refreshments
12 noon 1pm Tour of the School.
The school is now accepting enrolments and application forms are available by contacting the school on 021-4963695.
Congratulations to Christ King Girls Primary School Choir, who for the second year, win first prize at the Cork International Choral Festival.
Visiting Choir.
On this Sunday: (May 3rd ): we welcome The Chamber Choir Gallerie from Finland who will sing at the 10.30 Mass.