Holy Week in Turner's Cross 2009
May the new light of Easter shine in our darkness and fill us with renewed hope.
We hope that you can join us for the Easter Ceremonies here in Christ the King as they are the most assuring and uplifting liturgical celebrations of the Church Year.
We wish you and your families a grace filled Holy Week and a happy, peaceful and joyful Easter.
Fr Kerry, Fr. Charlie & The Parish Assembly
Mon. 6th, Tues. 7th Wed. 8th April
Masses: 10 a.m. & 6pm Confessions after Mass each day
Chrism Mass: Thursday 9th April
Bishop John Buckley with the Priests of the Diocese will concelebrate the Chrism Mass in the Cathedral at 10am. All are invited to attend this Mass
The Chrism Mass sees the blessing of the three Holy Oils; the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Blessing of the Sick and the Oil of Chrism. These are used during the sacraments. The blessing of the Holy Oils is one of the most ancient ceremonies in the Church. It is always celebrated in the Cathedral by the bishop surrounded by the priests, deacon, religious and lay people from the diocese.
The Priests of the Diocese renew their priestly vows at this Mass.
Thursday 9th April HOLY THURSDAY no morning Mass in Parish Church
The 'three days' begin on the evening of Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord's Supper. At this Mass we remember Jesus' gift of himself in his Body and Blood and his command to love one another. This command is exemplified in Jesus' washing of his disciples' feet on this night.
6.00pm Concelebrated Mass of the Lords Supper
Procession to Altar of Repose . Bring your Trocaire Box to this Mass
Confessions after procession
Quiet Holy Hour: 8.30 pm – 9.30 pm
"Can you watch one hour with me"
Friday 10th April GOOD FRIDAY No Masses today,
A day of fast & abstinance
On Good Friday the Church gathers to listen to St John's account of the passion and death of Jesus. In the Prayer of the Faithful the needs of the Church and the world are prayed for and then people are invited to venerate the cross through which Christ 'brought joy to the world'.
3.00 pm Solemn celebration of the Passion of Our Lord
Reading of the Passion / Veneration of the Cross / Holy Communion
Collection for the Holy Places in the Holy Land at the Ceremonies and The Stations
Stations of the Cross: 12 noon & 6.00pm Led by the Laity
Confessions after the Stations and 3pm Ceremonies
Saturday 11th April HOLY SATURDAY (no morning Mass)
On the evening of Saturday the Church gathers again to celebrate the Easter Vigil. Christ's resurrection is proclaimed through scripture and song, and through the baptism of a new member into the Parish Community.
6pm Solemn Easter Vigil and Mass of The Resurrection
Bring candle & holder to Vigil
Confessions 12noon -1pm
Collection for the Priests of the Parish this weekend
Sunday 12nd April EASTER SUNDAY
At Mass throughout the world Catholics share in the joy of the disciples who know that Christ has risen.
Masses: 9 am, 10.30 am & 12 noon
Easter Triduum of Masses: Easter Sun. 12 noon, Mon, Tues. at 10 am
Cards are available in Parish Office & Sacristy
Stations of the Cross
Through our baptism, lay involvement in our church is a desirable and definite need. In our parish, for Good Friday this year, the clergy and parish assembly have decided to take a step into the future. The Stations of the Cross (12noon & 6pm) will be led and said by us all – Pobal De (Gods People). Guided by the Holy Spirit we will gather, as a community, to journey with Jesus on his way to Calvery. We will use the photographs displayed in our church with the stations of the Cross.
Parish Bereavement Support Group will meet in the Presentation Convent, Evergreen Rd on Mon.6th April 7.30pm.
Trócaire Boxes:
can be returned at the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday or to the sacristy during the week
Easter Triduum Cards are available in the Parish Office this weekend and on Mon. Tues. and Wed. The Masses will be celebrated on Easter Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.
Cork & Ross Adult Religious Ed. Office & Holy Cross Parish, Mahon Present
"Here is your King" An afternoon's exploration of John's Passion by
Barbara Bowe R.S.C.J. Professor of Biblical Studies Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, USA. Palm Sunday April 5th from 3.00 to 6pm in Mahon Community Centre, Mahon Cost 10. All Welcome. Contact Fr. Sean O'Sullivan 435776
Offertory Collection last week 2,421 many thanks for your generosity.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane, Cork
Wednesday 8th April at 11.00a.m.
Concert by The Nevada Union High School Choir from Grass Valley, California.
Admission is free and all are welcome.
Congratulations to Emma OBrien Evergreen Rd on winning the Silver Medal in the U14 60M. in the All-Ireland indoor Championships held at Nenagh. Emma is a member of Leevale AC