Parish Confirmations
We extend a warm welcome to Bishop John Buckley who will be with us on next Wed. 25th March 10.30am to confirm 106 young people from our Parish Schools.
Across Ireland Confirmation ceremonies are taking place. It is an occasion of great joy and celebration for all the young people being confirmed. The human spirit is an essential part of each person. It is the mirror of our soul. Like anything living it needs nourishment and care. The Holy Spirit in Confirmation connects with it in a truly special way. This is impossible to describe or put it into words. Its called a sacred moment and thats why every Confirmation ceremony is indeed a sacred moment. As we pray for all who are to be confirmed on Wednesday by Bishop Buckley we ask the Holy Spirit to guide each of us as well and to continue nourishing our human spirit.
We wish all those to be confirmed, their families and teachers a lovely day on Wednesday.
There will be no 10am Mass on Wed. 25th March because of Confirmations. There will be Mass at 9am.
Weekday Masses during Lent 10am (except this Wed) & 6pm
Mothers Day
On this Sunday 18th March, the 12 noon Mass will be offered for our Mothers living or deceased. If you would like your mother to be remembered special cards are available at the Parish Office after Mass.
No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you – life
Lots of cards and gifts will be given to many mothers today. But no gift or card can ever sum up the uniqueness of a mother. Nothing can ever sum up the impact of our mothers in our lives.
Today Mothers day is a day to celebrate and a day to thank God for our mothers. It is also a day to remember mothers who are deceased, their memory will never be forgotten.
Easter Triduum Cards will also be available.
Mothers Day Blessing.
Loving God, We ask You to bless these women on this
Mothers Day. Fill them with warmth that through them their
families may be warmed by it. Fill them with gentleness and
compassion that through them we may also experience that
gentleness and compassion. Fill them with strength so that
when we are feeling low we may be encouraged by them. Help
us, the sons and daughters of these Mothers, so that we may
always love, honour and respect them.
And may the blessing of almighty God Father, Son and Holy
Spirit be upon these Mothers and all of us for ever and ever
Parish Bereavement Support Group will meet in the Presentation Convent, Evergreen Rd on Mon. 23rd March 7.30pm.
Offertory Collection last week 2,337 Many thanks for your generosity.
We welcome into the Christian Community: Ava Loise Ryan & Shaune Marie Doyle-Morrissey who were
baptised recently.
The Annual Pioneer Diocesan Mass will take place at The Church of the Incarnation Frankfield on Thursday 26th March at 8 pm all Pioneers and non Pioneers welcome
We remember in our prayers Frances McCarthy, Westview, who died recently. We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to her family.
World famous Monica Brown will be in Christ the King, Turners Cross on Thursday 26th March at 7.30pm Monica will be singing the songs, hymns and mantras that have accompanied so many on their journey….. Sharing the stories behind the songs that have touched so many hearts. A concert for all whose hearts know the Sacred in music and song – not to be missed.
Over 60's Talent Competition
Contestants are being sought for the Turners Cross heat of the over 60's which will be held on 26th March. If you would like to take part, please contact 087-6973206
Spring Dues
We thank the Area Collectors who collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues.
Table Quiz
Colaiste Chriost Ri. in Old School Hall, Thurs. 26th March at 8.30pm.10 per Adult 5 per Student. 4 persons per table Loads of Spots and Prizes
Thinking of becoming a Priest -Talking, listening, discussing, praying and reflecting will help you explore whether you want to fan the flame… It is still your decision.
Information Day about becoming a priest in Cork & Ross is on Sat. March 28th at Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte. 11 am – 5 pm, with lunch included. There is no charge. People who hope to attend are asked to contact: Fr. Tom Deenihan 021 4301717 or Fr Bertie OMahony 021 4371684 or Fr Charlie Kiely: 021-4313103 or send an email to
"Do This in Memory."
The Parent Representatives of the Four First Holy Communion Classes will meet in Fr Kerry's House on this Mon. 23rd March at 7.30pm. The next Do this in Memory Mass will be on the next Sun. 29th March. at 10.30
Our Parish Newsletter is available on
All community groups can promote their message on this FREE service.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane –
Tuesday 31 March 2009 11.00a.m.: Book Club meeting.
3.00p.m.: Gramophone Recital with John OGorman.
6.30p.m.: Cúpla Focal Eile group.
7.00p.m.: Irish Life & Lore the Cork City collection. Presentation & demonstration by Maurice OKeeffe.
Prayer to know my vocation
My Lord and my God,
you are Love itself, the source of all love and goodness.
Out of love you created me to know you, to love you,
and to serve you in a unique way, as no one else can.
I believe that you have a plan for my life, that you have a mission in your Kingdom reserved for me alone.
Lord grant me the light of grace I need to see the next step in Your plan;
grant me the generosity necessary to follow your call;
and grant me the courage required to take up my cross and to follow you.
Show me your will, O gentle and eternal God, and help me to say with Mary,
I am the servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.
Let me say with Jesus, Let not my will be done, but yours.
Cork & Ross Adult Religious Ed. Office & Holy Cross Parish, Mahon Present
"Here is your King" An afternoon's exploration of John's Passion by
Barbara Bowe R.S.C.J. Professor of Bibilical Studies Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, USA.
Palm Sunday April 5th from 3.00 to 6.00pm in Mahon Community Centre, Mahon
Cost 10. All Welcome. Contact Fr. Sean O'Sullivan 4357765