March 15th 2009 – 3rd Sunday of Lent

St Patrick’s Day
Masses: Monday 16th March Vigil Mass at 6pm, Tuesday: St Patricks Day: 9am 10.30am and 12 noon (please note:  no evening Mass at 6pm St Patrick’s Day).

Prayer to St.Patrick
St Patrick, patron saint of our land, chosen by God to bring the faith to Ireland, come walk among us again and intercede for us to the most kind Father, through His only begotten Son, for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our nation.
Inspire the leaders of our country and elected representative to enact just laws, which will be in accordance with the Holy Will of God.
Protect and guide our bishops, priests and religious and those who devote their lives to spreading the Gospel.  Keep them safe in God’s love and service.
Dissolve the hatreds and injustices in our country.
Grant us an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Also we pray that we will all be granted the grace to desire the Will of the Father for our lives, Amen.

Weekday Masses during Lent 10am & 6pm

Parish Bereavement Support Group
will meet in the Presentation Convent, Evergreen Rd on Mon. 16th March 7.30pm.

Offertory Collection last week €2,588.  Many thanks for your generosity.

Welcome to Fr Joe McDonnell
We welcome to our parish this weekend Fr Joe McDonnell a Columban Priest who has worked on the mission field in the Philippines.  He will speak to us at all Masses this weekend about his work.

We welcome into the Christian Community: Alex Carroll & Jamie Anthony Carroll  who were baptised recently.

We remember in our prayers: Frances McCarthy, West View and Betty O’Regan, Derrynane Rd.,  who died recently.  We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to their families.

Parish Assembly & Good Friday 2009.
The Parish Assembly are taking responsibility for the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.  We are seeking the support of parishioners as readers.  If you  would like to participate please phone 087-2610276

Mothers Day:
Next Sunday 22nd of March.   That day there will be a special Mass for all our Mothers living or deceased at 12 noon. Special cards are available in the Sacristy after Mass and in the Parish Office this weekend
Easter Triduum Cards will also be available  from the office which will be open after 10am Mass during the week

Legion of Mary “Acies” (annual consecration to Our Lady) will be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballinlough on Wed next March 18th at 7.45pm and Mass at 8pm. All active and auxiliary members are welcome.

Over 60's Talent Competition
Contestants are being sought for the Turners Cross heat of the over 60's which will be held on 26th March. If you would like to take part, please contact 087-6973206

Daffodil Day Please consider volunteering on Daffodil Day, March 20th in Cork City to help raise much needed funds selling daffodils in support of the Irish Cancer Society’s compassionate, free nursing services for people with cancer. Just a few hours can make a big difference to those affected by cancer. Please call the Cork fundraising office at 021-4509918 to register as a volunteer. Thank you.

World famous Monica Brown will be in Christ the King, Turners Cross on Thursday 26th March at 7.30pm   Monica will be singing the songs, hymns and mantras that have accompanied so many on their journey….. Sharing the stories behind the songs that have touched so many hearts.  A concert for all whose hearts know the Sacred in music and song – not to be missed.

We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues in the Sacristy after Mass this weekend 15/16th March.

"The Rosary is recited each morning Monday to Saturday at 9.40 am. prior to the 10.00 am. Mass."

Knock Summer Youth Festival
23rd to 26th July at Our Lady’s Shine, Knock for Youth 18-35years. Further details on our Parish Notice Board.

Holy Land
Pope Benedict travels as a pilgrim to the Holy Land in May.
Our Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is from 7th -16th October. Flying direct from Cork.    Extra seats have become available – anyone interested should contact one of the priests as soon as possible.  Details of pilgrimage are in the Sacristy.

Triduum to St Joseph (17th -19th March)
17th March: Joseph the listener: Joseph was the one who listened.  No spoken word is recorded of him.  God’s word came to him in silence.  Constant noise prevents us from listening and hearing.  We ask St Joseph to help us carve out a quiet time in our day to listen to God. Amen.
18th March: Joseph the man of prayer: A husband and parent in the Holy Family, Joseph observed religious feasts; he went to the Synagogue on the Sabbath and prayed the Psalms at regular times during the day.  We ask Joseph to help us to live prayerful lives, by spending quiet time in prayer each day, and taking part in the church’s liturgy. Amen
19th March: Feast of St Joseph: Joseph the worker: Joseph taught Jesus his trade.  Joseph loved his work and knew its dignity.  He also knew what people had to suffer  in times of hardship and unemployment.  Work is not just a means of making money.  It is a service to others, a sharing in the redemptive work of Jesus, a means of creating order and beauty and making the world a better place.  We ask St Joseph to help us appreciate the dignity of work and grant us meaningful employment. Amen.

Information DAY on Priesthood – Sat Mar. 28th
Thinking of becoming a Priest -Talking, listening, discussing, praying and reflecting will help you explore whether you want to fan the flame… It is still your decision.
Information Day about becoming a priest in Cork & Ross is on Sat. March 28th at Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte. 11 am – 5 pm, with lunch included. There is no charge. People who hope to attend are asked to contact:  Fr. Tom Deenihan 021 4301717 or  Fr Bertie O’Mahony 021 4371684 or Fr Charlie Kiely:  021-4313103 or send an email to

Important Dates
March 17th St. Patrick’s Day
March 19th  Feast of St. Joseph
March 22nd  Mothers Day
March 25th    Parish Confirmations with Bishop Buckley
March 26th  Monica Brown Concert
April 4th/5th  Palm Sunday Penitential Rites at all Masses
April 12th  Easter Sunday
May 9th   First Holy Communion Boys
May 16th  First Holy Communion Girls