February 22nd 2009 – 7th Sunday Ordinary Time.

Lent 2009.
‘Lent is above all a time of prayer, for withdrawing a little from the hustle and bustle of daily life to be alone with God.’
Why do we put ashes on our foreheads next Wednesday? It’s not a good luck charm but an outward sign that we’re mortal, fragile and merely pilgrims passing through this world. We take them to remind ourselves that we are part of the creation of God and that we’re also equal in God’s eyes. They are also ashes of hope reminding others that we’re willing to do something positive in our spiritual lives.  During these weeks we should give time to fasting or to some definite act of self denial. This will free our hearts from preoccupation about material goods and enable God’s spirit to find a true space within us.
During these weeks we shall open our hearts to those in need and offer help from the resources we have. Lent has the promise and potential to be a very worthwhile journey

Ash Wednesday
Next Wed. 25th of  Feb.  Ashes will be Blessed and imposed at the Masses.
The Mass Times on Ash Wednesday and on all the weekdays of Lent will be at 10am and 6pm.   The young people to be confirmed on the 25th March will be with us for the 10am Mass on Wednesday  they will then impose the ashes on their schoolmates after Mass.

“Walk with Me”
On sale this weekend, linked with the season of Lent, a little book ‘Walk with Me’, a Lenten Journey of Prayer — an ideal companion during the season of Lent. Daily meditations in simple and accessible style, a great way to encourage people to prepare for Easter. This is an excellent booklet. Cost €1.30  Available at the back of the Church.

Family Fast Boxes
Trócaire Family Fast Boxes are available at the back of the Church, and will also be distributed through the Primary Schools. Last Lent the great sum of €12,508 was raised for Trócaire from our Parish.

Deepen Your Faith this Lent.
A number of short programmes are available in our City during Lent this year. On the Monday nights of Lent Victor Tabone will look at “Prayer in St. Paul” in St. Dominic’s Retreat Centre, Ennismore.
On Tuesdays nights, Fr. Charles Conroy MSC will address “Jeremiah: Prophetic Suffering and the New Covenent” in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Western Rd., while the NOSTRA programme is offering a series of lectures “Step out in Faith this Lent” by leading theologians in Mardyke House.  Full details on Parish Assembly Notice Board.

Thank You
Our thanks to our Parish Assembly and all who helped in organising the launch of the new Stations of The Cross and the Trocaire Lenten Campaign last Tuesday – our Parish Choir, the Children from our Primary Schools who sang, our Readers. It was truly a prayerful and memorable experience, it was great to see the laity leading us in prayer.

How are you coping with your Grief?
Nothing can prepare us for loss be it the loss of a loved one through death, separation, illness e.g. stroke, loss of a limb, loss of a job etc.  There are so many feelings, and at the same time, so much to deal with.  The Word of God and the Prayer of the Church can be healing in times of grief.
How are you coping with your grief?  Do you know that help is at hand?  Participation in the Parish Bereavement Support Group could be the answer. Such a group is commencing in our Parish of Christ the King,  in March and will continue until the end of April. Contact the sacristy / members of the Parish Assembly for further details.  087-2610276

Offertory Collection
Last week’s Offertory Collection €2,411 many thanks for your generosity.

We welcome to the Christian Community: Louie O’Sullivan & Amie Kate Broudhead who were baptised recently at Christ the King Church.

We remember in our prayers:   Michael Hennebry, Capwell Rd., John O’ Keeffe, May Corcoran,  Fr. Frank Lyons, late of St. Anns Pk.  and Alex Caraher, (7 years) who died recently.  We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to their families.

"Do This in Memory."
The Parent Representatives of the Four First Holy Communion Classes will meet in Fr Kerry's House on this Mon. 23rd Feb. at 7.30pm.  The next “Do this in Memory” Mass will be on the next Sun. 1st March. at 10.30

Turner’s Cross Gramophone Circle will meet on next Tues. 23rd Feb. at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. Presenter : Tom Maher.

Our congratulations and good wishes to Andrew O’Callaghan and Erika DiSanzo who married recently

Parenting Course
For parents of teenage children will begin on this Thurs. 26th Feb. and runs each Thurs. until 2nd April  in the Parish Centre, Christ the King. at 7.30pm.

Over 60's Talent Competition
Contestants are being sought for the Turners Cross heat of the over 60's which will be held on 26th March. If you would like to take part, please contact 087-6973206

The Crossing.
2,000 school children from  Cork are preparing for an outstanding music and culture project called “The Crossing”. These young people represent 42 schools (including Christ King Girls Primary School) will be performing in City Hall, Cork with the renowned Cross Border Orchestra conducted by Maestro Gearóid Grant. The concerts take place at 3pm and 8pm on Sat. 28th Feb. and 1pm and 6pm on Sun. 1st March.  Emmanuel Lawler, Tenor;  Patrick Martin, Uilleann Pipe Soloist Tickets: Family €50 (2 Adults & 3 Children); €20 Adult;   €10 Child/ Student/ OAPs from PRO MUSICA, CORK

A Lenten Invitation
Lent is an opportunity to grow in knowledge and love of Jesus. A  simple way to do this is to prayerfully read the Gospel in faith.
Prayer each Monday after the 10am Mass  a group of people do just that with the Gospel for the following Sunday. Join us in the Parish Centre  You will be most welcome.

Catholic Papers on sale at the back of the Church. The series of articles on St. Paul continues in The Irish Catholic. Cost of Irish Catholic is now €1.30

Priesthood in Cork & Ross
The annual information day will take place on Saturday, March 28th in Ennismore, further details by contacting Fr Charlie on 4313103.

Prayer for those seeking employment.
Maker of the world and of all creation,
You made us in your image and intended us for creative work.
Look with love on those of us who are unemployed.
Help us to enjoy life together with those who have work
and to understand what kind of help we need to give one another,
whether in paid employment or not.
Guide the leaders of our country,
that they may take wise decisions which will benefit us all.
Finally, we ask you Lord, to guide us in the knowledge
that we all have worth in ourselves
and that we are all of equal value in your eyes,
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord – AMEN.

Ministers of the Eucharist
New Rotas now available from the Sacristy.