February 15th 2009 – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"From Turners Cross around the world"
Praying the Stations of the Cross with our brothers and sisters.
Parishioners from our parish are invited to the launch of a newly written Stations of the Cross for use in parishes on this Tue. 17 Feb. in Christ the King Church, Turners Cross at 8pm.
The special feature of these new Stations is, parishioners can lead them. This results in a greater role for parishioners in leading prayer in our parishes. These Stations use resources provided by Trócaire which link the painful cross of Christ with the burdens of our brothers and sisters in developing countries today. The Stations will be presented on the night by people  from our parish and  neighbouring parishes with our parish choir and children singing from our local schools. Bishop John Buckley and Trócaire staff will also attend.  The Trócaire Lenten Appeal will also be launched at the gathering.   All are very welcome.

How are you coping with your Grief?
Nothing can prepare us for loss be it the loss of a loved one through death, separation, illness e.g. stroke, loss of a limb, loss of a job etc.  There are so many feelings, and at the same time, so much to deal with.  The Word of God and the Prayer of the Church can be healing in times of grief.
How are you coping with your grief?  Do you know that help is at hand?  Participation in the Parish Bereavement Support Group could be the answer. Such a group is commencing in our Parish of Christ the King  in March and will continue until the end of April. Contact the sacristy / members of the Parish Assembly for further details.  087-2610276

Offertory Collection
Last week‘s Offertory Collection: €2,216.   Lourdes Collection €2,264. Many thanks for your generosity.

"Do This in Memory."
We welcome the Parents and the Children preparing for the First Confession and First Holy Communion to our Mass this morning.
Girls: First Confession 4th March.  Boys: First Confession: 5th March.

Catholic Papers
on sale at the back of the Church. The series of articles on St. Paul by Fr. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor continues in The Irish Catholic. Cost of Irish Catholic has increased to €1.30

ALIVE – The Catholic Monthly Newspaper is available free at the back of the church.

Mass Cards and Cards for the Friday Shared Mass  are available in the Sacristy after Mass. The Shared Mass every Friday at 10 am is offered for the sick, for those who have died and for your special intentions

Would You Like To Use Your Skills To Make A Difference?
Since 1960, Viatores Christi (Catholic lay missionary development workers), has aimed to respond to needs overseas and at home by giving people an opportunity to share their lives and skills with those in need.  People from all backgrounds and professions join Viatores Christi – people who want to challenge themselves to make a difference in the world, however big or small.
If you are interested in learning more, please come along to our information and recruitment session in Cork on 17th Feb. 2009 at 7.30pm in SMA Parish Centre, Wilton.

Morning Mass
If you would like to get Morning Mass over the Internet Click Here:  http://www.churchservices.tv/index.php
Or maybe you have elderly Parents or relatives who would appreciate having morning Mass.  Daily Mass is also available on the radio on the CUH Channel.

Parenting Course
For parents of teenagers  will begin on Thurs. 26th Feb. and run each Thurs. until 2nd April  in the Parish Centre, Christ the King. at 7.30pm.

Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane
Tuesday 24th February 2009- All welcome.
At 11.00a.m. – Book club meeting.
At 3.00p.m. – Gramophone Recital with Jim Ahern
At 6.30p.m. – Cúpla Focal Eile group.

Important Dates:
17th Feb. Stations of the Cross (newly composed) will be presented – along with the launch of Trócaire's Lent campaign – at Turners Cross Church.  at 8pm
25th Feb. Ash Wednesday
4th March First Confessions  Girls
5th March First Confessions Boys
10th March Service of Light for those preparing for Confirmation and their Parents
25th March Parish Confirmations
26th March "Songs for the Journey"  Concert with Monica Brown in Christ the King Church.
4/5th April. Penitential Rites
12th April Easter Sunday
9th & 16th May  First Holy Communions

This Parish Newsletter is available on www.mylocalnews.ie