World Day of Prayer for the Sick
Wednesday the 11th of Feb is the Feast of Our Lady Of Lourdes .
It is World Day of Prayer for those who are sick. We think of the many people who are sick and not well in our parish, particularly those in hospital at the moment. The courage, bravery and mind set of so many of these people is inspirational. We think and pray for each of them and all those who care and look after our sick. We also ask God's healing in our lives too. There are areas where we all need healing. Wednesday is a good day to pray for such healing.
Lord, gently lay your hands on our sick and on me today.
Gently bring your blessings on us and especially your healing.
I also would like to pray and include ……………
(Mention their names here in your own quiet prayer)
Anointing of The Sick & Veneration of the Relic of St Bernadette.
The 10am Mass on Wed. 11th Feb. will be offered for the Sick and Housebound and their Carers. The Anointing of the Sick and the blessing with the Relic of St. Bernadette will take place after the 10am & 6pm Masses.
The Theme in Lourdes for 2009 is The Way of Bernadette. Last year was the Jubilee Year and many who went on Pilgrimage to Lourdes took part in The Jubilee Way following in the steps of St Bernadette, from her Baptismal Font in the Parish Church, the family home during the apparitions called The Cachot (an old disused prison cell) The Grotto and The Hospice The Chapel in which she received her First Holy Communion. In actual fact the Jubilee Year finished with the last apparition. This year the journey continues with the eight years after the apparitions and onwards to Nevers where she entered the convent and lived for almost another 20 years.
Offertory Collection
Last week's Offertory Collection 2,456 – many thanks for your generosity.
The Parish Assembly will meet on this Mon. 9th Feb. in the Parish Centre at 8pm
"Do This in Memory."
The Parent Representatives of the Four First Holy Communion Classes will meet in Fr Kerry's House on this Mon. 9th Feb. at 7.30pm. The next Do this in Memory Mass will be on the next Sun. 15th Feb. at 10.30
We welcome to the Christian Community Cynthia Kaniewski and Fionn Patrick Hayes who were baptised recently in Christ King Church.
We remember in our prayers Mai Twomey, Connolly Rd. who died recently. We extend our sincere sympathy and prayers to her family.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Collection
The special collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend 7/8 Feb. in aid of the Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes.
This collection subsidises individuals whose health and/or means would otherwise prevent them from travelling to Lourdes. It also subsidises the travel of essential care personnel.
Catholic Papers on sale at the back of the Church. The series of articles on St. Paul continues in The Irish Catholic.
ALIVE The Catholic Monthly Newspaper is available free at the back of the church.
St. Joseph's Young Priests Society
Monthly meeting in the Parish Centre on Tuesday next 10th Feb. after the 10am Mass.
"Come Apart and Rest for a While"
SATURDAY – 21st February – 10.30am – 4.30pm
Meditative inputs and guided reflections to help us enter the Lenten Season, concluding with celebration of the Eucharist.
Led by: Martina Lehane Sheehan
30 (includes light lunch soup & roll)
Booking essential – Phone 021-4502520
"From Cork around the world
Praying the Stations of the Cross with our brothers and sisters.
Stations of the Cross (newly composed) will be presented along with the launch of Trócaire's Lent campaign.
When: Tues. 17th Feb. 2009 8:00pm
Where: Christ the King Church, Turner's Cross
Each parish who attends will be given a free copy of this new
Stations of the Cross which includes images from around the world, with scripture, prayer and music.
On the night we will demonstrate how lay groups in parishes can lead the Stations of the Cross in their church during Lent
Mass Cards and Cards for the Friday Shared Mass are available in the Sacristy after Mass. The Shared Mass every Friday at 10 am is offered for the sick, for those who have died and for your special intentions.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane
Friday 13th Feb. at 11.00a.m. Cúpla Focal Group meeting. All welcome. Beidh cupán tae le fáil freisin.
2,000 school children from Cork are preparing for an outstanding music and culture project called "The Crossing". These young people represent 42 schools that will be performing in City Hall, Cork with the renowned Cross Border Orchestra conducted by Maestro Gearóid Grant. The concerts take place at 3pm and 8pm on Saturday 28th February and 1pm and 6pm on Sunday 1st March. More details next week.
Important Dates:
11th Feb. Our Lady of Lourdes – Blessing of the Sick after 10am & 6pm Masses
17th Feb. Stations of the Cross (newly composed) will be presented along with the launch of Trócaires Lent campaign – at Turners Cross Church. at 8pm
25th Feb. Ash Wednesday
4th March First Confessions Girls
5th March First Confessions Boys
10th March Service of Light for those preparing for Confirmation and their Parents
25th March Parish Confirmations
4/5th April. Penitential Rites
12th April Easter Sunday
9th & 16th May First Holy Communions
Parenting Course.
Recently, the Parish Assembly organised a Parenting Course for the parents of young children, it was very successful and parents found it very helpful. We now plan to organise a course (six weeks) for the parents of teenage children If there is sufficient interest The course will begin in February in the Parish Centre. Please contact any member of the Parish Assembly or one of the priests. 087-2610276
Ministers of the Eucharist
New Rotas now available from the Sacristy.
A thought when life is affected by illness.
I asked God for strength that I might achieve
I was made weak that I might learn to humbly obey
I asked for health that I might do great things
I was given illness that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy
I was given poverty that I might be wise
I asked for power that I might have praise
I was given weakness that I might find God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life
I was given life that I might enjoy all things
I got nothing that I had hoped for yet almost despite myself
my unspoken prayer was answered.
I am among most people most richly blessed.