January 4th 2009 – 2nd Sunday after Christmas

Amazing Christmas
The atmosphere during Christmas and Advent Masses brought out a wonderful element of joyful preparation, anticipation and celebration, we thank all who were involved in any way.
Thank you for your generous Christmas offerings. We treasure your warm greetings, good wishes and encouraging words. 
Again we wish you health, every joy and blessing for 2009.
Fr. Kerry & Fr. Charlie.

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord 6th Jan. 
Holiday of Obligation,
Mass Times: Vigil Monday 5th Jan. 6 pm
Tuesday 6th Jan.  10 am & 12 noon. & 6pm

Our congratulations and good wishes to Aaron Wolfe and Sarah Leahy on the occasion of their marriage recently.

We remember in our prayers Patricia (Pat) Tracy, Friar's Rd, Margaret Long, Mercier Pk.,  Michael Noonan, Mercier Pk. Eileen Sexton, Mt. Pleasant, Maureen Murphy, Mt. Pleasant Ave, Martin Norberg, Doyle Rd., Kitty O’Halloran, Derrynane Rd. and Kathleen O’Mahony, Mt. Pleasant Rd.. who died recently.  We extend our sympathy and prayers to their Families.

Just when most people are about to take down the Christmas tree and decorations, the wise men arrive. The feast of the Epiphany, which we celebrate on Tuesday – the 12th day of Christmas, – is an important one. Just like the wise men we are all searching for meaning and purpose to life. We are looking for answers to our deepest questions. The journey of the wise men reminds us that those who are searching for something deeper will find God in their lives. God is waiting to be discovered in the places and people that we least expect God to be. We pray today for guidance and direction in our own daily journey. As we make our New Year resolutions, we like the wise men  pray  for strength and courage on our journey especially when the going is difficult.  Many of our resolutions  evolve around correcting what is negative. It’s little wonder that they don’t last. Of course it’s important to check in on what needs improving but so often we concentrate only on the negative. As we begin this New Year why not check in on all that’s good and positive in our lives. This is a great starting point. We can use all that’s good and positive as areas of growth and potential. When this happens the negative begins to be squeezed out. The message of the Gospels reminds us that it won’t all happen today, but most certainly will over time, if we make the effort.

New Year
To leave the old with a burst of song,
to recall the right and forgive the wrong;
to forget the things that bind us fast,
the vain regrets of the year that's past.
To have the strength to let go our hold
of the 'not worthwhile' of the days grown old;
to dare go forth with a purpose true,
to the unknown task of the year that's new;
to help our brother along the road
to assist his work and ease his load;
to add our gifts to the world's good cheer,
is to have and give a Happy New Year.

Catholic Newspapers
The Irish Catholic, The Universe, and The Catholic Times are on sale at the back of the Church. Please support the Catholic Press.

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
The members of the Parish Baptismal Team will be commissioned next weekend, we thank them for undertaking this role in our Parish.

Vocation Prayer:
Gracious God, you bless us, your people, in every season and provide for our needs through your providential care. Your Church is continually in need of priests, sisters, and brothers to offer themselves in the service of the gospel through lives of dedicated love. Open the hearts of your sons and daughters to hear your call to serve. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

St. Vincent de Paul
The members of the Parish Conference wish to thank all who contributed so generously to their annual  Christmas Church Gate Collection the sum of €5,402 was contributed also those who brought gifts to the Santa Basket. Your continued support will be appreciated during these difficult times.

will resume in the Turners Cross Community Centre, Curragh Rd. on Wed. next 7th Jan. after the 10am Mass.

Websites you may find helpful
The Irish Catholic : <A href="http://www.irishcatholic.ie">http://www.irishcatholic.ie</A>/
L’Osservatore Romano:   <A href="http://www.vatican.va/news_services/or/or_eng/index.html">http://www.vatican.va/news_services/or/or_eng/index.html</A>
Vocations:   <A href="http://www.vocations.ie">http://www.vocations.ie</A>/
Daily Prayer:   <A href="http://churchresources.info/pray/">http://churchresources.info/pray/</A>
Prayer with Children: <A href="http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/">http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/</A>
Faith at Home:  <A href="http://www.faith-at-home.com/tips/">http://www.faith-at-home.com/tips/</A>
Diocese of Cork & Ross:<A href="http://www.corkandross.org/index.jsp">http://www.corkandross.org/index.jsp</A>
Parish of Turner’s Cross: <A href="http://www.turnerscross.com/church/">http://www.turnerscross.com/church/</A>t   
Missing People: <A href="http://www.missing.ws/_nationalMonument/nationalMonument.asp">http://www.missing.ws/_nationalMonument/nationalMonument.asp</A>

Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to €2,545  Thank you for your generosityt