Feast of the Holy Family
This feast always occurs on the Sunday after Christmas. The Holy Family like most families, had it's trials and joys. As Catholics, we can look to the Holy Family as a role model. They have qualities that make a family unit work. They also tell us that you don't need to be perfect to be a family. Joseph and Mary had faith in each other and love to build the family. For a family to work, there needs to be a few main characteristics. Love is of course the most important one. Love is the glue that keeps families together. The love between a husband and wife is just as important as parent to a child. Love embraces trust and safety. A family without love is not going to be happy. Children should respect their parents. Mutual respect makes relationships comfortable and easier in the long run. Showing respect and love takes knowledge and experience. Children learn these in families by making mistakes along the way. It's a growing process that even our Lord Jesus had to do.
A Prayer for the Family
O God,
bless our family
and all its members and friends;
bind us together by your love.
Give us kindness and patience
to support each other;
and wisdom in all we do.
Let the gift of your peace
come into our hearts
and remain with us.
May we rejoice in your blessings
for all our days.
Thank You
As 2008 draws to a close we The Parish Assembly and the Priests of the Parish take this opportunity to thank you for you help and support. Every parish is a kind of family – an extended family. Together united in faith, hope and love, groups of followers of Jesus Christ gather in mutual support to live a Christian life. Together we worship God, especially at Mass; together we share our faith with with others. Such it is, or should be, in every parish.
We thank God that in our Parish of Christ the King there are so many families and individuals who live the faith they profess. There are many people whose special contribution to parish life is essential and immense. Through their often unnoticed work, the Parish runs smoothly and parish life is enriched. Today we offer our special thanks to these – Those who care for the Church and clean it every week, look after the flowers and altar linens, Ministers of Word and Eucharist, the Choirs, Altar Servers, Church Collectors, Sacristan, Altar Society, Parish Dues Collectors, those who care for the sick and elderly. St Vincent de Paul Society, St. Josephs Young Priests Society. Legion of Mary, We thank those who put up the Crib, Easter and Remembrance Gardens and decorated the sanctuary so beautifully. We the members of the Parish Assembly are broken into two groups, Liturgy, Faith Development and Family Support. We work on behalf of the entire faith community and ask your continued support. The Parish Baptismal Team and Bereavement Team have completed their training.
We thank you for your generosity in the offertory collection each week for the upkeep of the Church and payment of staff. Our thanks to the Pariah Finance Committee. Our Child Protection Representative. We congratulate the members of Turners Cross Community Association who enrich the life of the community. May the Holy Spirit guide us in the year ahead. We wish you a very happy and peaceful New Year.
The Parish Assembly, Fr. Kerry & Fr. Charlie
A New Beginnings
As the New Year starts and the old year ends,
There's no better time to make amends
for all the things we sincerely regret
and wish in our hearts we could somehow forget.
We all make mistakes and it's human to err,
but no one need ever give up in despair,
for God gives us all a brand new beginning,
a chance to start over and repent of our sinning.
Christmas Raffle
Our congratulations to Mary OGrady, West View. the winner of the raffle in aid of the New Organ. Our thanks to those who contributed items for the hamper, bought lines and especially the sellers of the lines. 1,965 was raised. Many thanks to all.
We remember in our prayers Kathleen Noonan, Fr. Matthew Rd, Michael Noonan, Mercier Pk. and Eileen Sexton, Mount Pleasant, who died recently
We extend our sympathy and prayers to their Families.
We thank the people of our Parish who contributed so generously to the following causes during 2008:
Trocaire Lenten Campaign 12,508
Lourdes Fund 1,745
Episcopal Commission 1,375
Holy Places 1,075
Pastoral Planning 1,796
Popes Collection 2,363
Education Fund 2,000
Mission Sunday. 3,670
Marriage Care : 1,443
Christmas Global Gifts: 5, 218
Vocation Prayer
Gracious God, you bless us, your people, in every season and provide for our needs through your providential care. Your Church is continually in need of priests, sisters, and brothers to offer themselves in the service of the gospel through lives of dedicated love. Open the hearts of your sons and daughters to hear your call to serve. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.