King and Shepherd
The image of God as shepherd found in the first reading and psalm is one of the favourite pictures of God in the Scriptures. It flows from an experience of God as he who protects against danger, who is life-giving, who leads his people with care. So, when Jesus says that he will come at the end of time, we know that he returns above all to offer his gift of final salvation. His coming is to be welcomed, not feared.
As shepherd he takes responsibility for each one entrusted to his care. In todays gospel he invites each of his followers to be shepherds for one another as they prepare for his coming. The quality of that shepherding will be evident in the particular care that is exercised for the weak and the vulnerable, the little ones. If you want to measure the quality of your life then ask yourself what is your attitude to the weak of this world. Jean Vanier.
In the final reckoning this concern for the most fragile will be decisive. It means that the kindness shown to others is what we take with us when we die.
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,402 Thank you for your generosity
Invitation to Pray
Every Monday after the 10am Mass in The Parish Centre
Nemo Rangers The 6pm Mass on this Sat. 22nd Nov. will be offered for all the living and deceased members of Nemo Rangers Hurling & Football Club.
This Sunday Nemo play Dromcollogher-Broadford in the Munster Senior Cship (Semi-Final) 2pm in Dromcollogher
N.B. Venue changed to Limerick Gaelic Grounds, Ennis Road, Limerick
Holy Land
A number of people have been enquiring about a pilgrimage to the Holy Land next Autumn direct from Cork. If there is sufficient interest a pilgrimage is possible. Give your name in the Sacristy if you are interested. See diary of last Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Oct. 2007 –
Choirs and Music
This evening we welcome Cór Cois Abhann who will be singing at the 6pm Vigil Mass.
Marriage Care Collection
The Diocesan Annual Collection for marriage care services will be taken up at all Masses this weekend Nov. 22nd/23rd. after Holy Communion The Cork Marriage Counselling Centre, Paul St., worked with 808 couples in 2007 in the area of marriage preparation and 1047 couples or individuals have been seen for counselling. Your support in this collection will be appreciated.
The New Organ: A Raffle for a Super Christmas Hamper to help defray the cost of the Organ. The hamper can be seen in the porch where lines are on sale. Our sincere thanks to those who donated items for the hamper.
Parish Christmas Cards & Triduum Cards
There has been a big demand for the cards. They are on sale after the Masses this weekend and during the week after the 10am Mass in the Parish Office. Pack of cards for 6. A Triduum of Masses will be offered in our Church on 23,24,25, Dec. A card is available 3.
Our prayers and sympathy to Fr. Charlie on the death of his mother Anne Kiely. We also pray for Brian Heaphy who died recently. To The Kiely & Heaphy families we offer our prayers and sympathy.
Turners Cross Credit Union The 10.30am Mass in this Sunday 23rd Nov. is being offered for the living and deceased members of Parish Credit Union.
Looking for Young Readers
The Parish Assembly Liturgy Group invite young people (aged 12+) to read prayers of the Faithful at the 6pm & 12 noon Masses over the four Sundays of Advent (starting next weekend.) If interested give your name in the Sacristy.
Turners Cross Day Care Centre
Urgently requires voluntary drivers for approx. one hour per week. Contact Kathleen 4323435
Parish Baptismal Team
A meeting of the team will be held in the Parish Center on this Mon. 24th Nov. at 7pm
Do this in Memory
We welcome the Children preparing for First Holy Communion and their Parents to our Do this in Memory Mass this morning
Little Turners Community Playgroup
Afternoon places available. Tel: 4915934 or call to 25 Capwell Rd.
Christmas gifts with a difference.
Are you searching for the perfect Christmas gift idea? Well, you just found it! Why not give a gift that can help to change lives and will be appreciated for many Christmases to come.
This Christmas, why not give a gift that can change someone's world for the better. A Trócaire Global Gift conveys the true meaning of Christmas and your friends and family are sure to appreciate the thought! Choose from nine life-changing gifts below and help change someone's world this Christmas.
On the First weekend of Advent 29/30th Nov. If you want to purchese one of the gifts listed below and get the card to sent to a friend instead of a gift, we will have them available at the back of the Church next weekend.
Choose a Global Gift Christmas Gift Range:
School Lunch 10, Olive Tree 20, Seeds & Tools 35, Goats 45 Mother & Child 60, Grandparent Support 80, Food 100, Water 150, Land 200 Details on the Web; and on RTE
Larch Christmas Gift Fair on Sun 7th December in Larch Workshop behind Church in Togher, Music, Crafts, Snacks and lots more, 10am-5pm. Admission Free.
Ministers of the Eucharist
can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass.
Ministers of the Word
Can collect their Missal with the readings for the coming year after Mass next weekend.
Turners Cross Gramophone Circle: Recital this Tues 24th Nov. at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. Presenter Matt Farrell. All welcome.
Family Mealtime
What are family mealtimes like in your home? Is it the time when various family members pop their individual meals into the microwave and retreat to their own corner of the house? Or is it the time when family members gather together to eat, talk and share their experiences of the day – research shows that mealtime is the most valuable way of keeping the family lines of communication open.
* If you have moved into the parish and would like to have your home blessed, just make contact with one of the priest.
* If a member of your family or a neighbour is ill, whether in hospital or at home, and would like a visit from a priest, just leave a message in the Sacristy or Tel: 087-2610276
If you are getting married over the next six months make contact with the priest now and make sure the preliminary paperwork is completed in good time.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane Tuesday 25th Nov. 2008
At 11.00a.m. Book Club Meeting. New members always welcome.
At 3.00p.m. Gramophone Recital presented by Jim Ahern. Admission free and all are welcome.
At 6.30p.m. Cúpla Focal Eile Group. Fáilte roimh gach éinne.