Mission Sunday
Today we are called upon to play our role in helping to bring the word of God to those who are still hungry for this message. We are given the opportunity to share in the experience of our brothers and sisters who carry on the missionary task today as they Go and Tell, often in difficult and dangerous circumstances.
Our spiritual and material offerings are crucial for the continued work of missionaries throughout the world, allowing them to share Gods love and compassion. The total raised in today's second collection will be sent to support various mission projects.
Please give what you can afford, every gift no matter how small- makes a difference.
Last year The Mission Collection from our Dioceses of Cork & Ross came to 175,242. an increase of 15.33% on 2006.
Mission Ceremony
The young people will lead us in a little ceremony for Mission Sunday. At the end of the ceremony we will pray together:
Lord Jesus, you love all children. We want to show our love for you by doing all we can to help all children to come
to know and love you. We promise to share our prayers, love and good things with others here and around the world.
Lord, look kindly on missionaries.
Fill their hearts with perseverance and courage
so that they patiently continue
the work of the apostles in our world today. Amen.
Do this in Memory
On this Mission Sunday we welcome the First Holy Communion children and their families
Jesus comes to show us the Way from darkness into Light. We pray for children living and suffering in darkness and hunger this MISSION SUNDAY:
Where there is fear may we bring JOY."
Where there is poverty may we bring HOPE "
Where there is sickness may we bring COMFORT "
Where there is bullying may we bring LOVE "
Where there is loneliness may we bring FRIENDSHIP "
Where there is hunger may we SHARE food "
By doing this we are taking the light of JESUS around the world. We can now call ourselves Missionary Children.
How about that!
Altar Servers
If you are in third class or above and not in our Parish Schools and would like to be an altar server in Christ the King Church, you can collect your application form in the Sacristy. Current Altar Servers are invited to renew their commitment for the year ahead. All completed forms are to be returned by 2nd Nov.
Autumn Dues
Our sincere thanks to the Area Collectors who collected their envelopes and Calendars during the week.
St. Michaels Church Blackrock Restoration Fund
Gala Concert Featuring Cara OSullivan, Cork Airport Singers, and others. Thurs. 23rd Oct. at 8pm. Tickets 25 See notice at back of Church.
Novena for the Holy Souls
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on Sun 2nd Nov. Envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Please return them to box at Altar Rails.
Cake Sale
on Sun. 9th Nov. in the Parish Centre after the Masses in aid of the St. Finbarr's Scout Hall Renovation Fund. Please support
Our Lady Fatima
A procession around the Lough with statue of Our Lady of Fatima on this Sunday 19th Oct. Assemble in Lough Church at 2.30pm. Benediction at 5pm. (Enrolment in Brown Scapular after Benediction)
Dates to note
2nd-10th Nov. Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls daily Masses 10am & 6pm
2nd Nov. Prayers & Blessing of Graves in St. Josephs at 2.30pm.
Times in other Cemeteries will be on Church Notice Board shortly
9th Nov. Remembrance Sunday all Masses this weekend will be offered for our Dead.
We extend our prayers and sympathy to the families of Michael O Riordan, Connolly Rd. and Donal Manley. High St. who died recently. Lord grant them eternal peace and joy and to their families and friends strength and hope.
Living your life in the Spirit of God.
A series of talks in Mt. St. Josephs Blarney St. beginning Wed 22nd Oct. 8pm-9.30pm. First talk Gods Love for us. All very welcome
Mass Cards
Mass Cards are available from the sacristy any morning after the 10am Mass, also if you wish to include an intention for the weekly 10am Shared Mass on Fridays this is also available.
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,442 – Thank you for your generosity
Invitation to Pray
Every Monday after the 10am Mass in The Parish Centre.
Mission Sunday
The following reflection is written by Ronan Barry to mark Mission Sunday which takes place today.
In a modern world often characterised by exclusion and individualism, our lives lived as part of faith community is a powerful witness to a more real model of community and togetherness rooted in Gospel values. ~Ronan Barry
As we come to grips with what our call to Mission can be in 2008; the prophetic challenge of mission needs to prepare our Church for what Pope John Paul II called Globalization without marginalization, globalization in solidarity. This can only happen if the people of God, the followers of Jesus go out with the message of love, compassion and solidarity with the people on the margins wherever they are. Mission Sunday gives us a chance to reflect on the Churchs mission worldwide, especially in the Young Churches. There the specific missionary challenges can be different from our own. Challenges may come from an oppressive government or from the poverty, disease, hunger of the people they serve. As Christians we are called to transform our faith into action, to move our belief into mission, to bring ourselves into the reality where our compassion can affect not only those in our community but those in our global faith community as well. Mission Sunday