September 28th 2008 – 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Priesthood Sunday
Priesthood Sunday is part of the 'Year of Vocation' initiative. It is an opportunity to highlight and promote particularly, the vocation to the priesthood. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one.
Vocations Sunday / Good Shepherd Sunday (4th Sunday of Easter) has had a broader focus in recent years, where successive Papal Messages have also honed in on the priesthood of the baptised and the witness of Religious Orders, as well as that of priests. With Priesthood Sunday, we have an opportunity to highlight that the bare fact that God is still calling men to become priests, and that those answering this call can be happy, content, and fulfilled, as they make a meaningful contribution to modern society.
What happens on Priesthood Sunday?
It is hoped that the lay faithful of all parishes in the country will develop their own special way of marking the day and honouring their parish priests both at Mass and other parish events, such as social celebrations and school activities. Priesthood Sunday is designed to be an event led by the laity, but your parish priest can participate by talking about how he experienced and answered his own calling, the need for vocations to keep the priesthood vital, and about priests who have inspired him.
Priesthood Sunday will also offer an opportunity for priests and their parishioners to build a stronger working relationship for the future. Together, they can dialogue to take an honest look at the challenges of the future and how they can collaborate to meet those challenges as a united force.

We extend our prayers and sympathy to the family of Maureen Hennebry, Capwell Rd. who died recently.  Lord grant her eternal peace and joy – and to her family and friends strength and hope.

Important Dates 2009
Ash Wednesday : 25th Feb. 2009
Parish Confirmations: Wed. 25th March 2009
Easter Sunday: 12th April 2009
First Holy Communion  Boys:  Sat. 9th May 2009
First Holy Communion Girls:  Sat. 16th May 2009

Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to €2,218 –  The 2nd Collection (Annual Collection for the education of students to the priesthood) €2300. Thank you for your generosity.

Gougane Sunday – 28th September.
The annual pilgrimage to Gougane Barra and the ancient monastic site associated with St. Finbarr. The concelebrated Mass is at 2.30 pm in the Oratory. Bishop John Buckley will be principal celebrant.

First Friday.
Next Friday is First Friday. Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie will visit the sick and housebound at their usual times on Thursday and Friday.  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 1pm.

Ministers of the Word
can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass.

Church Choir
The church choir is currently recruiting new members, both male and female.  If you have an interest in music, and would like to join the choir in singing at the 10.30am Mass on Sunday mornings, please contact Paula Murphy on 087-7954256, or visit the gallery after Mass.

We welcome to the Christian Community:  Twins, Arthur Matthew & Rebecca Mae Sheehan who were baptised recently in Christ King Church.

Christ King – Open Evening
At Christ King Girl's Secondary School on Thursday, October 2nd ( 7pm-9pm) Principal's Address at 8pm – All parents and prospective student welcome.

Cork South Parish Historical Society
Monthly Meeting – Wednesday October 1st , 8pm – in St John's College, Sawmill St. Guest  Speaker: John Mulcahy on The Tragedy at Ballycannon.

"Do This in Memory"
This Sunday the children from our Parish Schools will be enrolled for their First Confession and First Holy Communion. We congratulate the children and their parents.   This  programme "Do This in Memory" complements the schools-based work and takes place outside the classroom in the context of the parish Sunday Mass. It is then continued in the home through the use of activities and resources for both the parents/guardians and children. This highlights the importance of the Sunday Mass as a celebration where we are nourished by the Word and the Bread of Life, and are sent to live the Gospel. It also acknowledges the home as the most important and significant place, where the faith of our children is nourished and sustained.   As the families of the children preparing for First Holy Communion leave Mass today they will each receive a candle and a copy of "The Grapevine".  This newsletter is  designed to be used at home with your child and indeed with all the family. It is a very attractive and useful publication.

The Sisters of Charity and the friends of Marymount Hospice write to sincerely thank those who hosted and supported such a successful Coffee Morning recently  and wish to acknowledge receipt of €1.650.48."We would like to assure you   that all donations are used for the development of our services, and to improve the care and comfort of the patients and their families for whom we have the privilege of caring. Your support is very much appreciated by the Sisters and Management and by the Staff here at the Hospice. Be assured of our prayers for your kindness."

Help Samaritans Flag Day
The Cork branch of the Samaritans are holding a flag day on Monday 13th of Oct. from 9am to 7pm. Volunteers to help on the day would be greatly appreciated. Ring 021-4271323 for details.

Tory Top Library – Tuesday 30th September 2008
Book Club Meeting at 11.00a.m. – New members always welcome. Gramophone Recital at 3.00p.m. – Presenter John O'Gorman.
Cúpla Focal Eile Irish Group – 6.30p.m. – All welcome.

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Recitals resume next Tuesday 30th Sept. in the Parish Centre.  Presenter:  Jo Casey.