September 14th 2008 – Triumph of the Cross

Holy Cross Day
On this day in the year 335 the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was opened and dedicated. Within this  Church are the the places where Jesus was crucified – Calvary and the Sepulcher where his body was laid. The circumstances that led to this are  associated with St. Helena  when she was almost  eighty years old, Helena embarked on a famous journey to Palestine, she had a youthful spirit and fulfilled a vow to God to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in about the year 329. Emperor Constantine provided his mother with a considerable amount of money for the trip which she used to endow charities for the poor and to pay the soldiers who accompanied her.   Helena found the true cross  and the spot where Jesus was buried in Jerusalem. On her instructions  the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built and dedicated on this day 1,673 years ago. It continues to welcome worshippers to this day.  With our Parish Group we celebrated Mass on Calvary and prayed at the spot where the body of Jesus was laid during our pilgrimage to the Holy Land last October. To follow St. Helena and find the sites where Jesus was born, died, was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven combines both devotion to Christ with a desire to see and touch parts of the world touched by Jesus himself.
As we celebrate Holy Cross Day, may we fix our eyes on Jesus who was lifted up on the cross that we may be raised from the illusions of this world to new life in him.  “We adore you, O Christ and we praise you. Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World.”

We extend our prayers and sympathies to the family of Ann Lynch,  Derrynane Rd.  who died recently  Lord grant her eternal peace and joy – and to her family and friends strength and hope.

Annual Collection for the Education of  our Seminarians
Bishop Buckley writes…….The annual collection for the education of our Seminarians will take place at all Masses next weekend 20th/21st Sept.  There are seven men in training for the priesthood, one of whom is a deacon. This year, four students commenced studies in Maynooth for the Diocese. This is our largest intake for many years.  We thank the Lord for this blessing and we thank the men concerned for their generosity in responding to God’s call. The students range in age from 20 to 40 years and come from a wide range of academic and employment experiences; two have post-graduate degrees.
The collection next weekend is the principal source of funding for the education of our students and I ask your continued generosity for this special collection next weekend 20th /21st Sept.  The Bishop asks us to pray this prayer for vocations at  Mass every day.
Prayer for Vocations
Heavenly Father, we praise you and we thank you
for all you have done foe us.
We thank you especially for sending your Son, Jesus
Christ to visit and save us.
We ask you to bless our families and all those who are
dear to us especially those who are suffering in any way.
Give courage to those in our Parish whom you invite to
become priests and religious, and grant them the
generosity of mind and heart to follow your call.
May they bring good news to our world.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Year of Paul
Paul the Apostle: The Man and his Mission
Tues. 16/23/30th Sept. Tues. 7 Oct.   8pm-9.30pm
Presenter: Fr. John Newman.  Venue: Carrigaline Parish Centre
Registration Fee: €20 (€10 Senior Citizens/Students)
Booking:  021 4371109

Paul and his Message
Mon. 15/22/29 Sept. – Mon. 6/13/20 Oct.
Presenter: Victor Tabone.  Venue: Dominican Pastoral Centre Pope’s Quay.  7.30pm-9pm.  Cost €5 per night,
Booking  021 4502267

Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to €2,324 – Thank you for your generosity.

Coffee Morning
In aid of Marymount Hospice “Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning” Come and support this great cause on this Thursday 18th Sept. in the Parish Centre, Turners Cross after the 10am Mass

Girls Under-age Gaelic Football Coaching
Venue: Nemo Rangers, Trabeg.
Every Sat. 9.50am t0 11am.
Contact Nemo Rangers  021 4894041

Comogie Final
We wish the best of luck to the Cork Comogie Team who play Galway in the All Ireland Final this Sunday.

Dates for your Diary in September
15th Sept.: Parish Assembly Groups: Bereavement Group and Liturgy Group  meet in Fr. Kerry's     house at 8pm
16th Sept.: Meeting with Parents of Children preparing for First Holy Communion next May.  In the Church 7.30pm
18th Sept.: Coffee Morning in the Parish Centre in aid of Marymount Hospice.  After 10am Mass
28th Sept.: Enrolment of First Holy Communion Children.  At 10.30am Mass
20th/21st Sept.: Annual Collection for Education of our Seminarians
22nd Sept.:  Baptismal Team Groups from 6 Parishes meet in our Parish Centre at 8pm
28th Sept.: Priesthood Sunday
28th Sept.: Gougane Sunday, Annual Pilgrimage to Gougane Barra.

Pope Benedict in Lourdes
This weekend The Holy Father is in Lourdes to mark the 150th Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette in 1858. He will pray at the Grotto, preside at the torch-lit Marian procession in Rosary Square and on Sunday celebrate Mass in the Prairie opposite the Grotto. Our Fr. Charlie will be concelebrating with the Holy Father, he will be in Lourdes with a group of CLM pilgrims.  Watch: RTE and Sky TV:  EWTN  589

Special Mass
To pray God’s Blessing on Our Children, Teachers, Parents and all involved in our Parish Primary Schools. A special Mass will be celebrated in Christ the King Church on Friday next 19th Sept. at 10.30am.

Important Dates 2009
Ash Wednesday : 25th Feb. 2009
Parish Confirmations: Wed. 25th March 2009 at 10.30am
Easter Sunday: 12th April 2009
First Holy Communion  Boys:  Sat. 9th May 2009 at 10.30am
First Holy Communion Girls:  Sat. 16th May 2009 at 10.30am