September – New beginnings
Throughout our lives there will always be something new to begin. Some through choice, some through force of circumstance. Beginning school, back to school, a new job; moving house; the death of loved ones; new year resolutions, Lenten undertakings, birthday promises. We still expect a lot of our beginnings – you might call it the triumph of hope over experience. No matter what the past has shown, we will not let go of the idea that this beginning will change us – for the better.
And there is surely a value in beginning afresh. A beginning is an assertion of our own identity and capability. In beginning, we take our future in our own hands. To begin afresh is an overwhelmingly positive and joyful event. It enables us to become, to be more ourselves, to grow into what we might be. Staying put, we, our message, and our communities, grow stale. We bury our talents in the ground.
To begin is a thrill; to hear anew the Lord's call, in a different way and a different setting. To begin is to rediscover ourselves, to define new strengths, to face new challenges that bring a fresh sense of fulfillment.
First Friday.
Next Friday is the First Friday Fr Kerry and Fr Charlie will visit the sick and housebound at their usual times next Thursday and Friday. (Should you like a visit from the priests of the parish and they are not calling already please inform them.) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from after 10am Mass until 1pm.
Deaths We extend our prayers and sympathies to the families of Olive Henchion, St Anne's Park. Mary Mehigan Greenhills Court, and Helen Hennessy of Kilcolman Lawn who died recently Lord grant them eternal peace and joy – and to their families and friends strength and hope.
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,316 – Thank you for your generosity.
The Year of Paul
Last Summer Pope Benedict announced that the Church would celebrate a special year in honour of St. Paul, beginning with the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, marking the anniversary of the apostles birth. The Pope has encouraged local church communities to use this year as an opportunity to learn about the life of Paul, to study his writings and thereby to allow our faith to be revitalised in the light of his life and teachings. The Diocesan Adult Religious Education Office has organised Talks and Scripture Courses throughout the year, some of them related to St. Paul. (leaflet at back of Church with details)
To begin the year Fr. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, regarded as one of the world's leading scholars on St. Paul, will speak in Christ the King Church, Turner's Cross on this Wed. 3rd Sept. At 8pm his subject will be "How Paul Changed the World" All are welcome.
Could You be a Healer?
Parish Bereavement Support members are people who have experienced and processed grief and loss in their own lives are trained to facilitate others who are now grieving.
What is it?
Parish bereavement support is help for those who are suffering grief and pain due to any loss in their lives. Feelings of confusion, isolation, loneliness, guilt, disbelief, numbness, shock, depression and anger are all part of grieving.
Who is it for?
All who have suffered loss through death or separation of a spouse, death of a child, brother, sister, mother, father or any other significant person in their lives. Many other losses e.g. loss of health, emigration, unemployment are also bereavements. Each one of us needs support at this time in our lives so as to be able to find healing and growth through the pain that bereavement brings.
A 4-week training course for group facilitators will start on Thurs. 25th Sept. 7.30 – 9.30pm in Mardyke House, Cork. If you would like to accompany others in their grief and are interested in this course, please leave your contact details in the sacristy in an envelope marked Parish Assembly Support Group.
We congratulate Mel O'Doherty & Elise Ferguson and Michael Cullen & Carol Berard who were married recently and we wish them many years of happiness together.
Men's Group at the Turner's Cross Day Care Centre.
A group for men beginning on Monday Sept 8th (7.30-9pm) A variety of different event including Music, Table Quiz, Question Time, gardening, cooking etc. all are welcome
National Grandparent's Pilgrimage 2008.
will take place at Our Lady of Knock Shrine, Mayo on Sunday 14th September. 2.00 p.m. – anointing of the sick, 3.00 p.m. Pilgrimage Mass followed by Rosary procession. Chief Celebrant is Bishop John Fleming, Killala and guest singer is Fr. Liam Lawton.
Dates for your Diary in September
3rd Sept.: Talk by Fr. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor 8pm
8th Sept: Meeting of Parish Assembly 7.30pm
15th Sept.: Meeting with Parents of Children preparing for First Holy Communion next May. In the Church 7.30pm
18th Sept.: Coffee Morning in the Parish Centre in aid of Marymount Hospice. After 10am Mass
28th Sept.: Enrolment of First Holy Communion Children. At 10.30am Mass
Baptismal Team Training.
The Parish Assembly are inviting parishioners who would like to join our new parish Baptism Team which will meet with parents who are preparing for the Baptism of their child to join with other parishes for a training programme of 4 nights beginning on Monday 22 September here in our Parish Centre. Thank you to the six people who have already volunteered we are still looking for a few more to join us. Please contact Fr Kerry, Fr Charlie or any member of the parish assembly.
We welcome back all our students and teachers to our primary schools this coming week.
Cork South Parish Historical Society
7th Annual Exhibition Tue: Sept 2nd to Fri: Sept 5th Full details on Church Notice Board.
A Thought t
At this time of year, the focus is on how children, teenagers and parents feel about the return to school but nobody asks how teachers feel. Teachers are the architects of the ethos of a classroom and have a profound influence on childrens attitude to learning and career progress. ~Tony Humphreys
All schools reopen this week after the summer holidays. Despite poor weather many families have made the best of the break. There is also a sense of relief about getting back to normal life and routine again. As we begin the new school term it is a good time to ask Gods blessings on everyone returning to school. We include children who start school for the very first time and those beginning a new journey in secondary school. We especially pray for all teachers. There is a lovely saying that says a teacher affects eternity and that they can never tell where their influence stops. We ask God to gently guide and direct them in all the great work they do each day. Help them to face all the challenges of the year ahead. May it be a good school year for everyone. James McSweeney
Prayer for Vocations
Lord, make me a better person,
more considerate towards others,
more honest with myself, more faithful to you.
Make me generous enough to want sincerely to do your will whatever it may be.
Help me find my true vocation in life,
and grant that through it I may find happiness myself and bring
happiness to others.
Grant Lord, that those whom you call to enter the priesthood or the
religious life may have the generosity to answer your call, so that those who need your help may always find it.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.