July 27th 2008 – 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The theme of today’s readings is wisdom. Wisdom, however, is not to be taken to mean worldly wisdom. It is something deeper and infinitely more precious. It means to be able to see life from God’s point of view. Christ said this wisdom is worth more than all our other possessions together. Solomon realised this, and when God gave him a choice of anything he wanted, he put wisdom at the top of his list. How much we need this wisdom!
Wisdom is a gift of God. It means we put our trust in his word rather than in human wisdom and human experts. It gives us an understanding, a vision of life than cannot be bought. The pearl is offered to those who open their hands, letting go of  other things, to embrace it.

Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to €2,389- Thank you for your generosity.

We extend our prayers and sympathies to the families of Ben Healy, Loretto Park. and Marianne Dalton, Broadale – Lord grant them eternal peace and joy – and to their families and friends strength and hope.

Baptismal Team Training.
The Parish Assembly are organising in conjunction with the Cork & Ross Pastoral Planning Development a training course for Baptismal Teams in the Turner's Cross Parish Centre in September.  We are currently inviting parishioners who would like to be involved in this course to contact us either by phone or letter.

The 57th Annual Devotions at Lee Road Shrine  will take place on Friday, 15th August  the Feast of the Assumption.
Join in reciting the Rosary at 6.30pm at Our Lady’s Hospital Gate and follow the fifteen Mysteries walking to the Shrine. Mass will  be celebrated at the Shrine at 7.30p.m. by Bishop John Buckley, Fr. John Newman will preach the homily.

Reek Sunday Mass on TV  27th July
For the first time the national “Reek Sunday” pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick  will be televised live on RTÉ1.  Coverage will begin at 10.45am and including Mass from the summit at 11 am.

This Year’s National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage will take place at Our Lady of Knock Shrine, Mayo on Sunday 14th September. 2.00 p.m. – anointing of the sick, 3.00 p.m. Pilgrimage Mass followed by Rosary procession. Chief Celebrant is Bishop John Fleming, Killala and guest singer is Fr. Liam Lawton.

A new opportunity for adults interested in exploring their faith…..This course will begin in Cork City in September, 2008. Brochure available in Parish Office. Further information contact Fr. Seán O'Sullivan, Adult Religious Education Office at 021-4357765 or email are@corkandross.org.  Places limited.  Closing date for applications 31st July, 2008. Bus going to Our Lady's Island,  Wexford in Sun, .July 27 th July Phone Margaret  4961581