June 29th 2008 – Ss. Peter & Paul

Peter's Pence Collection

The Popes collection will be taken up this weekend 28/29th June 2008 at all Masses. The collection  is used by the Pope to support special charitable projects in developing countries as well as defraying expenses of the work of the Church.
Sunday is the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul.
Prayer for Pope Benedict
Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd,  Pope Benedict, a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love.
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he, as successor to the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ, build Your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.

Ss. Peter and Paul
Peter and Paul,  two great saints, yet not saints of the plaster-cast variety. They were first of all human beings. Being human is not a drawback to being holy. Being human, Peter and Paul had their weaknesses. Sometimes they were afraid, and like anyone of us they argued, took offence, were impatient and cowardly.
And yet they were chosen by Jesus to be his chief instruments in bringing the gospel to the whole world. Paul was the great missionary and preacher of the Gospel, and Peter was the first leader of the church. Jesus chose both of them as they were, with their strengths and weaknesses. In time, despite some failures on the way both would lay down their lives for the Gospel in Rome.
As we honour Peter and Paul today let us take heart at the thought that the Lord accepts us as he did them, just as we are with our own faults and failings. Jesus assures us if we trust in him we too can do wonderful things.

We welcome into the Christian Community Liath Demontis who was baptised recently.

Our congratulations and good wishes to Ivan Gibbons, Derrynane Rd and Niamh O’Shea, Grange who were married recently.

We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the families of: Jim Murphy, Greenhills and May Green late of South Douglas Rd who died in America,  Catherine O’Connell, Curragh Rd., John O’Sullivan, Congress Rd. Lord grant them eternal peace and joy, and to their families and friends strength and comfort.

A new opportunity for adults interested in exploring their faith…..
This course will begin in Cork City in September, 2008.
Brochure available in Parish Office. Further information,  call Fr. Seán  O’Sullivan, Adult Religious Education Office at 021-4357765 or email are@corkandross.org.  Places limited.  Closing date for applications 31st July, 2008.

This year’s National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage
will take place at Our Lady of Knock Shrine, Mayo on Sunday 14th September. 2.00 p.m. – anointing of the sick, 3.00 p.m. Pilgrimage Mass followed by Rosary procession. Chief Celebrant is Bishop John Fleming, Killala and guest singer is Fr. Liam Lawton.

Turners Cross Active Retired Group
Activities have ceased for the Summer and will resume again in September when new members will be most welcome at the centre on Capwell Road.

Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to €2,359.  Thank you for your generosity.

Could You Be A Healer?
Are you suffering the pain of loss in your life?  Have you ever experienced the grief of death or separation of any kind?  Perhaps you know someone who is suffering at this time.  Getting assistance from trained people can lighten the burden and help us to find healing and growth.
The Parish Assembly would like to get in touch with people who are prepared to undertake a training course with a view to setting up a Parish Bereavement Team comprised of people who have experienced and processed grief and loss in their own lives.  The course is held here in Cork City and entails one night a week for eight weeks.  Prior to selection for the course an information night will be arranged for those who are interested.
If you would like to accompany others in their grief and are interested in this course, please leave your contact details in the sacristy in an envelope marked Parish Assembly Support Group.

Bishop establishes 16 pastoral areas and appoints coordinators
68 parishes of the diocese are grouped to work together in 16 pastoral areas.
Bishop John Buckley has formally announced changes to the way parishes in the Diocese of Cork and Ross will develop into the future, after a lengthy period of preparation and consultation.
The first evident change will be that parishes will plan and organize most aspects of parish life in groups called "pastoral areas". The parishes that will be part of each of the sixteen pastoral areas have been decided and their planning together will begin in September of this year.
The priests who are appointed to parishes in each pastoral area will work together to meet the needs of the group of parishes in the area. Structures will also be put in place to promote cooperation between the parish pastoral councils, parish assemblies and parish finance committees in each pastoral area. The Pastoral Area Coordinating Group in each area will have clergy, religious and lay parishioners as members.
Bishop Buckley has also appointed one of the priests from each of the areas to be the Pastoral Area Coordinator. The coordinator will lay the foundations for cooperation between the parishes and guide the development of the pastoral area with support from diocesan personnel.
Our Pastoral area consist of 6 Parishes Turner’s Cross, Ballyphane, Togher, Ss. Peter & Paul’s, The South Parish and the Lough. The Pastoral Area Coordinator is our Parish Priest Fr. Kerry Murphy-O’Connor.  There are eleven priests in our pastoral area

Knock Summer Festival
Living life to the full? Looking for something more? Tired of the same?
This is what you are looking for!  Time out for you – Knock Summer Youth Festival – July 24th -27th, Our Lady’s Shrine, Knock, Co.Mayo. 18-35 yrs for more information and to book your place contact:   094-9388100 or 087 6927850