Every time and place needs Christian witnesses. We are reminded of this in Saint Matthews Gospel on this Sunday. In calling for witnesses, Christ is talking of people who are not afraid to be seen to be followers of his in what can often be a sceptical and hostile world. Three times he tells his followers not to be afraid. In reality, it is often fear that keeps us from following Christ.
Christ said, "Witness to me before men". Many seem to think that it is enough to confess Christ in church on a Sunday morning, or perhaps to stand up in a prayer meeting where it is relatively safe and where we are more likely to be applauded than mocked. But Christ said that it is out there that we have to witness to him. It is in the world that we have to stand up and be counted. Out there in a world that can be cruel, grasping, self-serving, indifferent or cynical. We must witness in public – in the local and on the streets, in the workplace, on buses and on trains, on the factory floor and in the office, in our neighbourhood and in our homes. In a word, everywhere. It is not enough to be secret disciples of Christ. We have to give public witness to Christs love, truth and justice.
All this calls for great faith and courage. We have to keep our eyes fixed on Christ who is challenging us to walk without fear along the road of faithfulness. We have to make a choice at some stage in our lives, to live in a clear and truthful way, as though the Gospels were serious, as though we were serious about our faith and its consequences. The letter from Bishop Buckley this weekend links in with our call to witness.
PATHWAYS – A new opportunity for adults interested in exploring their faith .. This course, beginning in Cork City in September, 2008, offers you a chance to explore questions related to faith, church and life in general one night a week over the course of the year. Open to adults of all ages. No exams or written assignments required, simply an openness to learning with and from others. More information on church notice board. For a brochure and application form call to Sacristy or Fr. Sean OSullivan, Adult Religious Education Office at 021-4357765 or email are@corkandross.org. Places limited. Closing date for applications 31st July, 2008.
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,341. Thank you for your generosity.
St. Josephs Young Priests Society,
Christ the King Parish Branch
Sat 28th June. Bus departs from Turners Cross Girls N.S. Evergreen Rd at 7am sharp. Bus fare 25. Meals available (if required) at Auburn Lodge Hotel, Co. Clare. Tea/Toast/Scone 4.50. Full Irish Breakfast 8.50. Evening Meal 17. Contact Irene Phone 4963326 after 6pm
Turners Cross / South Parish Summer Scheme
Meeting of Parents of Children attending the Scheme on Mon. 23rd June in South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill St. (behind Fiat Garage) at 8pm
Baptisms: We welcome into the Christian Community Blair Bernadette Murphy and Andrew Joseph OReilly who were baptised recently.
Peters Pence
The Popes collection will be taken up next weekend 28th/29th June at all Masses – The feast of Ss Peter & Paul – The collection is used by the Pope to support special charitable projects in developing countries as well as defraying expenses of the work of the Church.
Ministers of the Eucharist
can collect their Rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass.
Catholic Press
The Irish Catholic, The Universe, The Catholic Times are on sale every week at the back of the Church.
You were all remembered during our Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes. We has a wonderful Pilgrimage, it was a very special time. A diary of the pilgrimage and photo can be found on our Parish website under
CHURCH NOTICES: http://turnerscross.com/smf/index.php?topic=498.0