Christ the King Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Our prayers and good wish to the 52 Pilgrims from our Parish who travel to Lourdes on Wed. 11th June. Our Parish Group will be part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage led by Bishop Buckley. Fr. Kerry will remember all your intentions when he celebrates Mass on Sat. 14th June at the Grotto where Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette 150 years ago.
If you have petitions you would like to have placed at the Grotto put them in an envelope (no money) and place in box at altar rail before Tuesday evening.
Remembering you at Exam time:
During the Month of June, prayers will be offered each day at Mass for all those sitting exams. Students and exam intentions will be remembered daily and we invite you to join with us as we ask the Lord to bless our young people during this important time in their lives. They are included in our Shared Mass offered each Friday Morning at 10am. Cards are available in the Sacristy
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,296. Thank you for your generosity.
Missionaries of the Sacred heart can recycle used mobile phones to raise funds for their missions. You can drop used mobiles (without chargers) into the Mission Support Centre or the Parish Office at Western Rd.
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Carers Support Meeting
Wed. 11th June 2008 3pm. to 4.30pm. Bessboro Day Care Centre, Blackrock . Information contact 021 – 4972504 Fax: 021 – 4972507
Community Games
Open to everyone in the Area aged 7 – 15 years
Venue: Bro. Colms Pitch (Old Nemo Rangers)
Time: 6.30pm Date: Mon. 9th June
Parish Assembly Meeting
will be in the Parish Centre on this Min 9th June at 8pm
St. Josephs Young Priests Society
Meeting on Tuesday 10th June in Parish Centre at 8pm
Knock Summer Youth Festival
Living life to the full? Looking for something more? Tired of the same?
This is what you're looking for! Time out for you….
Knock Summer youth Festival July 24th – 27th, Our Ladys Shrine, Knock, Co. Mayo. 18-35yrs for more information and to book your place Contact 094-9388100 / 087-6927850 or check our <A href=""></A>
Vocation Prayer
God of our lives
you are always calling us
to follow you into the future,
inviting us to new ventures, new challenges,
new ways to care, new ways to touch the hearts of all.
When we are fearful of the unknown, give us courage.
When we worry that we are not up to the task,
remind us that you would not call us if you did not believe in us.
Renew in us your call to serve.
May we have the courage to invite and
encourage others to reflect on Priesthood or Religious Life
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Irish Catholic
On the cover of this weeks Irish Catholic the following questions are asked and answers given.
Does the Lisbon Treaty recognise:
Europes religious roots? Yes!
The right to freedom of religious expression? Yes
The right to religious education? Yes
The right to protect our pro-life constitution? Yes
The positive role of the Churches? Yes
The right to be free from religious discrimination? Yes
The Irish Catholic also tries to clarify some of the other main points of the Referendum to be held on June 12th.
The pastoral reflection of the Irish Bishops "Fostering a Community of Values" is available now on our Parish website NOTICES for all to read.
Friday 13th June: Feast of St. Anthony. Lilies will be blessed after the 10am Mass.
Anthony born in Lisbon 1195, was the son of noble, God-fearing parents. He received a good education, and, at the age of fifteen, joined the Canons Regular of St. Augustine he studied Sacred Scripture and the writings of the Fathers. At around the age of 25, he became inspired by the Franciscans martyred in Morocco and decided to join their Order, taking the name "Anthony."
Illness prevented his going to Morocco, so he spent some time in Sicily, in Assisi, during the ordination of a group of Franciscan and Dominican friars, it was discovered that no one had been appointed to preach. The superior turned to the Dominicans first because they are the "Order of Preachers," but all declined, saying they were not prepared. So St. Anthony stepped up — and began to teach so beautifully that word of his talents reached the ears of St. Francis, who blessed his work. St. Anthony taught at Bologna, and Toulouse, but it was as a fearless preacher and a miracle worker that he is most renowned.