The Holy Trinity
It is difficult to explain the Holy Trinity. Probably the simplest explanation and most helpful is that of the image of water. It can take on three forms: ice, water as liquid and steam. All three are quite different and yet all are essentially the same. It is much the same with the Holy Trinity. God is revealed through three distinct persons, yet all are one. Understanding the Trinity fully is beyond us because no one can fully understand God. This though should not stop us experiencing God in our lives. Paul in the second reading today reminds us that we experience God in the ups and downs of life. Paul wishes Gods many blessings on us and especially Gods peace. The core of the reading is to remind us how God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is central in each of our lives.
At the start and end of every Mass or prayer service we use the sign of the cross. We take it for granted and do it automatically. But every time we make the sign of the cross we are recognising and being open to Gods many blessings in our lives. While we may not fully understand what the Trinity is all about we welcome and are open to Gods blessings in our lives.
Novena to the Sacred Heart
Begins on Thursday 22nd May and continues until Friday 30th May – The Feast of the Sacred Heart. Leaflets with the Novena Prayers for each day are available at the back of the Church (pink sheet). We encourage families to make the Novena. It will take only about 3 minutes each day. The novena prayers will be said at the 10am Mass each day.
Do this in Memory Family Mass
We will have our final Do This in Memory Mass on next Sunday, 25th May, the feast of Corpus Christi when the First Communicants will walk in our Eucharistic Procession which will take place following the 10.30am Mass in the Church Grounds.
There will be a meeting of the Parent Class representatives on Mon. 19th May in Canon Kerrys house at 7.30pm
Church of the Resurrection Farranree
Golden Jubilee 1958-2008
Flower Festival Sat.17th Sun.18th May
Priesthood in Cork & Ross
If you are thinking of becoming a priest and you would like more information, what to do next and any questions you may have at this time contact: Fr. Tom Deenihan on 021-4303017, Fr. Bertie OMahony on 021-4371684, or Fr. Charlie Kiely Turners Cross on 021-4313103
Vocation Prayer
Loving God,
You know me by heart
and you call me by name.
Through Jesus, your Son, you assure me
that you are with me always.
As I seek to find your way for me, help me to see
that I can make a difference in the world.
As I discover the talents you have given me,
help me to trust that your Kingdom
will be established from the smallest of seeds. Amen.
First Holy Communion
Our Congratulations to The Boys from Scoil Chríost Rí who received their First Holy Communion to their Parents and Teachers. It was a memorable occasion we had a lovely ceremony.
Prayer After Holy Communion
Lord Jesus I love and adore you.
Youre a special friend to me.
Welcome, Lord Jesus, O welcome.
Thank you for coming to me.
Thank you, lord Jesus, O thank you
for giving yourself to me.
Make me strong to show your love wherever I may be.
Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay
Close by me for ever and love me I pray.
Bless all of us children in your loving care
and bring us to heaven to live with you there
Im ready now Lord Jesus to show how much I care
Im ready now to give your love at home and everywhere.
The Irish Bishops Conference has issued a Pastoral Letter Vision 08 A Vision for Catholic Education in Ireland. A limited number of copies are available at the back of the Church or <A href=""></A>
Masses for Exams
All those preparing for or doing exams will be included in our Shared Mass offered each Friday Morning at 10am. Special Exam Mass Cards are now available from the Sacristy
Exam Prayer
Teacher and Friend,
be with me now as I sit this exam.
Give me a peaceful heart,
a focused mind and a steady hand.
Help me to remember what I have learned,
to answer wisely and well,
and persevere when I am tired and weary.
We welcome into the Christian Community those who were Baptised recently, Georgina Catherine Dunlea, Ben Richard Horgan and Mimi Elizabeth Wormald.
We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the Family of Pakie Gallagher, Palaceanne Lawn who died during the week Lord grant him eternal peace and joy, and to his family & friends strength and comfort.
Corpus Christi Procession
Sr. Briege McKenna, accompanied by Fr. Kevin Scallon, will be taking part in this years Corpus Christi Procession on next Sunday May 25th. She will speak at the Benediction in Daunts Square at around 4pm.
Immediately after the Benediction, she will lead an hour of Healing Prayer with the Blessed Sacrament in St. Peter and Pauls Church. The combined choirs of the Cathedral and Farranree will sing at the procession, and the soloist will be Fiona OReilly.
Our Parish Group will meet outside the Church at 3pm and walk to Daunt Square.
Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to 2,260. The Second Collection – Pastoral Planning came to 1796. Many thanks for your generosity.
Senior Hurling Challenge Cork V Galway.
Sun 25th May at 7pm in Pairc Ui Chaoimh
in aid of St Michaels Church Blackrock Restoration Fund. Admission 10 OAP 5, children free.
A Thought
Without mystery life would be very dull indeed. What would be left to strive for if everything were known? Charles de Lint
Today the feast of the Holy Trinity. We celebrate a great mystery of our faith but one thats so hard to put into words. There is a beautiful icon of the Trinity painted by a monk whose name is Rublev. It depicts the three divine persons sitting at a table. A dish of food lies on the table. But one thing that immediately strikes you is the fact that at the front of the table there is a vacant place. The vacant place is meant to convey openness, hospitality and welcome towards the stranger and those outside. That vacant place is meant for each of us too. We are invited to share in the life of the Trinity. God never wants to exclude us. In the middle of all the complexities and mysteries of life God loves us through and through. Fr. James McSweeney