May 11th 2008 – Pentecost Sunday

Come Holy Spirit
‘When Pentecost day came round, the apostles all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.'  Acts 2:1-2
The Spirit of God is something alive and active in each person.It brings out the best in each of us.  The Holy Spirit awakens energies within each of us that we aren't even aware of, enabling us to do so much more. With the help of the Spirit we are encouraged to make choices-positive instead of negative, growth rather than comfort and life rather than stagnation. We invite the Holy Spirit into each of our lives this weekend.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray: O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, me may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Turner’s Cross Parish Assembly.
On this Feast of Pentecost the members of the First Parish Assembly – nominated by the Parish Community – will be commissioned after the homily at the 6pm & 12noon Masses, they will serve for three years.  We thank them for accepting nomination.

At the end of the Commissioning Ceremony we will all pray together:
We pray to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit to bless our Parish Assembly
May we support each other in all our tasks.
May God the Father deepen our faith.
May God the Son enthuse us with hope.
May God the Spirit fill our hearts with love.  Amen

Vision/Mission Statement of The Parish Assembly
We will seek
To build an inclusive faith community, founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ. To encourage greater participation by all age groups in our parish and to collaborate with other parishes.
To be a welcoming parish community.

We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the Families of Jimmy Lynch, late of Doyle Rd.  who died in New York and Pearce Jones, Palacanne Lawn.  Lord grant them eternal peace and joy, and to their  families & friends strength and comfort.

Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes 11th – 16th June
The final payment can be paid in the coming days at the Parish Credit Union ask for Mary Sheehan

Corpus Christi Procession
Sr. Briege McKenna, accompanied by Fr. Kevin Scallon, will be taking part in this year’s Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday May 25th. She will speak at the Benediction in Daunt’s Square at around 4pm.  Immediately after the Benediction, she will lead an hour of Healing Prayer with the Blessed Sacrament in St. Peter and Paul’s Church. The combined choirs of the Cathedral and Farranree will sing at the procession, and the soloist will be Fiona O’Reilly.

Masses for Exams
All those preparing for or doing exams will be included in our Shared Mass offered each Friday Morning at 10am.  Special Exam Mass Cards are now available from the Sacristy

Visiting Choir
Last weekend the choir from Sweden The St. Johannes Chamber Choir  sang at our 10.30am Mass, later at The Coral Festival in the City Hall they  came second in the International Competition. …they lost by just half a per cent. !!  We send our congratulations to them

Offertory Collection
Last weekend offertory collection came to €2,521 – Many thanks for your generosity.

The Parish Assembly will meet on Mon. 12th May at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre.   The Family Support Group of the Parish Assembly have organised a Bereavement Support Talk for Wed. 14th at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre and all are welcome to attend.

Pastoral Services Collection 
Will be taken up after Holy Communion today, Bishop Buckley invites people of the diocese to continue to help fund the programmes promoting lay involvement in the parishes. The special collection for Parish Pastoral Services will be taken  in all churches in the diocese on this weekend.
Last year’s collection came to €86,000. this is a mark of the generous support by parishioners and clergy for the essential work which is being funded by this collection. This work will continue to be essential in the future plans for the diocese and parishes as we work together to build up the faith community in a changing environment.”

First Holy Communion
Our Congratulations to  The Girls from Christ King Girls N.S.  who have received their First Holy Communion  to their Parents and Teacher. It was a memorable occasion we had a lovely ceremony The Boys from Scoil Chriost Ri will receive their First Holy Communion next Sat. 17th May at 10.30am.   
There will be no Mass at 10am. on Saturday
Prayer After Holy Communion
Lord Jesus I love and adore you.
You’re a special friend to me.
Welcome, Lord Jesus, O welcome.
Thank you for coming to me.
Thank you, lord Jesus, O thank you
for giving yourself to me.
Make me strong  to show your love wherever I may be.
Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay
Close by me for ever and love me I pray.
Bless all of us children in your loving care
and bring us to heaven to live with you there
I’m ready now Lord Jesus to show how much I care
I’m ready now to give your love at home and everywhere.

St Joseph’s Young Priests Society will hold their monthly meeting on Tues. 13th May at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre.

South Parish / Turner’s Cross Summer Scheme
1st Enrolment this Mon. 12th May  between 8pm and 9pm in the South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street.

CIT Alumni Reunion Day:  Sat 7th June at 3pm. Calling All Graduates and Friends to celebrate YOUR Reunion on Campus.  BBQ Buffet – music The Aristocrats.  Booking forms from  alumni@cit. or visit

Helpline: 1800 742 745. Farm & Rural Stress: 1800 742 645
Suicide Bereavement:
Support Service: 087-7986944
Loinnir Support Group: 023-33297

A thought
The word Spirit is mentioned 505 times throughout scripture. Clearly the Spirit of God is hugely important but yet we often don’t talk much about it. We feel it’s a bit abstract and so best left to one side. A better description is to be found in John’s Gospel where the Spirit is called ‘The Paraclete’. This translates as someone who walks alongside. We believe the Spirit of God is everywhere but especially that God walks alongside us throughout our lives. This is comforting and consoling. God doesn’t happen to be with us occasionally or abandon us when we do something wrong. God’s presence is constant, assured, near and always alongside us. We struggle sometimes to understand how near and close God is. In our joys, struggles, hurts, failures, disappointments, sadness or whatever may be going on for us, God is always there too.    t