March 30th 2008 – 2nd Sunday of Easter

A Thought
Thomas, called the Twin, who was one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. When the disciples said, 'We have seen the Lord', he answered, 'Unless I see the holes that the nails made in his hands and can put my finger into the holes they made, and unless I can put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe'  –  John 20:23-25
Not everyone is fully sure about the Resurrection or what it fully means.  But one thing is absolutely certain and that is that the Resurrection is the corner stone of our faith.  It's the hinge on which we rest everything.  We all though have our doubts and questions.    That's why we should not be so hard on Thomas better known as 'Doubting Thomas'.  He holds all our questions and doubts.
The message is not to be discouraged.  Hold onto them, live them and give them time.  This is what Thomas did and marked him out, not just as a believer but marked him out as an open, honest and genuine believer.  God always appreciates such openness and honesty. 
We all could do well to follow.

First Friday
Next Friday is First Friday – Fr Kerry & Fr Charlie will visit the sick and housebound at their usual times this coming Thursday and Friday.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Exposition will take place after the 10am Mass next Friday morning until 1pm.

Wed. 2nd April is the third anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul 11. The 10am Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul.

Priesthood in Cork & Ross
Information Day about becoming a priest here in Cork and Ross.  If you are thinking of becoming a priest and you would like more information, what to do next and any questions you may have at this time.  Date: Saturday April 12th, 2008. Venue: Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte, Cork.  Time: from 11am to 5pm (lunch included) should you require further information please contact: Fr Tom Deenihan on 021-4303017, Fr Bertie O’Mahony on 021-4371684, or Fr Charlie Kiely – Turners Cross on 021-4313103

We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the Families of Michael Daly – Curragh Rd. Dan Kidney,Capwell Rd., Margaret O'Mahony, Capwell Rd. Lord grant them eternal peace and joy, and to their families & friends strength and comfort.

Easter Garden
Big numbers have been coming to visit the Easter Garden. Our thanks to those who put it together.
– It gives us all food for thought – 'The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia!'

Four Strengths
The four strengths of the early Church were:
– Fidelity to the teaching of the Apostles;
– a sense of community, – sharing and responsibility for one another;
–  personal daily prayers.
A good strategy for helping anybody interested in joining the Church, or seeking to be a better member, is to work at one or other of these four angles. Any one of them properly pursued will eventually embrace the others.

Holy Week
Our  thanks to all who were part of the of the Holy Week Ceremonies. The big numbers who attended and the involvement of so many people was great.  It was good to be part of the congregation at the Easter Vigil who welcomed Mia Rosa Bowens into the Christian Family-  thanks again.

Divine Mercy Sunday
Our late Pope, John Paul ll throughout his pontificate placed a strong  and significant focus on the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Repeatedly he wrote and spoke about the need for us to turn to the mercy of God as the answer to the specific problems of our times.
Divine Mercy is the heart of the Gospel. If we really look at how God has revealed himself in Scripture and in Church Tradition, we discover afresh how mercy is essential to understanding his message of love and salvation. Mercy even reveals his very identity. With this understanding of God and his revelation to us, we can ask for his Mercy, be merciful to others, and strive to completely trust in his Son, who is Divine Mercy Incarnate.

Thank You
Fr. Charlie and Fr. Kerry say a sincere thanks for your Easter Offerings and Spring Dues and to the area collectors. 

There has been a very good response to the Trócaire Lenten Appeal. We will have the total next weekend – Don't forget to hand in your Trócaire Box.

Helpers needed for Lourdes
Invitation to all young people and adults who would like to come to Lourdes in June, July or August as a helper to the sick and invalid.  There are 12 different themed pilgrimages this year.  Also Adorers needed to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in Lourdes this summer.  If interested please contact Máire Smye of C.L.M. on 023-33273.

Over 60s Talent Competition
Over 60s Talent Competition The Over 60s Talent Competition will be held on Thursday 3rd April in Christ King Girls Primary School Hall at 7.30pm. Tickets will be on sale in the Parish Office after all Masses this weekend. Price €3

Bingo & A Game of Cards
Come to Turners Cross Community Centre (next to credit union) on Tuesday for a game of 45. All are welcome. Bingo and Tea  will take place on Wednesday in the Community Centre.  Cost €2. All are welcome