March 23rd 2008 – Easter Sunday

It is always difficult to relate to something that lies beyond our personal experience. We know only too well what it is like to experience suffering and pain.
Resurrection, however, is something we hope to experience in the future. Yet it is something which lies at the heart of our Christian faith, the very basis of Christian faith and hope: that which redeems all human life and experience.
Does the Resurrection inspire me to a new beginning? To get rid of old yeast, old ways, old fears. To face the future with confidence and faith and  to share that hope with a world so in need of God’s redemptive love!

We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the family of  Fr. Jack O’Brien MNH late of Turners Cross and Michael Daly, Curragh Rd.who died recently.  Lord grant them eternal peace and joy, and to their families, friends and community strength and comfort.

40th Anniversary of the Tuskar Rock Air Disaster
will be commemorated in Ballyphehane. The 12 noon Mass on Easter Sunday will be celebrated at the Church of the Assumption, Ballyphehane, for those who died and for those who suffered because of this tragic event.  Bishop John Buckley will preside.

Game of Cards
Come to Turners Cross Community Centre on Tuesday 25th March at 2pm for a game of 45. All are Welcome.

(Irish Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society)
All bereaved parents, families and friends are invited to join us  in St. Joseph’s SMA Wilton on 30th March at 3pm  to remember our children and loved ones in a special way.

Turners Cross Gramophone Circle.
Recital will be held on Tues. next the 25th March at 7.45pm given by Colette Buckley in the Parish Centre.

Over 60s Talent Competition
A heat of the Over 60s Talent Competition will be held in Turners Cross Community Centre on 3rd of April. The organising committee is now looking for participants. Music will be provided. Anyone interested in performing on the night is asked to contact Alan Kennedy on 087-6973206

Citizens Advice Clinic
A Citizens Advice Clinic will be held in Turners Cross Community Centre (next to credit union) on Friday 28th March at 10.30am

Collection for support of Priests: The only collection in Church on Holy Sat. night and on Easter Sunday is for the support of the priests.

Easter Triduum of Massses
The Triduum Masses will be celebrated on Easter Sunday 10.30am, and continues Monday and Tuesday at 10 am.

Easter Prayer
Praise to you Lord
for the empty tomb
Praise to you Lord
for your return from the dead
Praise to you Lord
for men and women redeemed
Praise to you Lord
for a new world.
Risen Lord, friend and brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly
and follow you more nearly
day by day.

Important Dates
April 14th Parish Confirmations
May 10h  First Holy Communion Girls
May 17th  First Holy Communion Boys

Trócaire Boxes
Please return your Lenten Trócaire Box as soon as you can. Our thanks to Class 1D of Christ King Girls Secondary School who collected €115  and The Day Care Centre Capwell Rd €180 in aid of Trócaire.

A Thought
Easter is indeed a special time of year.  The Easter message is one that gives us all hope and gives us a timely lift. 
We all have our difficult moments.   We carry burdens, darkness, hurts, pain and disappointments.  We're not on our own, every single person carries these.  But the Easter message reminds us, that right in the middle of them, there is a promise of new life, new beginnings and a sense of hope and promise.  Without Easter we would have absolutely nothing but with Easter we have indeed everything.
Lord, I ask you to bless me with all your Easter blessings.
Bring new life, light and new beginnings into my life this Easter.

“Walk With Me”  An Easter Season Prayer Book for 2008  An excellent little book that will help you with a prayer for each day. Available at the back of the Church cost €2.

Morning Mass:  10am each day.

from the Priests of the Parish
A Happy Easter
Our prayer for you is that the Joy and Peace of the Risen Christ be with you this Easter
Our sincere thanks to all who helped in any way with the Holy Week Cermonies to Frank and Eddie who put the lovely Easter Garden in place. Our congratulations to Mia Rose Bowens who was baptised at the Easter Vigil and to her parents Alan & Karen.