All-Ireland Club Final
Our good wishes to Nemo who play St. Vincent's Dublin in the All-Ireland Senior Club Football Final on Mon.17th March in Croke Park. Nemo have won seven All-Ireland and fourteen Munster titles since the introduction of the All-Ireland Championships in 1971. With 16 Cork senior football championships to their credit, Nemo have only twice failed to add the provincial crowm. Down the years Nemo have done the Parish proud. We wish Ephie Fitzgerald, the panel and all the mentors the very best of luck on the 17th March.
Today Palm Sunday, Holy Week begins. We will have an opportunity to receive God's forgiveness. Penitential celebrations (Confessions) will take place after all the Masses this weekend. A number of priests will be available for confessions. Encourage members of the family to avail of the opportunity. As St. Paul says: 'Now is the favourable time, this is the day of salvation.'
Easter Triduum Cards are available in the Parish Office this weekend and on Tues. and Wed.
The Masses will be celebrated on Easter Sunday, Monday & Tuesday.
40th Anniversary of the Tuskar Rock Air Disaster to be commemorated in Ballyphehane. The 12 noon Mass on Easter Sunday will be celebrated at the Church of the Assumption, Ballyphehane, for those who died and for those who suffered because of this tragic event. Bishop John Buckley will preside.
Monday 17th March this year is not a Holy Day of Obligation as the Feast falls in Holy Week. We will have three Masses 9am, 10.30am & 12 noon on Monday the Holiday.
We welcome into the Christian Community Shane John Corcoran-Keating who were baptised recently.
Trócaire Boxes:
can be returned at the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday the 20th March at 6pm
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes (11th – 16th June.)
Will all those who have given their names and intend to travel please pay their deposit (200) in the coming days at Turners Cross Credit Union, ask for Mary Sheehan.
Game of Cards
If you like to play 45, then come along to Turners Cross Community Centre (next to credit union) on Tuesday 18th March at 2pm. All are welcome
Come for bingo & a cup of tea in the Turners Cross community centre (next to credit union) on Wednesday 19th March at 10.30am. Cost 2. All are Welcome.
Holy Week 2008
Thursday 20th March HOLY THURSDAY
no morning Mass
The 'three days' begin on the evening of Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lord's Supper. At this Mass we remember Jesus' gift of himself in his Body and Blood and his command to love one another. This command is exemplified in Jesus' washing of his disciples' feet on this night.
6.00pm Concelebrated Mass of the Lords Supper
Procession to Altar of Repose . Bring your Trocaire Box to this Mass
Confessions after procession.
Chrism Mass: 10am Bishop Buckley concelebrates Mass in the Cathedral on this Thursday with the Priests of the Diocese, blesses the Holy Oils to be used in the Parishes. All are welcome to attend this Mass in the Cathedral.
Quiet Holy Hour: 8.30 pm – 9.30 pm
"Can you watch one hour with me"
Friday 21st March GOOD FRIDAY
No Masses today, A day of fast & abstinance
On Good Friday the Church gathers to listen to St John's account of the passion and death of Jesus. In the Prayer of the Faithful the needs of the Church and the world are prayed for and then people are invited to venerate the cross through which Christ 'brought joy to the world'.
3.00 pm Solemn celebration of the Passion of Our Lord
Reading of the Passion / Veneration of the Cross / Holy Communion
Collection for the Holy Places in the Holy Land
Stations of the Cross: 12 noon & 6.00pm
Confessions after the Stations
Saturday 22nd March HOLY SATURDAY
(no morning Mass)
On the evening of Saturday the Church gathers again to celebrate the Easter Vigil. Christ's resurrection is proclaimed through scripture and song, and through the baptism of one new members into the Church.
6pm Solemn Easter Vigil and Mass of The Resurrection
Bring candle & holder to Vigil
Confessions 12noon -1pm
Collection for the Priests of the Parish this weekend
Sunday 22nd March EASTER SUNDAY
At Mass throughout the world Catholics share in the joy of the disciples who know that Christ has risen.
Masses: 9 am, 10.30 am & 12 noon
Easter Triduum of Masses: Easter Sun. 12 noon, Mon, Tues. at 10 am
Cards are available in Parish Office
We wish all our Parishioners and those home for Easter a very Happy Easter