February 24th 2008 – 3rd Sunday of Lent

The Woman at the Well
This Sunday's Gospel not only teaches us a deep and important lesson, but it inspires and challenges us to reach for  higher things.   We know how pathetic it is when people come to depend on others for material handouts.  It somehow erodes their confidence and self-respect.   They may need a hand-out to carry them over a bad patch, but they need a hand-up even more so.  Their reaction to their position may take the form of resentment and aggression.
People can become spiritually dependent also, and that too is pathetic.   Those of us of a more mature age had excellent teachers and spiritual guides in our formative years, and this was great.   But it would have been even better had they led us to find the strength of the Lord within ourselves, and the courage and inspiration to launch out into the deep waters of life, and grow in so doing.   Give a man a fish and it will fill his hunger for the day – teach him how to fish and it will fill his hunger for life.
This is what Jesus did for the woman he met by the well. Instead of preaching from a height, he humbly asked her for a drink of water.   In the course of conversation it transpired that the lady had been looking for love, happiness and fulfilment (she was married five times).   All worthy aspirations, but she was looking in the wrong places.   Just like ourselves – the ‘must have’ craving for latest fashions, bigger cars, exotic holiday destinations, and an insatiable    appetite for praise and popularity.   St.  Augustine had the same problem as a young man – and then he found the Lord was patiently waiting for him in his own heart.
The Lord alone could fill the awful void the lady by the well experienced within herself and he did.  What  he has done for others – he will do for you.

Mothers Day
Is on Sunday next 2nd March. – The 12 noon Mass on that day will be for our Mothers living or dead. If you would like your mother to be remembered special cards are available in the Sacristy and in the Parish Office this weekend.
The Easter Triduum Cards will also be available.

Mass Cards and Cards for the Friday Shared Mass are available in the Sacristy after Mass. The Shared Mass every Friday at 10 am is offered for the sick, for those who have died and for your special intentions.

Best of Luck
To Nemo who play Ballina Stephenites in the All Ireland S.F.C. Semi-Final in Ennis this Sunday 24th Feb. at 2pm.

Cork & Ross 2008 Diocesan Directory.
The new 2008 directory will be available this weekend. The cost is €6.00 per directory. A very useful book.

Parish Visitation
Fr. Kerry will visit Connolly Rd. during the week.

We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the families of: 
Br. Fabian (Michael) O’Donoghue, Maiville,  Marie Maye, O’Connell Ave.  Kitty  Noonan, Friars Rd. and Mary Noonan, Mercier Park. Lord grant them eternal peace and joy, and their families, community and friends strength and comfort      

Beginning Experience
There is a special heartache for those who find themselves single again. Now there is help.   For information contact Beginning Experience, Family Ministry, 34 Paul Street, Cork. Tel: 4275136   Next Beginning Experience Weekend from 7th to 9th March in Ennismore Retreat Centre, Montenotte.

Do this in Memory
The meeting with parents representatives who organise the Do this in Memory Programme will take place in Fr. Kerry's House on this Monday 25th Feb. at 7.30pm. – The next  “Do this in Memory Mass” is next Sunday 2nd March at 10.30am

Tea & Bingo
A social morning will be held in the Turner’s Cross Community Centre on Wednesday 27th Feb. at 10.30am. Come along for a cup of tea, a chat & a game of bingo. Cost €2 (to cover light & heat). All are welcome

'Fairtrade Fortnight'
takes place from 25th Feb-9th March.  Fairtrade means
that third world producers get a fair wage for goods such as coffee and cocoa beans and bananas that they produce.  Come along to the new College of Music on Union Quay on Friday, 7th March from 11am-1pm for a cup of
fairtrade tea/coffee and meet cocoa producers from Ghana who will talk about the difference that fairtrade has made to the lives of their family and community.

Gala Concert
A unique opportunity can be had to hear the renowned Cork soprano, Mary Hegarty, in concert in her home parish of Ballinlough. Mary is performing with the Wilcollane Singers and other guests on Thursday 6th March at 8p.m. in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballinlough.
The concert is in aid of the Ursuline Kenyan Programme.
Tickets cost €25 and are available in the Ursuline Secondary School, Blackrock, Our Lady of Lourdes N.S. and Church, Ballinlough and in Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street.

Dare to Trust?
Explore the Wonder and Mystery qf God’s love in your life. A series of Saturdays for single adults    Venue: Holy Trinity, Fr. Matthew Quay (Gathering in Third Order Chapel) March 1st 10.45am-2.00pm,   April 5th 10.45am.ß-2.00pm May 10th 10.45am – 2.00pm      Further information Sr. Bridget 0874167126

Turner’s Cross Gramaphone Circle
Recital will be  on next Tues. 26th Feb. at 7.45pm given by Paddy Murphy, Blarney,  in the Parish Centre.

Spring Dues
We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Spring Dues in the Sacristy after Masses this weekend 23/24 February.

Over 60s Talent Competition
A heat of the Over 60s Talent Competition will be held in Turners Cross Community Centre on 3rd of April. The organising committee is now looking for participants. Music will be provided. Anyone interested in performing on the night is asked to contact Alan Kennedy on 087-6973206