The Advent Wreath The Advent Wreath is round with no beginning or end, showing the eternity of God's creation and his never ending love and care for all of us. It is evergreen, recalling that our faith, our hope and our love are always alive when they spring from God and his Son. There are 4 candles on the wreath. They remind us of the 4 Sundays of Advent. Three are purple and one is pink. The first candle is called the Prophet's candle and is meant to signify the hope of Jesus' arrival. The second candle is called the Bethlehem candle reminding Christians that God appeared to them in a humble manner; Bethlehem was located in the territory of one of the least powerful tribes of Israel. The third candle "the pink one" is called the Shepherd's candle representing the joy that more than half of Advent is over. The fourth candle is called the Angels' candle. symbolising their peace and the message of good news that they offer. The white candle is the Christ Candle.
Santa to help St. Vincent de Paul Society Santa, whose real name is St. Nicholas, is probably the best loved saint of children. His feast day was last Thursday Dec. 6th. This weekend he will be here with a basket of letters. In his letter he will tell us to prepare well for the Birthday of Jesus and will ask us to bring a specific item the following weekend 15/16 Dec. and place it in his basket. Santa will deliver your gifts to members of St. Vincent de Paul who are always helping those in need. In preference to toys, donations of food items (non perishable), chocs, biscuits and small items of clothing will be appreciated. Don't forget to collect your letter. We thank you for your continuing support.
St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank the parishioners of Turner's Cross Parish for their support for the Monthly Collection. Income (monthly Church gate collections) 14,600. Expenditure for the year: 13,800. We wish all of you a Happy and Peaceful Christmas. Our Christmas Collection is being taken up this weekend.
Christmas Raffle Thanks to the generosity of a few parishioners, a lovely Christmas Hamper has been put together in aid of the Church Grounds Fund. Tickets are on sale after Mass today and during the coming days. One line 2, 3 lines 5.
"Do this in Memory" Next Sunday at the 10.30 am Mass we have our "Do this in Memory" Mass for those preparing or First Holy Communion. There will be a meeting of the parents – class representatives – in Fr. Kerry's House on this Mon. 10th at 7.30pm
St. Joseph's Young Priests Society Monthly meeting in the Parish Centre this Tuesday 11th Dec. after the 10 am Mass.
Ministers of the Word
Can collect their Missal with readings for the coming year (A) in the Sacristy after Mass.
Flowers Would you like to donate a Poinsettia Pot Plant (Red) to decorate our altar for Christmas (Not too tall, bushier plants last longer).
A Thought We all like to give and receive gifts. They tell us though that millions are spent on unwanted gifts at Christmas time. These are gifts that are not used or not wanted by the person who gets them. God gives us many gifts each day, but especially the gift of life, the gift of forgiveness, days full of endless possibilities. It is up to us to use these gifts. It would be a shame to let them become unused or unwanted gifts. Lord, help me to use these two remaining weeks of Advent as a gift to you. Help me to make the most of these special days giving me a chance to come closer to you and prepare for Confession before Christmas.
L'Arch Christmas Craft Fair This Sun. 9th Dec. 10am-5pm L'Arch Community Centre, Togher (next to Parish Church). All welcome: adm. free. Lots of beautiful hand-crafted gifts for all the family.
Parish Christmas Card There has been a big demand for the Parish Christmas Card and Christmas Triduum Mass Card – available in the Parish Office after Mass today and during the week. The Triduum of Masses will be offered on 23, 24, 25 Dec.
Munster Final The best of luck to Nemo who play Ballinacourty, Waterford Champions in the Munster Club Senior Football Final this Sunday Dec. 9th in Killarney at 2pm
Death: We remember in our prayers Canon Frank Buckley who died during the week he served in many positions in our Diocese, was chaplain to St. Finbarr's Hospital, Mercy University Hospital and Cork University Hospital, a native of the Lough Parish. He was ordained with Fr. Kerry in 1963 May he rest in peace.
Important Date
21st/22nd Dec. Penitential Rites at all the Masses. A number of priests will be available for Confession. "Prepare a way for the Lord"
Christmas Masses Christmas Eve: 6 pm & 10 pm Christmas Day: 9 am,
10.30 am, 12 noon.
Faith Development Programme
A series of four talks for Advent will take place in Bru Columbanus. All talks will be at 8.00.p.m. and admission is free. Members of the public are very welcome. Light refreshments will be provided.
The fourth talk will be given by Fr. Tom Clancy on Wednesday, 12th December. Topic: Gods Coming Incarnation and Eucharist.
Blessing for Carers
Lord, bless all carers – they let people
know that they are loved.
Bless those who listen – they lighten
many a burden.
Bless those who, when nothing can
be done or said, remain to provide a
comforting presence – they help the
sufferer to bear the unbearable.
And bless those who give without hope
of return – they give us an experience
of your love.