October 21st 2007 – Mission Sunday

October 21st 2007 — Mission Sunday
Pope Benedict reminds us that the absence of God in the lives of millions is the greatest suffering.  People are hungry for God, not just for bread and freedom.  Please help missionaries to Reflect God’s love. Christians are invited to support the work of missionaries as they reflect God’s love on the five continents.  People are asked to give generously to the Propagation of the Faith Collection this weekend, which will be sent in its entirety to a Young Church.

Parish Steering Group
Meeting in the Parish Centre Monday 22nd October at 8pm.

We extend our sympathies and prayers to the families of: Patricia O’Connell, Mount Pleasant, Anne (Babs) Lynch, Greenhills Est, & Michael Coughlan, Palaceanne, who died during the past week.  May they rest in eternal peace.

Recent Weddings:
Breeda Cronin,
O’Connell Cres. & Emmett Herlihy, Farranree.
Evelyn Murphy, Fr Matthew Rd & Michael O’Sullivan, Blackrock.
Clara Dennehy, Tonyville & Patrick Crowley, Lotamore ,
Who were married recently. We wish them every blessing and good wish both now and the years ahead. Congratulations.

Church Choir
New Members are invited to join our Church Choir.  If you are interested please contact: Michael on 087-2816771 or Paula on 087-7954256. or feel free to call up to the Choir after 10.30am Sunday Mass for further details. All are welcome.

Ministers of The Word & The Eucharist.
New Rotas are now available from the sacristy

Discernment Saturdays for those interested in Priesthood & Religious Life.
We invite you to join with others and take time out to reflect on what is important to you in life.  Venue: Cork City, Dates: 20th October & 17th November, Time: 10.45pm to 3pm.  Further information 087-9391669.

Holy Souls Novena of Masses
The Novena of Masses for your Dead begins on 2nd November.  Envelopes are available at the back of the Church for the lists of your Dead. They should be returned to the box at the Altar Rails.

Cemetery Sunday.
Prayers and Blessing of Graves in St. Joseph’s Cemetery Sunday 4th Nov. at 2.30pm.

Remembrance Weekend 3rd & 4th November.
On that weekend all the Masses will be offered for our dead.

Important Parish Dates
November 2nd * Novena for the Holy Souls Begins
November 3rd/4th * Remembrance Sunday.
November 4th * Cemetery Sunday – St Joseph’s
November 11th to 14th * Parish Mini Mission
November 25th – Feast of Christ the King * Nomination Sunday.

Blessed Thaddeus McCarthy (1386–1456). Feast Day on Thursday 25th Oct. Appointed Bishop of Ross, later Bishop of Cork and Cloyne. Because his appointment was disputed locally, he set out as a humble pilgrim to Rome, where his appointment as Bishop of Cork & Cloyne was confirmed. He died at Ivrea, Italy on the return journey to Ireland.

Saturday November 3rd – 10.30am – 4.30pm
Healing & Stress Release Led by: Martina Lehane – Sheehan
Saturday November 24th  – 10.30am – 4.30pm
Healing day for the bereaved ending with Mass at 3.30pm
Led by: Frank Downes OP
Cost: €20, Lunch €20 each day.
BOOKING ESSENTIAL –  Tel. 021-4502520.

Catholic Papers
The Irish Catholic, The Universe & The Catholic Times are available at the back of the Church. New Irish Edition of the Universe now available.

Parish  Pilgrimage to Lourdes:  11th – 16th June, 2008.
We plan to have a Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes next June, The 150th Anniversary of the Apparitions. To assist the Hotel bookings, intending pilgrims please give your name(s) in the Sacristy.  Further details in later Bulletins.

Invitation to Pray
Every Monday at 10.30am in The Parish Centre.

Mass Cards
Mass Cards are available from the sacristy any morning after the 10am Mass, also if you wish to include an intention for the weekly 10am Shared Mass on Fridays this is also available.

Festival of Peoples:
This Sunday 21st of October is the occasion when the Diocese remembers that Christ has called us from every tribe and tongue and peoples and nations‚ Rev 7:9.  You are invited to attend this Diocesan event during which Bishop Buckley will lead a special Multicultural Liturgy that celebrates the gift of diversity and the richness that different cultures bring to the Church.  Mass will take place in Holy Cross Church Mahon at 12.15pm.  This will be followed by a social event in Mahon Community Centre celebrating the food, music and cultures of the many ethnic groups who now make up our community. 

St Michael’s Church,  Blackrock, Restoration Fund.
GALA CONCERT ~ featuring Mary Hegarty accompanied by Eleanor Malone with The Cork Airport Singers.  On Thursday, November 1st at 8pm in St Michael‚s Church, Blackrock.  Tickets: €25 Concessions €20.  Tickets available from Pro Musica Telephone 4271659 or Parish Church, Credit Union and local shops in Blackrock, or from Mahon Point S.C.

Variety Concert
In aid of St Columbans Missions held in the City Hall on this Sunday October 21st.  Full details on the Church Notice Board or by contacting 021-4272694.

Help Needed
We would appreciate your help in distributing Invitation Leaflets to the homes of the parish in relation to our forthcoming Parish Mini Mission.  Your help will be greatly appreciated please leave your details at the Sacristy, The Parish Steering Group, or the priests of the parish. Many thanks in advance.

Autumn Dues
We thank our parishioners for their generosity