Diocesan Peru Earthquake Fund
Last Sundays Special Collection realised 5,885. This amount has been send directly to Diocesan Peru Earthquake Fund. We thank you sincerely for your generosity.
An Invitation to Pray – in Parish Centre
An opportunity to grow in knowledge and love of Jesus. A simple way to do this is to prayerfully read the Gospel in faith.
Each Monday at 10.30am, a group of people will be doing just that with the Gospel for the following Sunday. Join us, for one hour in the Parish Centre in Turners Cross. You will be very welcome.
Talk in Turner's Cross Church on Sept. 10th
Fr. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor OP an authority on the New Testament (especially St. Paul) and the Holy Land, will talk in Christ the King Church on Monday 10th Sept. at 8pm. His topic will be: "The Story of Paul of Tharsus"
The letters of St. Paul have exercised a decisive influence on the life of the Church. Pope Benedict XVI has declared this "The Year of Paul" to mark the 2000th anniversary of his birth. All are welcome.

St Joseph's Young Priest Society.
Monthly Meeting Tuesday 11th September at 8pm in the Parish Centre.
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 11th – 16th June, 2008.
We plan to have a Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes next June, The 150th Anniversary of the Apparitions. Early booking is essential as very large number of Pilgrims are anticipated. To assist the Hotel bookings, intending pilgrims please give your name(s) in the Sacristy. Further details in later Bulletins.
We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the Family of Tommy Barrett, Evergreen Road, Lord grant him eternal peace and joy.
Parish Steering Group
There will be a meeting of the Group on this Wed. 12th Sept. at 8pm in Fr. Kerrys house.
Good wishes to the Cork Comogie Team

Three in a row !!
We wish the best of luck to the Cork Comogie Team as they play Wexford in the All Ireland Senior Comogie Final on this Sunday 9th Sept.
You have done yourselves and the County proud all year.
The Coping Programme
A gentle introduction to grief – The Beginning Experience
It is a healing ministry for those who have lost a spouse through Death, Separation or Divorce. A trained team who are themselves Widowed or Separated will facilitate this Support Group.
The next seven-week Programme is starting on Wed 10th Oct. at 7.30pm in Mardyke House, Cork. Contact Kathleen at Family Ministry 021-4275136
Douglas Community School
Adult & Community Education Night Classed
Night Time Enrolment takes places on Wednesday 12th September from 7-8.30pm. Office & Postal Enrolments are taking place daily during office hours.
Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane
Cúpla Focal Club.
Meeting Friday 14th September @ 11AM
New Members are welcome. Beidh cupán tae le fail fresin.
The Irish Circle meet on the 2nd Friday of every month at11am.
Meeting with Parents
There will be a meeting of the parents of Children preparing for First Penance and First Holy Communion this coming year in Christ the King Church on this Tuesday 11th Sept. at 7.30pm.
Parents and Teachers
I dreamed I stood in a studio
And watched two sculptors there,
The clay they used a young child's mind
And fashioned it with care
One was a teacher, the tools she used
Were books and music and art
One was a parent with a guiding hand
And a gentle loving heart
Day after day the teacher toiled
With touch that was deft and sure
With the parent laboured by her side
And polished and smoothed it o'er
And when at last their task was done,
They were proud of what they had wrought
For the things they had moulded into the child
Could neither be sold or bought
And each agreed they would have failed
If they worked alone
For behind the parent stood the school
And behind the teacher, the home.
St Dominic's Retreat Centre – Ennismore
Coming events see notice at back of Church
To Fr. John Dunlea, Capwell Road who is home from Australia to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood. On Sat next 15th September at 12 noon He will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving here in the Church. Our congratulations and good wishes to Fr. John. Ad multos annos
A Thought
Great crowds accompanied Jesus on his way and he turned and spoke to them. If anyone comes to me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters and yes their own life too cannot be my disciple.'
We often exaggerate when we speak. We might say, 'I'm so hungry I could eat a horse'. Or if we hear someone repeating the same thing we might say, 'I've heard that a million times.' In the above few lines Jesus is also exaggerating. Clearly he is not asking us to hate our nearest and dearest. Just as family and friends are important to us, so our love of family should be the same as our love of for God. This may seem straightforward but there are many distractions in life today. It is easy to push God to one side and leave what's spiritual way down our list of priorities. Much is expected of each of us but the more we give the more we can expect back in return.
Fr.James McSweeney www.2u.ie
Dates for your Diary in September
10th Sept.: Talk by Fr. Jerome Murphy-OConnor
11th Sept.: Meeting with Parents of Children preparing for First Holy Communion next May.
12th Sept.: Meeting with Team – planning Parish Mini Mission in Nov.
20th Sept.: Coffee Morning in the Parish Centre in aid of Marymount Hospice.
22/23rd Sept.: Information display of Parish Profile in The Church
30th Sept.: Enrolment of First Holy Communion Children. at 10.30 Mass