The Our Father
Once Jesus was in a certain place praying, and when he had finished one of his disciples said, 'Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples'. He said to them, 'Say this when you pray:
"Father, may your name be held holy,
your kingdom come;
give us each day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves forgive each one who is in debt to us.
And do not put us to the test.
The Lord's Prayer or the 'Our Father', contains 42 words. There is of course a big difference between praying and saying prayers. We can recite off the 42 words at breakneck speed or we can let their meaning slowly sink in each day knowing that this prayer can and does touch the way I live my life each day.
We all have an inbuilt thirst for God and it expresses itself in our wish to pray better. The only problem is that we often give up on prayer because we are unsure how to pray, what to say and whether our prayers are heard. When all prayer fails, the Our Father is a little gem.
It is a prayer that gently takes us to God and encourages us to put our trust in God. Fr. James McSweeney
First Friday:
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 1pm. on Friday 3rd August.
Fr. Kerry will visit the sick and the housebound on this coming Thursday and Friday at the usual times.
We welcome into the Christian community Cliodhna Orla O'Malley who was baptised recently
Our congratulations and good wishes to Nicholas Roche & Colette Fleming, Sean Murphy & Angela Mullane and David Meaney & Valerie Creedon who married recently.
We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the Families of Paddy Hurley, Greenhills Court and Danielle Furlong, Heatherton Park, Lord grant them eternal peace and joy, and to their families & friends strength and comfort.
Loop System
It has been brought to our attention that the Loop System – to help those with hearing aids is out of order. We hope to have it fixed during the week. Apologies.
Ministers of the Eucharist
can collect their rotas for the coming weeks in the Sacristy after Mass
Turner's Cross Community Association
The Committee of the Association would like to invite interested Community Groups to view the new premises on the Curragh Rd. To arrange a viewing and obtain details please contact. Emmet O'Halloran on 087-7855241 or 021-4961453
The Coping Programme
A gentle introduction to grief – "The Beginning Experience"
It is a healing ministry for those who have lost a spouse through Death, Separation or Divorce. A trained team who are themselves Widowed or Separated will facilitate this Support Group.
The next seven-week Programme is starting on Wed 10th Oct. at 7.30pm in Mardyke House, Cork. Contact Kathleen at Family Ministry 021-4275136