Todays Gospel
shows that, even after the great events of the Resurrection, the disciples had not fully appreciated their new role as evangelisers. They had gone back to their old trade – fishing.
This was, of course, what they were doing when Jesus had first met them -and had told them that, from then on, He would be making them into fishers of men
Now, of course, things are different. Jesus is risen and it is time that the disciples remembered why they were called.
They are fishing but, expert though they are, they have caught nothing. When Jesus intervenes, their catch is so abundant that they are left struggling to bring it all in.
Jesus invites them to eat – a mini-Eucharist as He breaks bread – but also a reminder of 5 loaves and 2 fishes and how what seemed so pitiful an offering fed 5000.
Then, Jesus turns to Peter and asks three times whether he loves Him. Some people have suggested that this was by way of redeeming Peters three denials. It also has the effect of forcing Peter to realise how much he loves Jesus and wants to follow Him – even to the same kind of death.
So the fishermen become fishers of people – and shepherds to the people of God.
They could not do it alone – but with Jesus – following Jesus, they are learning that great things are possible from small beginnings.
What does it mean for me?
When have you felt that God has done something great with the little you thought you had to offer?
How would you respond if Jesus asked you – Do you love Me? Are you ready to live with the consequences?
Meeting for Ministers of Word & Eucharist
We thank all who have answered the call, there will be a meeting for all the Ministers of the Word & Eucharist (old and new) in the hall of the Boys Primary School, Evergreen Rd. on this Wed 25th April at 7.30pm Fr. Sean OSullivan who is in charge of Adult Religious Education in the Diocese will be with us.
Holy Land Pilgrimage
All places (51) for the Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 7th-21st Oct. have now been filled
We welcome into the Christian community Twins Jade Ann & Aaron John Walsh and Oisin Anthony Rea. Congratulations to the Parents and Godparents. May they be the best of teachers in the ways of faith and may the flame of faith always be alive in these children's hearts.
We offer sincere and prayerful sympathy to the Family of Pierce O'Dálaigh, Loreto Pk. Lord grant him eternal peace and joy, and to his family & friends strength and comfort.
Do this in Memory Mass
We welcome those who are preparing for their First Holy Communion in May and their Families who are with us for our Special Mass this Sunday.
The Parish Steering Group
will meet in Fr. Kerrys House on this Mon. 23rd April at 8 pm
There has been a very good response to the Trócaire Lenten Appeal. To date 10,306 has been received (2,300 of that from Christ King Girls Primary School) Well done to all and many thanks for your Lenten efforts. There is still time to hand in your Trocaire Box.
Rehabcare, Douglas.
A Jumble Sale, in aid of Marymount Hospice, will be held on Sunday, April 22nd at The Rehab Centre, Dosco Industrial Estate, South Douglas Road (near Christ King Girls Secondary School), from 12.00 – 4.00pm. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. For further information, please contact Paul at 4362701.
Biblical Conference
Organised by Cork Theology Forum. The Bible Tells Me
Two Talks by Keith Ward:
1. Is the Gospel, Gospel?
Can we take the bible literally? Does it always say what it appears to say? How can we tell?
2. What Difference does Christianity make to Morality?
Do the Bibles laws and sayings belong to the past or can scripture be applied to how we live our everyday lives?
Sat. 28th April. Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire. 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Registration: 20 Includes 11.30 Coffee and Lunch Sandwiches
Contact Anne Francis 087-228 213
Catechesis – Know your Faith
Starting Tuesday 24th April for 5 Tuesdays 7.30 – 9.30 pm
St Dominic's Retreat Centre Ennismore.
Lecture & Discussion "The Sacraments of the Church"
Fr. Archie Byrne OP. Donation 5 each evening
Letter from Fr. Con Cronin.
He has written to thank you all for the warm welcome you gave him last weekend. He will be back during the week to visit the Schools and collect the envelopes you have handed or will hand in to support the work of the Kiltegan Missionaries
Douglas Rotary
Have asked us to announce – They are looking for a worthy recipient of their Good Neighbour Award
If you know of someone suitable, please send their details to Rose Property Services, Douglas Rd. or Fabric of Society, 12 Sheares St. before Fri. 4th May.
Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
Recital next Tuesday at 7.30pm in Parish Centre Presenter: Billy Collins