December 31st 2006 – Feast of The Holy Family

We wish you a happy and peaceful New year

A New Year Prayer
Light of Bethlehem, burn brightly in our homes this New Year
Light of Peace, heal the  wounds of sin in our lives. 
Show us the path of forgiveness and love in the year ahead.
Light of Joy, fill our lives with happiness.
Light of Comfort strengthen the sick, the needy and those
who need our prayers at this time.
Light of hope, gently guide us through this New Year.
Light of the World, teach us to love you more each day.
Light of Bethlehem shine in our lives this day and every day.

Every parish is a kind of family — an extended family. Together united in faith, hope and love groups of followers of Jesus Christ gather in mutual support to live a Christian life. Together they worship God, especially at Mass; together they share their faith with their children and with others. Such it is, or should be, in every parish.
It is right, as the year ends, to thank God that in our Parish of Christ the King there are so many families and individuals who live the faith they profess. In our Parish there are many people whose special contribution to parish life is essential and immense. Through their often unnoticed work, the Parish runs smoothly and parish life is enriched. Today we offer our special thanks to these — Ministers of Word and Eucharist, the Choir, Altar Servers, Church Collectors, Sacristan, Altar Society, our Teachers, those who care for the Church and clean it every week, Parish Dues Collectors, those who care for the sick and elderly. We thank those who put up the Crib, Easter and Remembrance Gardens and decorated the sanctuary so beautifully, those who gave poinsettia pot plants and flowers.
The toilets in the Church grounds are nearing completion, early in the New Year work will begin – repairing the Church Grounds – drainage and tarmac.
Fr. Charlie Kiely joined the Parish Team in June he has settled in well we hope his stay with us will be happy and fruitful.
We thank you for the welcome you give us when we visit your homes and for your support in the Parish Dues and the Christmas and Easter offerings. It is much appreciated.
A Parish Finance Committee (5 people) has been put in place to oversee the financial needs of the Parish. The steering committee (9 people) to implement the Diocesan Plan to establish a Parish Council/Assembly has had it first meeting.
We wish you a very happy and peaceful New Year.
— Fr. Kerry

We remember in out prayers Jane Murphy, West View, South Douglas Rd. who died recently. We extend out sympathy to her family.
May she rest in peace.

We thank the people of our Parish who contributed so generously to the following causes during 2006:
Lourdes Invalid Fund  €1,658
Upkeep of the Holy Places in the Holy Land  €886
Episcopal Commissions  €1,203
Peter’s Pence – Pope’s Collection  €2,183
Education Fund  €1,879
Mission Sunday Collection  €3,099
Cork Marriage Counselling Centre  €1,391
Trocaire Lenten Campaign  €11,881
In September €4,465 was contributed to the Franciscan Brothers Kenyan Mission.

Mon. Jan. 1st – FEAST OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD. We honour Mary, Mother of Jesus, during this Christmas season and especially as the New Year begins. Today is also World Day of prayer for Peace.
Sat. Jan. 6th – THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. Jesus is manifested to the world as Messiah.  Holiday of Obligation,
Mass Times:
Vigil Friday 5th Jan. 6 pm
Saturday 6th Jan. 10 am, 12 noon & 6pm

Questions people ask
Q. The Holy Family of Nazareth was so perfect, how can we call it a model of family life?
A. I’m sure Joseph and Mary had no problems like drugs, teenage drinking or aggressive behaviour to contend with. The gospels stress how they observed the law of the Lord and took part in temple worship. Jesus lived under their authority and he increased in wisdom, stature and in favour with God and people. He spent thirty of this thirty-three years in family life. A law-abiding, prayerful family is the best environment for growth in self-identity, social integration and religious faith.
Fr. Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap

World Day of Prayer for Peace 1st Jan. 2007
Lead me from Death to Life
from Falsehood to Truth
Lead me from Despair to Hope
From Fear to Trust
Lead me from Hate to Love
From War to Peace
Let Peace fill our Heart, our World, our Universe
Peace,    Peace,    Peace,

Talk on St Luke's Gospel for Parish Groups.
A one-night introduction to St. Luke's gospel (from where the readings for most of the coming year of Sundays are taken). It's aimed principally at Ministers of the Word but parish assembly members and pastoral council members are also welcome.
Fr. Sean O’Sullivan, Diocesan Coordinator of Adult Religious Education, presents the night. Venue:  Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Western Road, Cork: Wed. 24th Jan,
8 pm.