Holy Souls A Time to Remember
Novembers cold and dark evenings are upon us, and for some loneliness is even greater as people recall memories of an absent loved one.
This time of the year especially can be more difficult for those who have lost a loved one. We remember them and all our loved ones who have died in our November and, this weekend, we will take time to visit our cemeteries and pray at the graves of those who are special to us.
Maybe this November, as well as praying for the faithful departed we could take time too to visit and spend time with those who have had a bereavement. It will be time well spent. As well as our prayers, we could gift them with our time, allow them to share their memories and help all who suffer the pain of loss to know that as a faith community we care, especially at this time.
The Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls begins on Thurs.. 2nd November and continues until 10th November. There will be Masses each weekday of the Novena at 10am and 6.30pm. Extra Mass on Wed. 2nd Nov at 10.30am
Envelopes for those who wish to have their dead remembered in the Novena are available at the back of the Church and may be returned to the box at the Altar Rails.
Plenary Indulgence for the Holy souls
You can gain an indulgence for the Holy Souls from 1st to 8th November by visiting a cemetery and saying the Our Father, Hail Mary and a prayer for the Popes intentions.
Important Date
12/13 Nov. On that weekend all the Masses will be offered for our dead. (More details next week).
Prayers and Blessing of Graves
will take place in St. Josephs Cemetery Sunday 5th Nov. at 2.30pm. Bring a small container to take some of the water blessed at the ceremony to bless your family grave.
Prayers in St. Olivers Cemetery Sat. Nov. 4th at 2pm.
St. Michaels Cemetery, Blackrock, Douglas Cemetery 5th Nov. at 3pm, St. Finbarrs Cemetery 12th Nov. at 3pm.
Marymount Car Boot Sale
Penrose Wharf Car Park Sunday Nov. 12th 9am to 4pm.
All proceeds to the New Hospice Building Fund.
For information and registration contact 4501201 Ext.251
Another Fund Raiser for Marymount
Trinity Gospel Choir at Everyman Palace Theatre Sun. 19th Nov. at 8pm. Tickets 25.
The Over 60s Show
featuring past winners of the competition will take place at the Opera House on Sunday 26th Nov. at 8pm.
Special Guests on the night Cork Folk Singer Jimmy Crowley and Dublin comedian Seán Conners.
Tickets 15, 18 & 20 available from the booking office at the Opera House. Proceeds to Irish Heart Foundation.
Ardfallen Fair
Saturday 11th November 10.30am 2pm in Ardfallen House, Douglas Rd. A day for all the family. Stalls, books, cakes, country produce, plants, bric-a-brack, arts & crafts, second thoughts, toys, pottery & glass, jewellery, etc.
Catholic Papers
The Irish Catholic, The Universe & The Catholic Times are available at the back of the Church.
Cork South Parish Historical Society
Monthly Meeting on this Wednesday 1st Nov. at 8pm in South Parish Community Centre. Speaker: Richard Henchion. Subject: Where was St. Finbarrs Monastery?
First Friday
Fr. Charlie and Fr. Kerry will visit the sick and the housebound on Thursday & Friday of this week at the usual times.
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Friday after 10am Mass until 1pm.
Turners Cross Gramophone Circle
will meet in the Parish Centre on this Tues. 31st Oct. at 7.30pm. Presenter: Jim Aherne. All are welcome.
County Final
The very best of luck to Nemo our Parish team who play Dohenys in the County Senior Football Final on this Sunday 29th Oct. in Páirc Uí Chaoimh.
Winter Time
Clocks go back one hours tonight (Saturday).
We remember in our prayers Maria Horgan, Heatherton, who died recently. We extend our sympathy to her family. May she rest in peace. Maria was one of the faithful carers of our Church for over 30 years.
Feast of All Saints 1st Nov. (Holyday of Obligation)
Masses: Vigil Tues. 6pm. Wedn. 10am & 12 noon.
Viatores Christi
An Irish Catholic lay missionary association founded in 1960. Recruits, prepares and facilitates the placement of lay volunteers who wish to serve in areas of need, mainly in the developing world.
Information Seminar on Tuesday Dec. 5th 7.30-9.30pm at the SMA Parish Centre, Wilton, Cork. You would be very welcome to join us if you would like to find out more about volunteering overseas with Viatores Christi. Please contact us on Tel. 01 8749346 or 01 8728027.
Email: info@viatoreschristi.com
Unattached Practising Catholics.
If you are one and seek new friends or someone special, you are invited to join the Catholic Unattached Directory. For information you can ring 01 283 7888 or write to 10 Lr. Abbey St., Dublin 1. The Web address is www.cathud.com
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Almighty God,
through the death of your Son on the cross
you destroyed our death;
through his rest in the tomb
you made holy the graves of all who believe in you;
and through his rising again
you restored us to eternal life.
God of the living and the dead,
accept our prayers for those who have died in Christ
and are buried with him in the hope of rising again.
Since they were true to your name on earth,
let them praise you for ever in the joy of heaven.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.