October 15th 2006 – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Giving and Counting the Cost
We can only speculate how Jesus would have fared today if he asked ‘Go and sell everything you own . . . and you will have treasure in heaven.’ As ever, a big income does not necessarily mean you have a big heart. While the amount raised by charity increased, it is possible that prosperity could actually make us less likely to give. In a strange way wealth can destroy generosity. In an even stranger way, in the Ireland of today, wealth can be more apparent than real.
After all, the May 2006 figures for Ireland showed our total indebtedness as a nation at €276.2 billion. The Irish spent nearly 10% more on domestic electrical goods, with only one area experiencing a fall – the sales of books and newspapers. So much for the well educated workforce!
The basic reason, however, that people don’t give is — fear. People dread that they will outlive their resources. And so we read of significant estates left behind after a death, which people inherit. The same word was used by the young man of the Gospel: ‘Inherit eternal life.’ Are we like him? We know we’ve so much, but when challenged to put our inherent gifts to good use, we baulk. Losing sight of our inheritance, too often we just walk away.   
Fr. Tom Cox.

We remember in our prayers Eileen Donnellan (the younger), Mercier Park and Bhreed Deasy, Friars Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families. May they rest in peace.

Mission Sunday
The Annual Collection for the Missions will be taken up at all the Masses next weekend 21st/22nd October.
Pope Benedict reminds us  that love is the driving force of all missionary activity. People are hungry for God, not just bread and freedom. Please help missionaries by prayer, offering of suffering and a generous financial contribution to bring the message of love to the whole world.

Do This in Memory
There has been a very favourable response to the introduction of the ‘Do This in Memory’ programme for those preparing for First Confession & First Holy Communion. Talking to the children, so many have set up their Prayer Space at home. We encourage parents and children to go through the Grapevine each month.
We will meet with the parent representatives from each of the three classes in Fr. Kerry’s on this Monday16th Oct. at 8pm – to plan our Mass for next Sunday ‘Mission Sunday’ 22nd Oct. at 10.30am. The next issue of the Grapevine will be given to each family after Mass.

Broadcast Mass
from Cork University Hospital 102 FM
Mon. — Frid.  8.30am, 12 noon.
Sat.  12 noon, 7.15pm /  Sun.  8.30am.
Rosary each evening at 7.30pm.

Parish Visitation
Fr. Kerry will visit Mercier Park
Fr. Charlie will visit Capwell Road.

Holy Souls Novena of Masses
The Novena of Masses for your Dead begins on 2nd November.
Envelopes are available at the back of the Church for the lists of your Dead. They should be returned to the box at the Alter Rails.

Week beginning Sunday 15th October
Monday 16:    St. Gall, an Irish missionary to mainland Europe. The town of St. Gallen in Switzerland is named after him. Today we also celebrate St. Hedwig, wife and mother of seven children, as well as St. Margaret Mary Alacoque who promoted the First Friday devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Tuesday 17:    St. Ignatius of Antioch, one of the Fathers of the Church. Like St. Paul, he visited many communities, encouraging Christians during a time of persecution by his preaching and by his letters. He died a martyr’s death in 107 AD.
Wednesday 18: St. Luke, Evangelist, author of the Gospel of    Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, was described by Paul as ‘the beloved physician’.
Thursday 19:    St. Paul of the Cross (1694–1775), founder of the Passionists. Also St. John de Brebeuf and Isaac Joques with their six Jesuit companions, who were slain by Huron and Iroquois Indians in 1647–48.
Saturday 21:    St. Ursula and Companions.

Our Lady Crowned Church
TV chef Darina Allen is the top attraction at a cookery demonstration being organised at the Conference Centre of the Silver Springs Hotel on Oct. 24th. The cooking rings will be on at 8pm and a great  night’s fun is also guaranteed.
Proceeds of the night go to pay the cost of the refurbishment of Our Lady Crowned Church in Mayfield.
Tickets at €20 are now available from the Sacristy at 4551276 or Bríd at 4502899 or Bertie at 4502312.

Coláiste Chríost Rí
Information Evening for the parents of pupils intending to enrol for the school year 2007/2008 Wed. Oct. 25th at 7 pm. Application Forms and Prospectus available on the night. See also www.ccrcork.com. Telephone 4274904 or e-mail: info@ccrork.com

Questions people ask
Q. ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.’ What exactly did Jesus mean?
A. Entering the kingdom means accepting the beliefs, values and behaviour advocated by Jesus. His reference to the camel was a reaction to the rich man who had just spurned his invitation to share with the poor and become his follower. Too much attraction to material wealth is a contradiction of the values espoused by Jesus. Jesus did not condemn wealth: he had some friends who were wealthy. But he regarded wealth as coming with the weight of social responsibility.
Fr. Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap

Prayer Thought
That Extra Step.
I will do more than belong. I will participate.
I will do more than care. I will help.
I will do more than believe. I will practice.
I will do more than be fair. I will be kind.
I will do more than forgive. I will love.
I will do more than earn. I will serve.
I will do more than teach. I will enrich.