August 27th 2006 – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

We remember in our prayers Seán Mc Carthy, Fr. Matthew Rd., Michael Phelan, Greenlawn and Sean Minihan, Loretto Park who died during the week and we extend our sympathy to their families. May they rest in peace.

Ministers of the Word and the Eucharist – Rotas are now available in the Sacristy for the coming months.

First Friday
Fr. Kerry and Fr. Charlie will visit the sick and the housebound this Thursday & Friday at the usual times.
There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament  on Friday after the 10am Mass until Ipm

Cork South Parish Historical Society
5th Annual Exhibition 2006
open from Tues. Sept. 5th to Friday Sept. 8th in the South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill St. Viewing times for projects and photos on show 12pm to 3pm & 5pm to 8pm daily. At 8pm on Tues., Wed. and Thurs. a talk on local history will take place, with a concert on Friday.
See Church Notice Board for details or ring Ronnie at 086 1688146 or Maureen at 4963371. All are welcome. No cover charge – Donations accepted.

Biblical Scholar returns to talk in Turner's Cross

Fr. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, a Dominican priest born in Cork and a renowned authority on the New Testament and the Holy Land will continue his series of talks on the Life of Jesus in Christ  King Church, Turner's Cross, Cork on Tuesday 5th Sept. at 8pm.

His topic will be: "The Resurrection of Jesus"

Fr. Jerome has lived in Jerusalem for over 40 years and will be returning there shortly  to continue his work of teaching and writing, He is a frequent contributor to radio and television.
All are welcome.