July 30th 2006 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

He gave them out to all ( Gospel )
The small boy offers Jesus some loaves. Jesus receives them and gives them out to all. That is what he will later do at the Last Supper. Then we recognise the deepest meaning – what Jesus gives is himself. Then, as in every Eucharist the bread and wine he gives become his Body given up and his Blood poured out. When we offer gifts of bread and wine we express our desire to give ourselves in union with him.
It is important to pay close attention to what the Lord really said. He does not say only: "This is my body", but: "This is my body, which is given up for you"… By means of the act of giving it becomes "capable of communicating", has transformed itself into a gift. ( Cardinal Ratzinger 2002 ).

We remember in out prayers Paddy Galvin, O’Connell Cres. and Eileen Long, Mercier Park who died during the week. We extend our sympathy to their families.  May they rest in peace.

This Sunday Canon Brendan McCarthy, originally from Cross Douglas Road will offer the 10.30am Mass. He recently celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his ordination. Canon Brendan   was an altar boy here in Turners Cross and is now based in Walton-on-Thames, England. We congratulate him and welcome him back to Turner’s Cross. Ad multos annos!

First Friday (4th Aug) There will be Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament after the 10am Mass until 1pm

The Real Wonders of the World
‘A group of students were asked what they thought were the present ‘seven wonders of the world'. Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes.
(1) Egypt 's Great Pyramids (2) Taj Mahal (3) Grand Canyon
(4) Panama Canal (5) Empire State Building (6) St. Peter's Basilica
(7) China 's Great Wall. While collecting the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not yet finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, “Yes a little.
I couldn't make up my mind there were so many.” “Tell us what you have and perhaps we might help” said the teacher. Here was her list:   (1) To receive Jesus in Holy Comunion (2) to see (3) to hear (4) to touch (5) our health (6) to laugh (7) to love. The room was so quiet there wasn't a word.
What we take for granted is indeed the most important of all.

Middle East Conflict (Trócaire Appeal)
"….We in Trócaire will continue to meet the short term needs of our partners in the Middle East, while at the same time advocating for human rights to be respected and international law to be upheld in the long term. For more information about our current campaign to help end the crisis please visit our website: www.trocaire.org
We ask that you keep the people of the region in your thoughts and prayers over the coming days and weeks. Pope Benedict in his recent appeal for peace in the Middle East states, "…neither terrorist acts nor reprisals, especially when they entail tragic consequences for the civilian population, can be justified."
(Extract from letter sent by Justin Kilcullen, Director Trocaire)

We in the Parish of Turner's Cross would like to afford people an opportunity to support families who are suffering in the present conflict.  Please place your contribution in an envelope clearly marked LEBANON, and hand it in at Mass next Sunday.  All contributions will be forwarded to Fr. Michael Murphy the Director of Trocaire in the Diocese for distribution to those most at risk.